Sunday, October 03, 2004

Hey guys. Will be going to donate blood on Saturday at HSA( Health Sciences Authority) its near SGH. nearest MRT station is Outram Park. Its just opposite. Anyway, If you guys are interested, drop me a message. Cheers!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Goodbye my friends.

This post is dedicated to all my Hindi School mates, teachers and to the school itself. Its been great knowing all of you guys. Yesterday was my last day in HS. I always couldnt wait till my last day came. I was always thinking " I cant wait to get outta this joint!" but when the day came, it was kinda sad. So many memories. So many happy hours spent laughing at the back of the classroom. I should have put a little more effort in my hindi, but now its too late. My "O" level paper is tomorrow. I have to say life in HS is definitely different from normal school life. Its more fun, and stuff. I guess my life in HS can be summarized in the song Seasons in the sun. loads of sweet memories. Oh well, everything has to come to an end i guess. We dont realise it till the end.

It was quite fun yest, Teajas, Gorethumb, and myself were like picnicking at the back of the classroom, and laughing away. Anyway guys, make sure u get fer me tickets fer next years Hindi School Concert. I hope it's better than this yrs. I guess I'll miss haning out wid Raggif too, but not as much, cuz well still meet up regularly. Like for movies, and for massaging sessions at the club... HAHAHA. courtesy of rajiv's membership. Anyway, Ill miss all of you. Maybe I'll miss Tiwari too a little.... Hmmm.. actually no i wont.

Ill end it here guys. Drop me a message once in a while. Good luck for your 'O' Level papers tomz. And also fer ure A levels next year. Cheers.

My First Entry

Hello everyone. This is my first entry. This is the 2nd time im writing this, because i dont know what happened to my first post. It got lost in cyberspace. Anyway I'll start by introducing myself. Im a male. Great now back to my post. I decided to start blogging, because everyone is doing it. Haha. Im jokin... I decided to do it because I love writing, and therefore, I realised thats this would be a good avenue to direct my literary skills, and also to sharpen them for my upcoming "O" levels.

Ok I know I havent introduced myself properly, so here goes. Im 17, in sec 5. I like various kinds of sports like cycling and soccer and many others. Err Im quite funny, and I like to make every situation comical. Well not every, but most of them. Anyway, I hope you guys like my entries. Your suggestions and comments are welcomed. My picture is at the bottom. If you guys wanna know more abt me, write your questions in a review or smthin, or you could email me at Thats all for now. Cheers

thats me Posted by Hello