Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hong Kong and China

So as most of you guys know, I was in Hong Kong and China for about 4 days. I was with my cousin from brunei who had to go there for business. He arrived in Singapore on the 15th, picked him up from the airport and left the next day for Hong Kong.

I had a great time, although I have to say that China was more enjoyable than Hong Kong. Maybe it was because I only spent a day in Hong Kong, but I felt that the people of Hong Kong werent as nice as the people in China. Hmm... I think I had so much fun because I was with my cousin. The both of us were like practically laughing the whole day. There were many strange funny events that took place there. The first one took place just after we landed.


We were at the customs, waiting in line talking to each other when we saw a american family joining the queue. Now let me tell u a little about that family. I dont know their last names' but im gonna call them the Stranges. Father Strange had a blueish-green mohawkish hairdo, Mother Strange had like braids that were green. Daughter strange had purple hair and the two little boy stranges had hair that I cant really describe also of a weird colour.

Now when they walked in, it was all eyes on them. Most people just took a brief glance at them, not wanting to appear appear rude by staring I guess, but me and my cousin were too stunned to take our eyes off them. My cousin turned to me and said just so loudly that a few people around us could hear "Oh boy... They are ready for disneyland". That was it man... the both of us burst out laughing along with this English gentleman behind us.
That dude was like "Shhh! Ure gonna get ureself beaten up!"

One thing I learnt in Hong Kong and China is that people dont really care for queuing up. If you even turn around for a second to talk to your friend or something, when you turn back, your nose will probably bump into another person's back who just came into that line and you know what the worst part is? They will make u feel like ure in the wrong when u tell them off. They will start mumbling and complaining and gesturing how a queue works in their country and shit like that. Its really pretty amusing.

We passed by this school named "Kaling School of the Precious Blood". I think its an indian school... Kaling! As in like "Kelingkia". Hmm anyway, we went to this small motel kinda place since it was already like 9pm and we would be out of there by 6am the next day we didnt wanna spend too much money on hotels there. We got off at this place called Nathan Road and guess what I saw when I got off the bus. INDIANS! Oh and btw it wasnt just one or two... Hundreds of them walking about talking in loud voices, Indian men scratching their crotches and asses, laughing heartily. I wouldnt have been surprised if I saw cow dung at regular intervals along the roads and walkways.

We walked into this motel kinda place owned by an indian man and enquired about the rates. My cousin had stayed there before and he said that the rooms were comparatively better than the other motels around that area. He showed us the rooms(A small, run-down room with two ugly beds and an ugly toilet... Oh and it had a very musky smell). He said it would cost HK$190(about S$50). My cousin said thats too steep and we would take it for $150. Then the bargaining went on for 5 minutes, and then finally my cousin tried negotiating with him in hindi. The indian dude didnt respond at all. He had a very pained look on his face, so my cousin asked...
"Do you speak Hindi?"

Indian Dude: NO!

(I realised it would be easier to use my cousins name "Sunil")

Sunil: Oh okay... how bout bengali?

Indian Dude: NO! IM NOT INDIAN!

** Me and Sunil turn and look at each other bewildered***

At this point, we were seriously doubting what we had just heard. Maybe he said hes North Indian... Hmm... Could that be possible?


** Me and Sunil turn and look at each other again...**

At this point I didnt know whether to laugh or to be angry with that infidel.

Sunil: Oh yeah.. jeez what was I thinking... you dont look indian at all.

Me: Yeah... u dont sound indian either...

Indian Dude: Yes Im chinese... I HATE INDIANS!

Jeez man... this dude really had some issues. He hates his own kind? LOL! Thats like turd calling vomit smelly!

Sunil: Because of that comment, you are going to have to give it to us at HK$150.

Indian dude: Okay.

Well he didnt say okay but he gave it to us anyway for 150... and I later caught him speaking to his staff in hindi.

Day 2

We left the next morning at dawn, took the KCR(Hong Kongs equivalent to the MRT). Strange thing happened there, we were occupying two seats, but because of the luggage, the third seat was kinda blocked. The train later filled up and this dude gave up his seat to this old lady. That was a nice gesture right? Well he came over and started squeezing past us and the luggage to get to that seat(Which was pretty hard because our luggage took up quite a lot of space.) and then took a few steps back and then tried again, approaching at a faster speed now. He failed again and started turning around pointing at us and the seat and waving his hands in the air, looking like a deranged lunatic. My cousin tried moving the bags, but he just tried pushing past him again, swearing in cantonese. It was kinda irritating and rude, so my cousin was like
"If u wanna sit down, you could have just said it u moron! We would have moved it for you! Stop being such a dick!"

We finally moved the bags and he sat down, glaring at us occasionally. Then when his station approched, he got up and my cousin said bye to him... and that guy said something in cantonese which my cousin repeated to him just in case he was swearing at us. Nothing much else happened that day, we reached Shenzhen(hope its spelt correctly), then took the train to Guangzhou, he made some orders here and there, I tagged along, getting impressed by how he could fluently speak mandarin. He had the local slang as well. He was amazing I tell you!
I could understand lah what was going on... but I couldnt really converse in mandarin. We left that evening for Xijiao, Its like the textile haven of Guangzhou. Of course by the time we reached the markets were all closed. We checked in to this 3 or 4 star hotel(cant really remember), but the rates were around S$35/night. Damn cheap man! We had dinner there at the hotels restaurant, we just had like fried rice since we werent really that hungry. It was like just S$3-4 for the both of us. Amazing isnt it?

Day 3

We woke up early, went to the textile market to hunt for a particular design for curtains my cousin needed and boy we got lucky. The first shop we went to had that design. However, he didnt have stock, so we asked for a sample, and walked around and found a few stores that also had the design but sadly no stock. After walking around for hours... well just two actually but still, we finally got a store that could fly in the material the next day. We had lunch, bought some other stuff and then took a taxi back to Guangzhou for more shopping. They have a freaking huge market out there. Like all the branded stuff are like dirt cheap, and they are original too(not all of them though... gotta know how to differenciate). Since the factories are there, they get all the products cheap and sell them cheap. We went into this one store that was run by a really excited man who had a silver front tooth that he just loved showing off. Now he was really passionate about his shoes. He took a pair of shoes, and went to my cousin and started yelling in his ear. Then his wife came on the other side and started yelling too... lol... damn funny lah. Anyway, my cousin went out for a while to talk on the phone... apparently it was too loud inside.
I was in there, looking at shoes and stuff... noise level had reduced, I could finally hear the chinese dude singing(from the radio). The next moment when I turned around, I saw a blinding flash which was actually the light being reflected off the excited man's silver tooth. The dude shoved a pair of nike shoes in my face and all that I could hear was


I swear dude... I almost pissed in my pants right there.

After a long days work, we retired to the hotel, snoozed and watched tv for a bit and then went to this indian restaurant and had indian food(DUH!). It was yummy! Feel like having it again. I made my cousin do the Goodness Gracious Me thing of sticking his finger up in the air and saying "CHECK PLEASE!". The waitress got scared and called the manager out. HAHAHA! He was like
"Yes sir can I help you?" and then my cousin was a little embarrassed and said "err... no I just want the bill"

Anyway, I shall continue with the rest of my trip tomorrow or something. Its getting very long. I hope its the longest post I've written. I really hope it is... What do you think? I think I should go on deliberating whether it is the longest post, because then it will help ensure that it is the longest post. Yes?? No?? Hmmm...

Hehe... goodnight guys. See yall soon.

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