Monday, June 20, 2005

Im in tutorial right now

Hello people... You guys might be wondering why Im writing this during tutorial right? Well... I like the thrill. Dont judge me! I mean... some people like stealing, some people like having sex in the cinema... I just like blogging during my CSA(Computer Systems Applications) lab session...


Oops sorry... my tutor was asking me about broadband connections. Anyway, Im kinda bored man... half my class has already switched off. My friend Dominic is surfing some Taliban website. Jeez man that guy is a bit cracked in the head. I realised I havent wrote about my new school yet, so here is a little insight.

First of all, classes are pretty interesting, except for MicroEcons. The subject is like super dry man... and all those weird curves and stuff are killing me. To top it all off, my tutor adopts a rather unconventional way of teaching. Heres what happened during my first tutorial with him.

Him: So... little boy(looking at me)... lets take sand for example. Is it scarce?
Me: Well... it depends lah...(cuts me off)
Him: No! try again... Is it scarce or not?
Me: Well I dont think so... we dont really.......................
Him: NooOooOOooOOOoooOoooOOOOOoooo!(glares at me)
Me: Oh ok... im sorry
Him: NO! its ok to make mistakes... you dont have to apologise.(continues glaring at me)

Jeez man... that was a really scary experience. I almost shat myself... Uh oh... gotta go work on my project now... I shall see yall when I see yall. Adioz.

Phrase of the day: If a blind man could see... he wouldnt be blind would he?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I am so extremely pissed off right now. I was in IRC, trying to download some music from those servers. I was in #teens, because I had to be in at least one channel the server was on. So I was nicely minding my own business, looking at the song list of the server, when suddenly I got kicked and banned from that channel by some moron called Ikuko(Apparently, he really is a kuku). At first I thought maybe it was a mistake. Maybe he meant to kick someone else whose nick was similar to mine, so I msgd him and asked him what was going on. Then he pasted part of a conversation(which I never had) with some B**** (who I dont even know). Apparently, I asked her if she wanted to have sex with me. He kicked and banned me because of that. When I saw that, I got really pissed off. Not because I was kicked and banned, but because he blindly accepted whatever she said as the truth. and completely disregarded what I said in my defence. I mean, what a complete idiot that guy is, allowing himself to be manipulated like that. I was also very pissed off with him, because it painted a false picture, illustrating the intelligence of men. Anyway, I bet he probably is trying to get himself into her good books by u know sucking up to her by doing whatever she says and he is probably the one with ulterior motives. Stupid sucker.

I remembered the last time I got this upset. It was during my Law orientation abt 2 weeks ago. We were playing whacko to break the 'ice' and the rule was that if someone becomes the person who has to whack people 3 times, they will have to do a forfeit. So the game went on for a while, until this girl had to do the forfeit. It was a really simple forfeit also lah just do some chicken dance or smthin... anyway, she was like really shy and refused to do it. So, to get her to do the forfeit, the seniors said "Ok lah... since u are so shy, we will let u choose someone to do the forfeit with you." She chose this guy sitting beside me. I already felt a little irritated, because that guy didnt deserve to do the forfeit, so I asked them why should he have to do it, when it isnt his forfeit. It doesnt make sense does it? Then they were like aiyah... its not you so why u defending him. At that point I wasnt very disturbed yet... the guy was pretty willing to do it anyway. It was after the whole thing was over and I was going to Changi Village, that I began thinking about it. I mean, why did he have to do it? She was supposed to do it, because she crossed the limit. It wasnt his fault that she had to do the forfeit. Oh and what about that guy? He just decided to accept the forfeit imposed upon him.

This is really scary, because it happens in all levels in Singapore. From the government, right down to the grassroots. We dont believe in defending ones rights, and letting them have a say. Whats the point of a democracy, when you cannot even fight for your own rights? When you are considered guilty until proven innocent? I used to think that it was just a differenciation in the ideologies of the generation and that it would change as a newer generation emerges. I thought that perhaps there would be an evolution in the mindsets of us Singaporeans. Perhaps there is... but perhaps we are just too afraid of taking action.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The same old,brand new me

Hey Guys... I was checking out all my previous posts and realised that I had one draft that I had not completed and published yet. I wrote it a long time back. Sometime in February I think. Anyway, here it is.

Hello morons! Shit! I meant audience! Really sorry it came out all wrong, and I have already typed too much to backspace :P hehehe. Anywayz How have you guys been doing? *waits for response*

Gdgd! nice to hear. Anyway, back to my post. I have been feeling down the past few days, because of my job. I feel I always get stuck in a crappy job. What is God trying to tell me? Don't work? Or perhaps to find myself a sugarmom. Hmm that would be interesting. Actually I wanna go into the entertainment sector. I wanna be like an actor, or a comedian, or a clown, or a DJ or some shit like that, where I have fun at what I do. I dont wanna be some1 mediocre like all of you. I dont wanna be "Normal". I wasnt born normal(Seriously I wasnt) and I shouldn't remain normal. Im not saying its bad to be normal. I was actually thinking of being a stand-up comedian like Kumar, or Hossan Leong. I mean after all Kumar is leaving the business. However, I remembered that I wasn't funny. That realisation brought my dreams to a crashing... crash. :What an expression to use eh! I hope my ex-English teacher isnt reading. She probably isnt but you never know... many teachers lead double lives.

Well, what else do I say? Valentines day is coming. I hate that day. Stupid crappy shitty day. Stupid couples wasting their stupid money on each-stupid-other. Then millions of poor helpless roses and other flowers are KILLED, just for some stupid morons to show their "love" for each other. After a few days the plants wither away. Thats not very convincing, if it is used to express ones love for another. Its like saying. "To show how much I love you, Im giving you a dead plant, that will decompose in a few days and start stinking up the room." I mean why dont you give her something that will remain with him or her for the rest of her life? Like maybe a scar on the forehead, like Harry Potter's. It was because of his parents love that he received that scar. Perhaps a baby? That would last for a long time too.

Thats an expression of love. Making a baby, or buying one of those unwanted ones. Anyway, back to my woes. As I was saying I wanna be an entertainer. Well, I cant sing, I cant dance, So what else can I do? I can act, I can make people laugh(Well at least I think I can) so it all adds up to one thing. Being a stand-up comedian.

Im supposed to say something funny now, but I really cant think of anything funny at this point of time because Im continuing this post from Feb... its June now. Can you imagine? Time flies so fast. As Kermit the frog says... Time is fun when youre having flies. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Hey that wasnt too bad for starters right? I can just picture you... my audience, laughing hysterically at the joke I just cracked... holding your sides as you double up with uncontrollable laughter that goes on and on... I just remembered something...I have to go read up for my lecture tomorrow.

Bye ladies.