Sunday, September 11, 2005


Hello guys... Exams are finally over and holidays are now here! WOOOHOOOO! Exams were a little disappointing. Especially for my LSM(Legal Systems and Methods). I really wanted to get an A for it, but I kinda screwed up my mindmapping section. I had to mindmap the classification of law. It wasnt as impressive as the others and I didnt do it correctly lah. Grrr!

Anyway, its holidays now!!! woohoo! I'm leaving for Hong Kong on wednesday. Will be back next monday or tuesday. Dont miss me too much alrite? *chuckles*

Im gonna keep this short(or at least try to). To make sense of what Im going to say, Im gonna have to go back a few months. I saw this audition poster on the notice board at the business school walkway. It was for Project Pilot. Project Pilot is a filmmaking competition that is open to professionals, media students and also to the public. The Film and Design third year students had to make a short film. There were five groups competing and only one would be chosen to represent TP. The winning entry would be aired on Arts Central.

So anyway, I decided to audition for it, and got the role of Avid. So I did my filming(It was really cool... I got to work with a green screen and stuff). Yeah... the rest of the filming took about a month. The other actors and the team were really awesome! It was fun working with all of them. Then the day came to present their films. I heard that their lecturers liked it a lot. Yesterday was the official screening at Brian's(one of the team member) house. They had a bbq and stuff and then we all went up to watch it. I brought Amreet and Kay along since I could invite 2 guests. It was really nice. After the screening, they broke the good news. Our movie "FLIMMAKERS" had been chosen to represent TP! Well... Its basically about a bunch of aspiring filmmakers and their aspirations and stuff. Im not gonna reveal anymore to you for two reasons.

1. I dont want to... I want yall to watch me on TV
2. My contract says that I cant reveal it to you guys. :P

Oh well... I shall keep yall updated on when Im gonna be on TV. Watch this space ladies and germs. Im goin to bed. Gdnite!

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