Thursday, January 06, 2005

Two Vodka Crans, and a Vodka Coke please!

Hello audience. I just realised I havent wished you all Happy New Year in my posts. So here goes... Happy New Year!

This post is actually for Thursday 06/01/2005

Well I went to Mad Flemmings to ask for my pay, after deducting $25 for something that was not at all my fault! I received $65. I met my sister and decided to wait for half an hour for her to finish work. So I went near the bridge thinggy at boat quay and spotted a few cats near the grassy area there. They looked quite tame, so I greeted one of it with a "Meow" and then sat down beside it and began stroking its head. It was really fun cuz she was a lazy cat so she just sat down there closing her eyes whilst I tickled her under her chin and stroked her head. The best part was, some french chicks were walking by and they were fascinated! They just stood there, speaking to each other in french and a little bit of English, checking me out. Okok they were more interested in the cat, but I prefer to believe that they used the cat as an excuse to feast their eyes on me. Anyway, after waiting for some time, my sister finally emerged, and we walked towards china square. I wanted to play pool with her, since I got addicted again after playing it the previous day, and kicking all my frends asses. We came to a open air bar, which had a pool table. I cant remember the name. Anyway, I got myself a Vodka coke, and she got herself a vodka cran. The game was going well, I was like playing quite well, plotting all the harder shots in. Suddenly, I gave her a ball in hand. She miraculously plotted two balls in. Anyway, luck wasnt on my side after that. However I still believed I would win the game. But it was not to be. We started the second game, just as her second vodka cran came. Same thing happened. I was playing well, and then all of a sudden, the fickle minded lady luck decided to leave me entirely. I mean she should have at least just kept a finger on my head or something, but oh noooo... she hopped on my sisters side, and she won the second round. I almost won that round actually. Stupid black ball. Anyway, the third round was better, considering I won. But it wasnt a good win, because she still had like one or two balls left. I wanted to like thrash her. Maybe some other time.

Well I reached home around 9. Went to Edmund's house to try n format his com AGAIN! after he did some stupid stuff that crashed his whole system. Anyway I couldnt complete it that day, so we decided to go for dinner. After dinner, we were feeling a little naughty. (I know it would have been really exciting if this was the story of me and a girl... but I'm sorry!)
Anyway, we decided to act dumb in public, so we saw this teen walking, so we went up to him and asked for obvious directions. He looked at me suspiciously. After giving directions, he asked arent u Mato? It was then I realised that he was someone I knew. DAMNN!!!

Ok so our first attempt at fun backfired. We werent about to give up. We walked around and spotted some young kids. So we acted really weird like robbers or smthin, hiding behind pillars and peeking at them( Making it really obvious of course), and these dumbass kids started running towards us. They thought we like wanted to play with them or smthin. Kids are getting dumber and dumber. Its no wonder the kidnap rate is increasing. Second time it backfired.

After a few more failed attempts, we just gave up and went home. What a sad day. Oh and when I got home, I came across an old childrens book. It had around 10-12 pages and each page had two illustrations of a certain animal, like a duck and its child (a duckling). The duckling asks "Mother what am I?" and the Mother says "You are a duckling" or a "piglet" or a "calf". So I began thinking about the author. Hey I mean that jackass didnt really do much work and yet, I bet his book is selling relatively well, considering the fact that so many dumbass kids own books like these. I think it is really dumb. When I have kids, I'm just gonna draw a damn duck and a duckling and teach my kid from there. Or better still, I'll pay a bit and bring them to the zoo, to teach them that animals cant really talk. Oh and they don't look half as good as on drawing and cartoons. Oh and that they actually stink. That will be a better way of introducing kids to animals don't you think? I mean I think its dangerous to let these kids grow up thinking that some naturally aggressive animals are actually harmless. Like the way bears are reflected in children stories etc. A bear wont freaking wake a little blonde girl up if shes sleeping in his spot. No Sir! It's probably gonna rip her ass to shreds. To think that kids believe bears are "cuddling" animals! I think the government should ban the positive reflection of bears in singapore. I mean think about it. If all the young kids happen to meet a wild bear, and run up to it expecting a cuddle, we would have a major population crisis to handle. Of course if we actually look at this problem in a different perspective, its actually a solution to the problem. All we have to do, is to make the elderly believe that bears and lions are friendly animals who have a natural gift for listening to problems and giving sound advice.Then, bring these old folks for a visit to the zoo. Thats it! Problem of Ageing Population solved.

Anyway, I realised I'm not making much sense anymore. Im sleepy. Ill write again soon!

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