Saturday, January 15, 2005

To change or not to change? That is the question.

Dear readers. Recently, I received some constructive criticism from a reader. I shall not disclose his name, or tell you that he studies at NYP or that he is a goalkeeper for NYP. Anyway, what he said was that my blog is too self-centred, too mushy and not very entertaining. Well not very entertaining largely because it is too self-centred. Well I told him that I would think about what he said, and I have.

First of all, thank you for the feedback. Although next time go easy and perhaps you dont have to say that you prefer reading children books. Lol. Ok well back to business. About the self-centredness of my entries. I began thinking, and came to a conclusion that THIS IS A BLOG! IT IS LIKE A DIARY. So obviously it should be about me. The chief aim of the blog is to educate the world about me, and it also acts as a platform to share my propaganda and indoctrinate all of you citizens with my ideas, which are, to stop progressing, and reverse the effects of progression untill, eventually we go backwards to the stone ages. This is vital, if we want to ensure the survival of mankind, in the near future. Look at the world today. The human race is dying out. Bird flu is expected to infect at least a quarter of the world's population. These are extremely high figures!

I think what is happening, can be summed up in my friend's (Edmund Verghese) theory. He calls it the theory of algae in a bottle. He says that if you put some algae in a bottle, seal it and then throw it out to sea, the conditions will be just right for the algae to multiply rapidly.

This is just like the human race. Take the bottle to be Earth, and the algae to be humans. I guess our intelligence is the cause for our rapid reproduction. Anyway, the bottle, like Earth, has limited resources. The algae, like humans, rapidly deplete these resources just to benefit themselves. unlike other animals, instead of maintaining an equilibrium with the environment, we just keep using up these limited resources, without even taking into account that they are limited. This, after some time results in the bottle(Earth) to run out of the resources needed to sustain life inside it. Soon after, the algae will simply die out. Like said in the Matrix. We are comparable to a virus.

If you think about it, it is ironic. Humans, considering our level of intelligence and our knowledge on the Earth's limited resources, overlook this. Whereas, animals, whose intelligence is much lesser than that of humans, consume just what they need, not upsetting the many cycles that nature works on. I believe that we have brought on what is happening today on-to ourselves. Many of you might think this is cheesy, and unsupported, but I think we are all on agreement that the entire universe functions on a basis of cause and effect. Without a cause, there wouldnt be any effect and vice-versa. By upsetting the food-chain, the water cycle, the living cycle even, we have taken the role of that intelligence that created us. I call him God. Now, at this point, athiests would start saying that I am too far fetched and that God is not "an intelligence" that created us and so on. However, even science, the biggest atheist is now coming to accept God. I have read articles, on scientists coming to believe that some form of intelligence must have been responsible for the causes that led to the effect of the universe being created. Perhaps, the father of cause and effect. Perhaps a combination of cause and effect, that when split up, like the nucleus of an atom, released great energy. Of course of a different magnitude.

Anyway, the bottomline is that, change for the better is good, only for the better of the world. Sadly though, we often misconstrue the term "for the better of the world." Honestly, I would love to go live primitively. But I am too weak to do so, and I am ashamed of that.

Well, there you go readers, a change from my usual entries. I would love to hear your comments.

Yours sincerely,
GOD Mato

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