Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Journey Home

Hello peeps. Its me once again. Dont worry I'm not gonna attempt to write anything philosophical again, cuz I realised I suck at it. Partly because I'm only philosophical when I'm sleepy. Then the sleepyness attributes to the nonsensical posts.Anyway, Im gonna write about the events of the day. I went to work today.

The End

Just kiddin... Like as if you guys dint see right through my lame joke! Anyway, just around noon today, I was fixing this computer that someone sold to us. Refurbishing it for re-sale. It was an AMD K-6 with 160mb SD RAM with 3.7GB. Pretty crappy eh.Anyway, those nitwits installed WIN XP on their crappy com which made it really laggy and hard to use. They probably sold it off cuz they thought it was spoilt. Lol. Anyway, like most people who sell off their coms, they did not erase the data in their hard disks. So I decided to read their chat logs. The computer was used by 3 girls around 12 years old. I read Emelyns log. She and her friend were bitching about their other friend being a stuck up person. I know that was a despicable thing to do, reading other peoples chat logs and then finding out about all those people, including their email addresses and their pictures etc. I felt like a spy in a spy movie who hacked into someones PC and retrieved vital data that would help create a missile that would blow up planet Earth.

Nothin much happened after that. I just waited till around 9:30 then left for home. I went to 7-11 to pick up my going-home buddies. Mr Gulp and Mr Mashed Potato. I paid $2.20 fer the two of them, and carried them lovingly out of the store. I stirred Mr Mashed Potato about for a while, telling him how much I yearned for him the whole day, then before he could reply I started eating him. After a few spoonfulls of Mr Mashed Potato, I looked at my left hand where Mr Gulp was being held. He looked at me pleadingly, with his eyes full of fear as I brought the straw down hard on him, piercing it right through his head. Then I gulped down the contents of Mr Gulp. BTW, he was made up of 5% Coke, 60%Vanilla Coke, 15% Groovy Grape, 5% sprite and 15% ice. Mr Gulp tasted really good. So I walked along, making my way towards the 51 bus stop which was around 10-15 minutes walk away. Here comes the sad part.

I was about half way there, when Mr Mashed Potato played me out. I found myself scraping his empty cardboard bottom, accumulating the last bit of mashed potato on the plastic spoon and licking the spoon clean. I felt cheated as I threw his empty body into the bin. For the first time, He did not last all the way to the bus stop. I turned to Mr Gulp and said "At least i've still got you." but as luck would have it, He was not going to last much longer. I was near the cemetary when the last few drops of Mr Gulp sweetened my dry tongue. I walked on, wishing I had my going home buddies back with me. But it was a fact of life, once they are gone, they are gone. The remaining 500metres was spent rolling my tongue around in my mouth, reliving the divine taste of Mr Mashed Potato and whenever I swallowed my saliva, the sweet taste of Mr Gulp came back, never lasting long.

What a sad walk home. Anyway, I have to stop now cuz my sister needs to do some work for her crappy degree. I mean what is more important? Blogging or studying to get a degree to ensure that you become rich and lead a comfortable life? jeez shes gotta sort out her priorities. Oh n BTW I'm going to Nerds r US (NUS) tomorrow for a workshop on script writing. Yucks! Im gonna have nerds surrounding me. Hope they dont attack! Anyway, Im outta here.

The End

Stop Scrolling down... It really is the end!

No Seriously!

1 comment:

mr.udders said...

thanks ah... Nerds are US. next time you will eat your words when you get to uni. :)