Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Tall man, Little man.

Today was extremely wonderful. I have experienced so many things today. Both physically and mentally. I think I have grown a little more today. Let me start with yesterday. Yesterday I went to Peninsula to help my uncle out for a little while. Mark came down at around 5:45pm to meet me there. When I saw him I was like... spellbound. He had this new haircut. Moehog style. and his fringe was bleached. Well it was weird at first, but I guess its nice for a change. It was only much later when I realised what he reminded me of. A monitor lizard. Anyway, we set off for robinsons. Mark bought a pair of male undies for one of his friends, I used the Davidoff coolwater tester to spray all over myself, cuz I forgot to spray some when I left my house, then we met up with Shem. Shem dint really comment much on Mark's new hairdo but he must have been thinking along the same lines as me. Then we went to the arcade to kill time whilst waiting for Hui Jie to arrive. She got lost somewhere in Suntec City. Hui Jie and Shem are our primary school mates btw.

She finally arrived, half naked. Wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts that were hardly visible at all. Anyway, she justified her nakedness. She had dragon boat training. Shes really weird lah. Probably more psycho than Mark. Anyway, we took a cab to Marina South and they had steamboat. I had vegetarian fried rice, which was half covered in yucky mushrooms. After that, we played billiards and then went home. I slept at ard 5am, trying to finish my play that I am writing, but ended up re-doing parts of it.

I woke up today at around 1pm, went to do some work at upper weld road, then went to mustafa to get some stuff. When I exited Mustafa, I saw a huge crowd gathered around two indian men wearing suits, apparently standing on a chair or somethin. When I got closer, I was astounded. I realised that those two men werent standing on chairs. They were just very very tall. I mean reaaallllyy tall. Like at least 2.10m. They were in suits and all. I wouldnt be surprised if they are actually the worlds tallest men. I cant actually stress enough on their immensity.

Anyway, they were surrounded by a lot of people that when compared to those two men they seemed like midgets. These people were busy talking pictures and videos of them. I was really awed. I mean its not everyday you get to see giants. I deeply regretted not bringing a digicam. Anyway, I didn't stay for very long. I walked on aimlessly. After a little while, I came across a midget. A real one this time. He was really little. I amused myself for a minute with the idea of the midget standing beside those giants. It would have been really comical. The two extremes. I bet if they did meet, they will be like wondering how it would feel like to be the other. Im sure the giant would have some dissatisfactions with his height and the midget with his. Just goes to show that no matter what, it is very hard to be happy with what you have.

I was in a very philosophical mood today. I kept questioning reality. I mean how do you define reality. How do you guarantee your existence? I know it will sound really cheesy, but how do we know we are not an illusion or part of a system like the matrix? If you think about it, its all scary, because every single thing that happens here follows a system. Every single thing is based on a system or systems. They are all laws. There are the laws of physics, that control matter and non-matter alike. The laws of nature, for example, the water cycle, the food cycle, the life cycle. There are the law of averages, that work in hand with many other laws of nature. For example which leaf drops off a branch. Science has discovered a unique pattern that occurs repeatedly in nature. The fibbonacci sequence. For example, the number of square thinggies on a pineapple are always a fibbonacci number. A fibbonacci number goes like that 1, (1+0)= 1, (1+1)= 2, (2+1)= 3, (3+2)= 5, (5+3)= 8, (8+5)= 13, (13+8)= 21. I hope you get the pattern. The number plus the answer of the previous addition. The petals of normal flowers are also a fibbonacci number Once I began thinking of this definite pattern that we run on, that we live on, I began thinking, if we are all part of a system, then are we slaves to the system? Are we capable of breaking the system? It is extremely brain-wrecking. I apologise for the inconvenience caused. Anyway, all these musings came down to one question. Do we really exist? If we take it in terms of Rene Descartes's theory or rather belief, "I think therefore I am." then yes we do exist. But then again if that were true, then what about things like jelly-fishes and single-cellular organisms that do not have brains. Can they think? I doubt so. So if they cant think then do they not exist? Then what about when we sleep. We dream when we sleep. In our dreams we still think. Are we existing in that dream? So many questions. I think existence lies in belief. I think Rene Descartes's theory is not very accurate. I think "I believe therefore I am" would be more appropriate.

Anyway, enough with these ravings and rantings. Im off to exist in my sleep. Mark is leaving tomorrow morning. Gotta wake up to see him off t the airport. Goodnight fellow existents. Hmm.... the word Exist and all other suffixes that come with it seem weird to me now. Well Goodnite!

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