Monday, February 14, 2005

Veronica Decides to Die

Hello everyone. I am really sleepy and I cant think straight now so I'm really sorry if my post doesnt make any sense, but I cant wait. My sis is leaving tomorrow fer Australia and shes gonna take the laptop with her. My com is spoilt till I assemble a new one. So this is the last post for a while. I dont think I will be gone for long, but just in case.

I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day. I watched Constantine today. Its really good. My favourite actor Keanu Reeves did really well once again. I'll bet my last penny( or cent for that matter) that there will be a sequel to this movie. Constantine Reloaded, or Constantine Revolutions. LOL! Well maybe Constantine 2, or Constantine: The end of Time. Hey you never know.

Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about life and death recently. Reading the book "Veronica Decides to Die" kinda amplified my thoughts on that particular subject. However, it also brought about inner serenity. Closure even. Its hard to explain the exact way I feel. I feel normal most of the time, and yet I feel really calm inside. What does life really mean? What is the purpose of life? We just go on and on living but we fail to recognise our purpose here. We fail to recognise the purpose of the ups and downs of life. I like to think that the Ups and Downs of life are for us to reach the middle. Its best to interpret that in any way you prefer.

Like I said I read the book "Veronica Decides to Die". Its about this girl in her twenties who has everything going for her in life. Looks, a stable job, love etc. One day this girl, Veronica, decides to kill herself. She decides that she cant live anymore. She finds life predictable and boring. She realises that everything in life has a pattern. Everything that happens in life is routine. Birth, adolescence, youth, marriage, kids, getting old and dying. She felt that many people were just superficial. Many of them were hypocrites who were slaves to the system. I guess she didnt want to fall into that trap. She took pills and laid down to die. As luck would have it, she survived and woke up in an asylum. Worse still, she found out that she had about a week to live because her heart was permanently damaged. She begins falling in love with life again as she is surrounded by "mad" people.

This got me thinking that wouldnt it be wonderful to be mad? You get to live in a world of your own. You dont have to follow the system anymore. In a way, you are free. Unshackled from routines, expectations and hypocricies that form the core of peoples lives. Since these virtues form the core of people, it is what these people disseminate, thus polluting the society. It would be better to be mad than to be normal. In that case, the mad are actually more normal than us 'normal' people. We are madder than the mad because deep down, we are all mad but we choose to suppress it. Suppression can only lead to further adversities and hence we are watering the seed of madness sowed deeply within us. We go on thinking we are normal because everyone does the same. Its only those who dare to be different that are considered mad. Why one asks? Because normality is defined by the majority. If the majority is really mad, then normality would be madness which is what is happening now. Madness would be normality. What the birds and animals are doing right now, minding their own business and living to the principle of "live and let live."

I really dont know what I am talking about now, my eyes have already closed three times. Im sorry for such a "MAD" post. I would like to go further, but perhaps another day when im awake and able to think "normally". Goodnight eeveryone.

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