Monday, February 21, 2005

The curse of the Jiggerbyte man.

Hello my little dingbats. Gosh my head is full of stories to tell. Don't even know where to start. Let me do my impersonation of the Goodness Gracious Me guy to calm myself down.

Ok done!

Today was rather interesting. I woke up at 5am cuz I needed to ease my bladder, then while easing my bladder I suddenly began thinking of ideas for writing a book. I wont reveal them now in case I do decide to write a book based on those ideas. Anyway I was surprised ideas came to me when I was three quarters asleep. Anyway I went back to sleep and woke up at 8:40 and then pressed the snooze button on my phone and slept till 9:40. I ended up rushing to get to work on time. It was another monotonous day at work. I expected the day's events to be the same ones that happen everyday. Little did I know that a very peculiar and scary event was to take place later in the day.

It was around 5pm. I was at the front of the shop pacing about as usual, thinking of what to write in my blog when I reached home, when a weird looking Chinese man walked in and enquired about Pentium 4 computers. I told him the price and the specs for that com. It went something like this.

Weird Man: *Strange sounds* P4 have?

Me: Yes. Over here.

*** I lead him to the P4 coms.

Weird Man: How much?

Me: Five-seventy

Weird Man: Huh?

Me: Five hundred and seventy dollars

Weird Man: HUH?

Me: Five hundred and seventy dollars

Weird Man: What?

Me: Five hundred and seventy dollars

Weird Man: HUH?


Weird Man: Oh Ok. Speed?

Me: 1.4GHz, 256mb RAM

Weird Man: Hmm *makes weird sound with his throat*

Me: Oh and 40 Gigabytes.

Weird Man: oh 40 JIGGERBYTES?

I stared at im. His last sentence kept echoing inside my head. Laughter was building up within me. I tried suppressing it. I stared at him for ten seconds and he gave me a bucktooth grin. I couldnt suppress my laughter anymore. His last sentence kept reverberating inside my head. JIGGERBYTE! JIGGERBYTE! JIGGERBYTE! I mean what the hell is a Jiggerbyte? Sounds like the name of a jelly-eating-worm. Anyway, the suppressed laughter finally erupted. I started laughing hysterically in his face. He stared at me in bewilderment as I doubled up with laughter and fell on my knees, pounding the floor with my fists. I was laughing so hard that it was really an effort to stop for gasps of air. After five minutes, I finally stopped laughing and stood up. Then when I looked at him, I thought of Jiggerbyte again and once again started laughing hysterically. After a few more minutes I finally stopped for good and looked at him. He kinda got the idea that I was laughing at him, and he started cursing and hissing at me. He grabbed his mast which I never saw him bring in and started tapping it on the floor while he pranced about muttering gibberish. Then, he shouted a a final string of words and then walked out of the shop.

I did not think much of it, untill later on. It was around 7pm. All of a sudden, I had a terrible splitting headache. My head felt like an unripe durian being forced open with a wrench. The word Jiggerbyte surprisingly started haunting me again.This time, it wasnt funny anymore. I know I've always called weird looking people leprechauns in my posts, but I'm really sure that he was a real leprechaun. My headache continually worsened, untill I felt like a jellyfish. I decided then to take the pill. I was told it was an anti-leprechaun-curse pill. Called Paracetamol. Within 30minutes, the jellyfish-like-feeling was gone and the only part of my head that felt like a durian was my spikey hair.

Moral of the story: Never laugh at evil leprechauns even if they mispronounce Gigabyte. Now if they are nice leprechauns then you can go ahead and laugh because its ok to take advantage of nice people.

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