Friday, September 08, 2006

The name game

Hey people, Its been a very very very very very very very very very very long while since I last bloggereded. Just didn't have the mood to blog anymore. Surprisingly it just came back to me. I mean who would have thought the the blogging mood would suddenly just erupt within me like a volcano in a water bottle. Hmm volcano in a water bottle... come to think of it, thats how one feels when he pukes halfway and swallows back his own puke. Happened to me a few times... pretty awesome feeling. Anyway, the reason why I decided to blog again was because of its like this reaaaally cool website which i stumbled upon whilst blog-reading. It gives definitions to names. Obviously theres no definition for my name cuz my name is so unique! Unique to the point that no one wants it. sigh... anyway, I ran a few names in there and heres what it came up with (Even comes with how to use the name in sentences)!!!

How bout, a way to say "Okay"
"CLEAN YP YOUR ROOM KAY!?" ... "kay..."

Word that I (Lysseh) use to mean 'Okay, I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about.'See also kaybye.
Person: My life sucks. I want to kill myself tonight because my love just moved 30 miles away, and my dad wants me to clean the house.Lysseh: kay. -walks away-


1)How bout, a way to say "Okay"
"CLEAN YP YOUR ROOM KAY!?" ... "kay..."

2. kay

Word that I (Lysseh) use to mean 'Okay, I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about.'See also kaybye.
Person: My life sucks. I want to kill myself tonight because my love just moved 30 miles away, and my dad wants me to clean the house.Lysseh: kay. -walks away-

3. kay

a jewlery shop in the Warwick Mall and Smithfield Commons
Every kiss begins with shit gay ass!!! K i s s

4. kay

nounTerm for the outer glutimus maximus or ass.Derived from the shorthand version 'ay' as a reference to violent entry.
"I'm kicking your kay!""I'll do you up the kay!"

a guy who sleeps with animals
"oh dominic stop fucking that goat"


(n.)- one who is considered the goofiest friend, the most passionate lover, the most worthy contender, or bootilicious OR ALL OF THE ABOVE. (n.)- one who mimics animals(n.)- one who strives to be an air-bender
That guy is definitely ashwin material.Is that your ashwin?Damn, you are so an ashwin with that fine ass of yours.


1)One Damn Sexy Mother Fucker.
I am so Elias

2) Name given to a man who has exceptional abilities in seemingly an endless number of topics. For some reason however; God decided to make all Elias' considerably unskilled in basketball. For they have no ability to play the game and seem to have no concept of how to stop anyone else from scoring.
I saw that man named Elias lift a car with one arm, but he never could stop Kurt from scoring when playing one on one in basketball. Simply amazing!

3. elias

a piece of shit, as in a pile of feces.
Oh fuck.. i stepped in an Elias!


1. knowledgeable in a wide variety of fields, especially language 2. to desire another's wife

A sweet nice girl, who usually is very innocent. A girl named Priya is associated with intellect, and the power to seduce anyone ;-)
Wowwww did you see Priya? Shyteee she lookx gooood

Hmm... Well... it is accurate about Dominic (That explains his love for animals... or should i say lust for animals), and almost true for elias, except in his case he just thinks hes drop dead sexy and that he has superpowers. The last one was pretty funny... Priya being able to seduce any1! Wahahaha! I mean no disrespect or whatever Priya, but u is like a little bit freaky. Like those huge eyed monsters in my PETS textbook in primary 3. I remember I crapped myself back then when I got the book. I was like yay finally Im going to Primary 3... let me read my PETS textbook (I liked reading all the stories in there). Then I flipped through the pages and suddenly there was some green ugly monster staring at me and it was at night. So i started screaming like a girl for 3 seconds cuz I read the book about medusa a few days before and she used to petrify people with her gaze, and from that day onwards I had a phobia of looking people and animals in their eyes. So you can kinda guess how freaked out I was. But I managed to calm myself down by sniffing the glue in my pencil box. I used to love doing that, till I found out that it killed brain cells and that it was an offence. Damage was done though... I mean look at me now, everyone thinks im some weirdo.

Speaking of weirdos, Elias and I were walkin towards design school to get the seductress and ashwin the horse, and I suddenly started rapping, and Elias did his beatbox thing. It was like damn cool cuz it was damn spontaneous and this whole group of students just stared at the both of us cuz we were really getting into it, and then we got stopped by the security guard, who asked us for our matric cards to check if we were indeed from TP. But he was pretty cool as well... he asked what the hell we were doing so we told him and he encouraged us to continue and wished us luck. How nice of him... I hope God blesses him so that he never has to experience how it feels like, having a hamster wedged in-between his butt cheeks. Okay thats all I have for now folks... its almost 7am and its time to hit da sack!

Keep it real! Big up to yall!