Friday, July 08, 2005

Birthdays.. Exams and... well... End of Exams??

Its been a long time since I last sat down on my writing chair and blogged. Okay fine! I dont have a writing chair... and I just realised that my opening sentence sounds a little disgusting... ' sat down on my writing chair and blogged'. I mean... to someone who is relatively fluent in English but who has never come across the word 'blog' and its suffixes (blogged, blogging, bloggered, blogened etc...), he will probably think it is something very crude... like takin a dump or something.

Anyway... to bring you guys... and ladies( Btw this is not an afterthought, so all you feminist bloggers out there please do not slam me for being a MCP) up to speed with the latest developments of my life. Okay please dont stop reading here... I promise there is a tinge of interesting stuff in there... erm... okay maybe not promise... more towards like... "would-like-to-believe".

Okay so finally... I am 18!!!!!!!! *Applause* *Cheering* *females running to get a piece of me*. Unfortunately, thats where the celebrations and joys end. I think that this is by far, the worst birthday I've ever had. Well... excluding the one when my sister sat on my birthday cake.. oh and the other one which i spent pretty much alone... waiting for all my friends and family to burst in through the room door and yell surprise... sigh!

First to kick things off, I was sick. I was down with a flu, so instead of blowing candles, I was blowing my freakin nose. Oh and that day was the first day of my exams which lasted until today(Friday). Oh and my first paper HAD to be Micro Econs! Which I think I screwed up! Then, Murphy's law kicks in. Just when I thought nothing else could possible go wrong, The stupid morons at Satruhb(Im not saying who) terminate my hp line just because my bill was a month overdue of $50. Oh and to top things off... Im walking towards the business block in my school, near the overhead bridge where there are many people... and I take a sip of water from my water bottle and start choking on it! Then this really hot chick I was eyeing started staring at me... she was trying to decide if my life was worth her time... she finally reached the predicted decision, turned and walked away.
Then I choke on water again... while having lunch with Dominic and the other weird guy in my class (Leon).

Oh sweet mother... talk about a blessed and rewarding birthday.

My exams went okay I think... and hope... and pray. Well... end of exams and Im stuck at home... no friends to go out with. All of them are either sick, out fishing, out cycling, studyin for tests, or already out somewhere else! Oh well... I'll just sit in front of the TV and eat again. Gdnite!

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