Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Popeye the CID man.

Hello people. Guess who's back with some brand new crap and when I mean crap I mean a new story about my weekly doings. Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar just lose it. That is my new intro song. Lyrics are by me, and half stolen frm Eminems "Just Lose It". But we have a mutual agreement so its ok. Anyway this is my third month blogging anniversary. So well I'm going to celebrate by celebrating. ???. Anyway this week was pretty ok. We went cycling to seletar dam. It was really fun and spooky too, especially near the forest trail thinggy. No street lights there, then all of a sudden some jackass on a scooter came along without his headlights on. I think we scared each other. He must be writing about me in his blog too. Anyway, back to the other happenings of the week. I cut my hair, dyed it and shaved three lines along the side of my head. It represents the adidas logo, the three stripes. It looks quite nice lah. I was supposed to highlight my hair actually but the guy at the saloon said if I wanted to highlight then I couldn't cut my hair spikeyly. <--- add this new word to ure respective vocabularies please. Then I figured they will have to use more dye to dye than to highlight and since it was the same price, I decided to dye my whole head. My sister was a bit pissed off at first at my decision cuz she paid fer it. However, when she did see it, she said it was not too bad. I really like my new look although I look a bit Pai Kia'ish. I guess its inevitable since these kinda hairstyles have formed an identity with Pai Kia's, creating a stereotypical society. Now you guys must be wondering why I'm getting so uptight about my hairstyle becoming a common identity for gangsters. I'll get to that now.

It was a nice Monday the 7th night. I came home from work with Mr Edmund Verghese a.k.a goose a.k.a ninja a.k.a pappar a.k.a Vergoose. Anyway, we took 51 home, and passed by the smelly stretch of road where they are building the circle line. Its always really stinky there. I mean if you can get the revolting stench inside an air-conditioned bus travelling at 50km/h at least then its gotta stink! We mused for a while about where the stench could be coming from. My theory was that all the poor foreign workers, who are exploited by LTA or SBS or whichever company is responsible for the construction of the Circle Line, are only given around 30 minutes everyday to go and crap and do their other business and that happens around that time. Hence the disgustingly familiar smell of fart engulfs the nostrils of motorists travelling along that particular stretch of road. Edmund's theory made more sense, and was very pleasant to imagine. He said that maybe Mr Burns really exists and he has a factory near that place (Which is around defu lane so its highly probable.) The factory Mr Burns owns is not a nuclear plant cuz we cant have one in Singapore, but it is very similar. He has a fart factory run by Oompa Loompas. Anyway, they pay people for their farts. Their farts can be converted into some kinda fuel. So they measure the amount of gas collected per person then pay him or her accordingly. During the conversion of fart to fuel, the fart gas is heated and its exhaust is basically just the smell. Thus with a stroke of brilliance, we solved the smelly smell mystery.

Anyway thats besides the point. We decided to meet after dinner to go walk around the Mini Chinatown near our house. So as planned, we met and walked around, laughing and joking as usual when suddenly someone taps Edmund on his shoulder. We both turn around to face a young chinese man wearing track pants and a Popeye T-shirt. We are expecting him to ask for directions or time or something but instead he shows us his warrant card and says "CID. We are just doing a routine check. Could you come with us please." There were a few CID officers 4-5 chinese men and a malay guy. Anyway, they all escorted us to under the nearest block and the CID's asked to SEE our ID's.(Hope you guys get the pun.) They asked Edmund for his ID first, so Edmund nicely handed them his 11B card. For those of you who don't know, an 11B card is like an IC for NSmen. Anyway, they just casually talk to us while radioing our IC numbers back for checking. Edmund tells them that hes waiting for 11:02 to go and check if his pay has come in.(MINDEF transfers the pay at that time). They laugh a little while Popeye feels my pockets for any weapons or cigarettes or even possible a can of spinach. Then the Popeye CID officer asks about what I plan to do now that I have completed my O levels and all. So we are there talking fer a few minutes, waiting for them to finish doing a background check. They complete their check and hand us back our ID's telling us to have a nice day and stuff. Then Popeye the CID man takes out a can of spinach and hands it to me as a token of participation. (I brought home the tin and gave it to my grandma to cook.) We went on to play a game of pool. We drew 2-2 but overall with last weeks score he is winning me by one game. We shall have another final match on saturday to determine the winner and the loser and the payer. Haha! its 5:30 am now. Gonna go sleep. Goodnight Ladies!

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