Friday, December 30, 2005

Goodbye 2005

Okay people... I know I havent updated in like 3-4 months now. I apologise but I'm just really really lazy. The thought of blogging is just so mentally tiring. I get tired before I even start and hence decide to put it off to another day. I guess its because I am so long winded and give super long introductions that are irrelevant to the post like what I'm doing now. So moving on, I actually did attempt to write a New Year post. Here is the little that I managed to write:

Yet another year has come to an end. This has been a wonderful year for me. It started off with me working for a couple of months at an uncles computer shop, where I learnt a lot. I used the skills I learnt there to make some money for myself repairing other ppls computer. Although I wasnt earning very much, It was pretty fun at that place. I worked with what I love(computers), I made some money, got electrocuted at least once everyday, and met very interesting people (Refer to post on "The curse of the Jiggerbyte man").

Then came the o level results. I remember pacing up and down the bus stop. My nerves were killing me....

(Ends Here)

So anyway, just to update you guys on whats been happening. This entire term has been really pressure-rising(Pun intended). The pressure just kept building up with the deadlines and the presentations and the peer appraisals and the exams almost immediately after. But I somehow managed and have emerged from the battle. Didnt do too well for the exams though. Although I cleared everything, My GPA wasnt a very nice figure.

Lucky(My Hamster), died on tuesday(14/03/06). I got home from drama rehearsal and saw her in her little house she sleeps in... dead! She was just lying there with her eyes closed, and with ants all over her soft, shiny fur. It was a painful sight. It did not come as a shock to me though. I had a feeling her time was coming and used to poke her when she was sleeping often to make sure she wasnt dead. She was just bidding her time I guess. I had a nice funeral for her. Cycled to lower pierce where I found her and burried her there. Delivered my eulogy and then covered her with leaves. It felt good... gave me a sense of closure. Well then Lucky... I will miss you! Thanks for giving me the chance to have your company for a few years.

Death is pretty amazing isnt it. You know it will come one day. You know that it can come anytime and very often you keep reminding yourself that it might come unexpectedly, but still when it finally arrives, it swoops down really fast and wipes the essence of life out of the being and soars up away, leaving you to deal with the aftermath. People deal with death in a variety of manners. There are those who weep hysterically and those who just look blank and lost and the others fall somewhere between the two extremes. But one thing for sure is that it leaves us with a very heavy heart. It leaves us to recollect the time spent with the deceased, to reflect on the good and bad times. Then comes the harshest phase. The period where you look at the bad times you had. The arguments and the times where you said something hurtful to the deceased. Then comes a really heavy guilt trip. Its part of the grieving process I guess and perhaps every one of those stages has its significance. Well whatever it is, I will miss Lucky. Im not sure for how long because time heals all things and slowly I will start thinking of her less. I dont want to, but it will happen. Thats another issue.

I think that is what Im afraid of, being forgotten. Im not afraid of death because it will have to come. I often console myself with the thought that even if I have to suffer before death, death will come and then there will be no more suffering. I just dont like the idea of my identity, my contributions, my impressions being forgotten, like as if I never even existed. But it will happen. It has to happen one day. Maybe it is a good thing. Perhaps it is vital for earth and humanity. Just like the cells of a body, it is 'born', serves its purpose and then falls off only to be replaced by a new cell. The new cell cannot emerge without the old cell falling off. Imagine if the old cell becomes greedy and selfish and says that he doesnt want to leave because he helped shape the body and therefore shouldnt be 'forgotten' just like that. The entire body would remain in the same form, not growing, not changing, not evolving. I guess Im just being that greedy cell. Wanting to be rewarded for my little contribution to the body. How silly of me.

I must say it feels good to start blogging again. Im gonna do it more often now. Id love to continue writing, but Im like really sleepy and on the brink of unconsciousness. Cant really string sentences together anymore... I think i really better stop bed and go to writing. Hahahaha! Well... goodnite every1!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Merman, The Kid, Whistler and Sexy Bottoms

This past week has been crazy. With all my projects due, I was working late into the nights, like the elves in "The elves and the shoemaker", except I wasnt making shoes. Hmm... Anyway, it felt good too, to be in a semi conscious state. You dont really care what is going on, you keep shifting from semi-lucidness to sleep and vice versa. Anyway, I was glad when Friday finally came. Actually friday was pretty bad too, cuz I came home with a splitting headache. Funny thing was that Me, Preeya and Kay were suffering from headaches on that day too. All three of us are from the same course and the same cca. Cool huh?

