Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Whats your speed?

Hello people. Been a while eh. Missed me?

Gd Gd! I missed you too. Anyway, I just got home from cycling. Spent the whole day lazing around at home today. Decided to go cycling, so I called Mark up. The others couldnt make it. We met at around 9. Set off for East Coast. The first 700m was really tiring. From my house to the petrol station. I was puzzled. Why are my thigh muscles screaming in protest so fast? Those were the thoughts running through my mind. Oh and also contemplating what to eat later. Anyway, when we reached the petrol station to pump. Pump our tires that is. Anyway, I lifted up the front part of my Kona FireMountain(A bit of showing off here). Then I pushed my front wheel forward, watching it spin half a revolution, then stopping with the sound of friction on a metal disc. YEAP! You guessed it right buddy. My front wheel's disc brakes were touching again. A lot! That explained the good workout on my thighs. Anyway, after fixing that and pumping (OUR TIRES), we set off at blistering speeds. I think we reached East Coast in around 20 mins.

Once we reached, we just "slack ride" along the track. Most of the time without any hands. We stopped for a water break. Then we set off again. Cycling slowly, enjoying the gentle breeze, playing across our faces. Then all of a sudden, just before Bedok Jetty, I heard the distinct sound of burning of rubber. I didn't even have time to react. I saw something that initially looked like an overgrown mushroom riding a roaddie. But after a second, I realised it was actually a man, in black, wearing a black helmet. I was so pissed off. He thought he could overtake me! Well I wasnnt going to give in so easily. I quickly stepped on the pedal, and accelerated. My legs were bobbing up and down rapidly. Then I switched to gear 6 and pedalled harder. I was catching up with him.My front wheel was in line with his back wheel. Then I heard a soft crack. He changed gear! I was losing him. So I switched to gear 7 and pedalled. Again I was catching up. My front wheel was in-line with his fork. I looked at him and said "Hello". My main purpose was actually to just talk to him and ask where he was going. To my utter disgust, he turned his head a bit towards me, looked back and changed gear and pedalled off. I decided to not waste my time, so I gently applied my front brakes and uniformly slowed down and cruised to a halt. I looked behind, trying to pick out the outline of Mark on his bike, but saw nothing but darkness. After a few more seconds, his outline came into view. He was pedalling without hands, slurping away on his coconut juice. His face always lights up when he gets food or anythin that goes into his stomach for that matter. He was like high on his coconut juice. Anyway, we cycled along the dark lonely road that connected east coast to changi.

We reached Changi and cycled slowly near the airport runway. It was a beautiful sight. Wish I had brought my cam. Anyway, we reached Changi Village. I kinda ate meat there. Im sorry chicken. The nasi lemak was just too tempting. After months of being vegetarian. Well I still am, except for occasional exeptions. Well a consolation would be, they were closing soon, and all the unsold chicken would be thrown away. So I justified the chickens death. I think...

Well after eating, we just cycled off towards Pasir Ris. We stopped for a short break at a bus stop, where I braided my leg hair. Will try to post the pic up. Anyway, we set off for home after that.

We entered the old tampines road area. It was really spooky. Combined with the unusually cold air there, it was enough to give you the "chills". Haha. Once we exited from the old Tampines road and joined the main road, which was flat for a while, then downhill, we "chionged".

Alas! At a bus stop a bit further down, the police were doing a speed check. Three of them, one holding a device that looked like a camcorder, except it measured the speed of vehicles. The police officer signalled for us to stop. So we stopped there, and I asked "Yes?"

Police officer1: What speed were you travelling at?
Me: Oh wait let me check on my speedometer.
Me: Oh shit! I just remembered. I DONT HAVE ONE!
*Police Officer 2, goes to Mark and says how come you dont have backlight?
Mark: Spoilt lah. I left it at home.
Police Officer2: Spoilt then where is the holder?
Mark: It dropped off(What a lame excuse!)
Police Officer 1: How can yall cycle without backlight. The cars cannot see you
Police Officer 2: Nono this one has. *Points to me*
*** I am at this point thinking "What the hell does he mean 'this one'? He might as well have said Specimen A. Or smthin like tt.
Police Officer 2: Can I have your IC's please.
Me: Can we say no?
Police Officer 2: NO.
Me: Ok then yes.
*** Police officer takes our IC's then goes and records somethin down and comes back.
Police Officer 2:Im giving yall a warning. And next time, wear bright coloured clothes. I couldn't
see you. Only can see your friend(to mark)
And you also never tell him to wear light coloured clothes.
Me: Sorry lah grandpa!
Police Officer 2: Was that an insult or a joke?
Me: An insult
Police Officer 2: Good! Cuz I hate jokes. Anyway, heres your IC's. Run along now.

Thats what happened with about 25% exaggeration.

Nothin else happened after that. We cycled till the mosque, then parted. I reached home at around 1:40am. It is now 3:14am. Gonna go shower then sleep. Gdnite everyone.

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