Saturday, January 01, 2005

Christmas with the CRANK

Hi guys... for those of you who don't know, a crank is part of the pedalling mechanism. I thought it would be very witty, since there was a movie called christmas with the kranks and since I was cycling on X-mas eve. If any1 frm the Straits Times is reading this, please consider me for ure title editors thinggy.

Anyway, I haf to apologise for the delay in putting this post up. It's been a busy week for me and the thought of typing in my browser and stretching my index finger to hit Enter was extremely mentally tiring. I decided to write this after some1 I met on the street came up to me and said "Hey! I enjoy reading your blog! You are really so intelligent and hilarious and... my word... you are so gorgeous and sexy too! Will you please marry me?"
I was really amazed... I mean I didn't know I was a celebrity. Well, I should have guessed, judging by my hit counter that exceeded 300 hits within a span of several months!

Okok back to reality... Everyone came over to my house at ard 9. Jimmy, Amreet, Farihin, Ismail and Jenson. However Amreet felt a little sick. Well actually ' a little' is an understatement, considering the fact that he was on the verge of puking. We later realised it was due to dehydration. He probably did not drink any water that day, or he consumed some kinda dehydrating agent in excess. I suspect the former. Well we finally set off at ard 10 something and made for Pasir Ris. I was yelling "Merry Christmas" to people walking on the pavements and at bus-stops. Soon the others were copying me as usual :P (Sorry I cant put a . at the end of my smiley becuz then it will look weird... So ill put one right here.) It was a bad ride for me in the beginning, because I decided to test my helmet before we set off and I banged my head against a concrete pillar with my helmet on. I found out that it still hurts. A LOT! I felt a bit dizzy while cycling, but maybe it was partly because I was sleepy too. We reached Pasir Ris at around 11+ and we stopped for a short rest at cheers at Downtown East.

After that short but meaningful break, where I sustained another head injury when Amreet swung his bag of food and and stuff into my face by accident, we set off for the Red House. When we reached there, it looked more like a scene of Mohammed Sultan Road at around 3am. So many young punks sitting on the kerb outside the Red house... The only difference was that they werent puking. There were at least 25-35 people outside the gate of the Red House... probably weighing the thrill they would experience sneaking into a haunted house against getting caught by the police who patrol that area regularly, and then making the decision to go in anyway. I being a sindhi, immediately saw an opportunity to turn the Red House into a money generating source. I was thinking, since so many people visit this place, I could place a ladder against the gate, and allow people to climb it for like $5. It would be like an entrance fee. And the best part is, I'm sure people will pay to get in! Thats how stupid people have become. The more risky and illegal the higher people pay to do it. Its like the Tom Sawyer effect... I think its Tom Sawyer anyway. When he was given an apple by some1 to let that guy paint his gate for him. I mean its like saying heres $10 please let me clean your ass for you!

After the red house, we went back to cheers, took a short break then went to the playground and played Blind Cat. For those of you who dont know what the hell Blind Cat is, its actually Blind Man's Buff to all you stuck up, prim and proper Angrezi(English) wannabes! If you still don't know what blind cat is by now, go piss in a fan... and while you are at it, stand too close! Muahahahaha!

OKOK no more sidetracks this post is becoming tooo long! Jimmy dint wanna play becuz he was scared of the dark. Its a condition so its not his fault. Everytime he closes his eyes, he gets so scared that he shits himself. Anyway, he was supposed the be the guide and warn the
"blind man" of any dangers. He wasnt really good because I banged my head twice on a mushroom shaped wall twice, and others banged into it like several times too. I wonder how many brain cells of mine died on that day... It must have been like a devastating catastrophe for my cells on that fateful night. After a lot of merry making and whoppee making, we decided to call it a day, and set for home. It was a "Headbanging" Xmas eve, and a great X-mas the next day... received some cool prezzies.

Well goodnight ladies, I'm off to dreamland now... the only place I can date 3 chicks at a time, and still have money the next morning.

Till next time, This is Sir Tralala of the Shire signing off!

PS: I'd like to extend my heartfelt condolences to all the victims of, and to the families of those who perished in, the devastating Tsunamis. May god bless the souls of those who perished, and give the strength to those affected to accept. For acceptance is the first step to understanding. God bless us all.

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