Saturday was spent bumming around. I managed to sit my ass down for half an hour to study, but kept getting distracted. Seriously, why the hell did the bunch of sexy chicks decide to steal my attention by playing at the playground and giggling their instant-turn on giggles? Jeez...

(I made that up... it was actually a bunch of old ah-peks smoking and laughing)

Anyway, I called Edmund Verghese at around 9.45 and asked him to meet me fer dinner/supper, but he was still working so I had to wait till like 11. Actually 11.30 cuz he forgot all abt our dinner/supper plan and almost fell asleep. The lousy fleabag. I finally managed to get him and then told him to meet me under the block in 10mins.

I was just about finishing off an email 10mins later, when he called me...


I quickly ended off my email, closed the lid of my laptop, didnt even bother strapping my feet into my sandals, and hurried down the steps two at a time, and at the foot of the stairs stood Edmund Verghese grinning at me. He finally broke his grin and said

"You know how raccoons like scavenging rubbish heaps?"

I nodded, and then looked in the spot he directed me at. There was an old man, with earphones plugged into his ears, rummaging through the pile of stuff chucked out by some people probably making room for new stuff for christmas. Oh and he did look like a raccoon, all bent up and picking up random objects, examining them from various angles, and then either chucking it back into the heap, or dropping it into his "salvaged items" bag.

We walked on towards S11, I ordered my pratas and he, his mee goreng. I was barely into my 4th bite, when I noticed another old man, in tight shorts bending over a chair, and it looked like he was talking to it. After a bit he sat down, then got up after a while, walked around and came back and talked to the chair again. Now we had noticed a few other mad people around our neighbourhood, and have given them names. Here are their profiles.

Merman: A skinny chinese man with really long dirty hair and a beard, he wears shorts, slippers and a crumpled checkered shirt that has the first 3buttons unbuttoned. He just stairs blankly into space. He is pretty scary. We called him merman because of his long hair and his skinny body. Makes him look very water friendly.

The Kid: A plump malay man, who sits by himself the whole day wearing a really tiny mickey mouse cap that just sits on the top of his balding head, not really covering anything. He always wears the same mickey mouse cap. He is rather cute to look at.

Whistler: Now this guy here means serious business. He loves music, or maybe just sound. He has been around for a long time. I used to see him only at kovan, but he has made his way down to my area now. He used to carry this toy that played tunes and would put it next to his ear and walk around like that all day. We recently found out that he has upgraded and now makes his own music(noise actually). Me and Edmund were alighting from the bus one day when we heard a shrill whistle. We found its source standing near the bus stop, blowing a soccer whistle and waving his hands frantically.

Sexy Bottoms: I have already described sexy bottoms. He is our newest addition to the "Mad-People-Around-Our-Neighbourhood" list. We think he was asking the chair for permission to sit on it, and by the looks of it, the chair wasnt really for that idea. He spent about 2minutes trying to persuade the chair. His head was moving around animatedly throughout the negotiation process, the same way ashwin's head goes when he is trying to persuade girls to date him. The only difference between ashwin and the mad guy was that the chair finally allowed him to sit on it.

So anyway, after a hurried supper (My mum called and told me that my hamster was running loose), Edmund and I walked back, he was telling me something about his work but I was more interested in what the moon was made of. When we reached under our block again, we saw another raccoon scavenging the same pile of discarded stuff thinggies. Two raccoons in one night... wow. The second raccoon got some stuff and walked away. I was like... hey there seems to be something in there for everyone man... lets go take a look.

Nothing much actually... old chargers and shit like that. I was tempted to pick up a broken toy gun and chase edmund around with it, but resisted the urge. The raccoon came back again and started talking to us. He was like "can always find something in there... that day I found a handphone... motorolla". Then he picked up a charger and started examining it like the other raccoon. He asked if we wanted it. So generous. We declined and walked away. Edmund was damn excited already lah by that time. He was like "A talking raccoon!! A talking raccoon!"

Hmmm... lots of weird happenings and people around my area. Maybe its just me... ??? Oh well... time to go study for term tests now. See ya!