Monday, November 28, 2005

Party Party Party!

Last week was a party week. Thursday, Break on Friday, and then two parties on Saturday! I shall give u a blow-by-blow account of what happened.

Ok Friday was Ankits party at his new condo which he hasnt moved into yet. It was actually to celebrate the end of the O'lvls. So umm... I told him I would come, so I like arranged with Rajiv and Teajas Rao( Got a new catch-phrase for him btw "How now... brown Rao") Haha! OKOK so anyway, I made my grand entrance a little late as usual. Well I wasnt really expecting like ZoukOut crowd and all, but damn! I walked in the function room and it was... EMPTY. Well save one person, but DUDE! Where did all the peeepol go man?!! I swear it looked like those cowboy desert scenes in the movies where there is one person on the other end and those balls of dust or nettles or whatever rolling by in the wind.

But ok lah... it wasnt as bad as I first thought it was, because everone else was actually outside at the barbeque. Oh and by saying "everyone else" I dint mean like there was a reasonable crowd back there, I meant like maybe 12-15 more people were there. There were these two chinese chicks there though. Kinda forgot their names but one of em was really hot lah!!!
Ankit... if ure reading this, give her my number ok? Or actually just give me her number. Girls dont usually call me back. "Too psycho" they say. Jeez! I think I should get an award for the most number of girls Ive turned lesbian. I dint mean for it though. Hmm...

Well, I cheered up a little after realising that two very important people were at the party, with some of their friends who wouldnt be important without them. Mr Chivas and Mr Absolut... their friends were umm... Coke and Sprite we mingled them after breaking the ice. NIAHAHAHAHAHA!

Party #2

It was Sonali's bdae party on saturday at Drishtea's house. Went there with Raggif and Teajas. It was alright... food looked good, crowd looked pretty good too... some people were really getting into the groove a little later on... funny how this one ang moh girl remined me of ben stiller in Zoolander while dancing... but you know... if she enjoys herself dancing like that, then ive got no problems with it... knock ureself out I say! Drishti has a nice house btw... really huge. I particularly liked the statue of the sexy lady under her dining table. Man if I had that under my dining table... I would even consider seconds of gross vegetables.

Well we gave sonali her prezzie, I hugged her abt 4 times throughout the night wishing her happy bdae over and over again. I left at around 11.15 with Chirag. We shared a cab and had a pretty good conversation. I got off at Mohd Sultan Rd and went into cheekies.

Now heres the story you guys have been waiting for...

Party #3 - Cheeky Monkeys

Got in there, headed for the loo first. Needed to leak badly. Got out and met up with all my classmates and coursemates. Dominic, Ashwin, Jean, Radah, Vickie, and of course the B`dae girl Nisa! Im tellin you... it was a freak night. I had a lot to drink, we were all so high man. Went to dance with ash, dom and his gf nicole. Me and Ash were displaying our rather unconventional dance moves. I finally was able to perform the new move I had been working on... Its called the Cobra... I put one hand over the other so that it resembled a cobra, started twirling around bringing my hands from the bottom over my head and striking people with violent forward head movements. WAHAHAHA! Awesome shiiite yo! I looked around and it seemed like it was the norm for everyone to be really pissed drunk in there. There was this dude who was dancing really vigorously on the podium. His actions had an uncanny resemblance to someone who had just swallowed a bottle of muscle relaxants. Im telling you... it was like watching a giant hyperactive jellyfish grooving to the beat. Nisa was so high she was kissing everyone (I was not spared). One of Ashwin's friends has a thing for Mas(She came later btw). He was like so close to her, they looked like a pair of conjoined twins dancing with very poor coordination. There was this other dude who was like all over Vickie. He was hugging her and dancing at the same time. It was like watching Santa Clause in a potato sack running a race... they looked like they were gonna fall over anytime. With love and puke blossoming all over, I went outside and saw Ashwin sitting down near this other tamiley dude. Fella was pissed drunk with a capital Pissed! We started chatting with him. We asked him if he was ok and all, then talked abt what was goin on in the club. Then it progressed to the clichè questions part.

Me: So where you from??

Drunk: Im from AC....JAY SEEEEE (ACJC)

Me & Ashwin: Oh Ok.

Ashwin: You look sleepy dude

Drunk: I look skinny?

Ashwin: Nono... you look sleepy.

Drunk: Im not SKINNY(He really wasnt)

Me and Ash(In between chuckles): SLEEPY SLEEPY!

Drunk: NO! The two of you are skinny! *Points at us*

We finally relent...

Me and Ash: Yeah yeah... we are skinny. We are too drunk! Dont know what we are saying dude! Anyway, we are going in now...

Drunk: Okay... any problem, you(points at himself) come and look for me(points at us)

But I gotta say man... What a night. Cant wait to do it again with my classmates. Shared a cab with Jean and Radah. Radah forgot her house keys so she and Jean went to sleep in a drain. I headed home and had 6glasses of water before I slept. Well then... till next time. Adioz!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It does seem like your weekend was fantastic. And what's up with the cobra move? *bursts into laughter* And the part where you said, the girls turn lesbian and call you pyscho, I TOTALLY understand. LOL.

Nice one, see ya!