Wednesday, March 22, 2006

T05 Class Chalet

Its 7.24pm, and I just woke up a while back. This has to be some new record for myself. I think its the first time I've stayed up the entire night. It feels pretty weird actually... to see the sun setting in the evening, and then a few hours later(or so it seems), I hear the birds chirping and the sun rising again. It didnt feel like a new day at all. For me, a new day is when u wake up after sleeping through the night. Hmm... I think my biological clock is gonna be pretty screwed up for a few days.

Well the reason for me staying up the entire night is our class chalet(as you have probably guessed by now). Since we are going to be splitting up next sem, we thought it would be nice to have a sort of celebration to commemorate the two semesters spent together. I shall take you through the three days of our chalet.

Day 1

Nothing much happened. I came quite late at ard 8pm. I was really glad to reach finally, what with the damn speakers, subwoofer and laptop to carry. Didn't do very much, just talked to the few people who were there(Sheena, Mud, K.J, Wine and Vickie). I was starving so I decided to get some food from Burger King. Since everyone was out there in the living room, I politely asked if they wanted me to get them anything.

"Hey guys Im gonna get something from BK. Yall want anything?"

*sound of crickets outside*

"Right then... I'm leaving if you guys need anything just call me."

*sound of crickets outside*

After my meal, I joined the others for a game of bridge, which is quite fun once you get the hang of it. Sad to say, I didn't really get the hang of it. Haha...
I tried turning in after that cuz I had drama the next morning, but our neighbours were blasting bhangra and tamil songs and yelling and clapping. Finally managed to fall asleep around 3.30am.

Day 2/3

I went home after drama, got changed and took whatever was left of my absolut and midori and went back to the chalet. The others were already there, Ashwin, Dominic, Leon and Syaf. Dont know what Syaf was doing there though... it wasnt even her class party. After making fun of her and telling her to go away, we started eating and I set up my sound system and started djing for a while. It was pretty pathetic lah cuz no1 wanted to dance. So I just like put it on autopilot and then went outside to remind Syaf that she wasnt part of the party and that she stinks. Haha! Syaf Syaf Syaf... the little elf. Shes damn cute lah.

So after a bit, Syaf had to leave. Ashwin, Dominic and I walked her to the bus-stop, and then went to play pool. We walked in, and the lady at the counter informed us that we could only play for 40mins cuz they were closing soon. We agreed to her terms and handed her our IC's, but she just started scolding us. I was kinda taken aback by her sudden outburst.

"You all better stop in 40mins. I know yall just say only...then when I ask yall to stop, you will scold aunty. You young people always like that... don't know how to give value to your words. Everynight I have to close late because of people like you... Supposed to close at 11 sharp, but you people always make me wait till 12am then close. Then... take taxi also kena pay midnight surchage. Then reach home almost 1am already... my husband already sleeping. You know my sex life is almost non-existent now???"

Okay fine I might have exaggerated just a little bit... but you get the drift. After pool we were walking back and saw this group of girls trying to take a group picture of themselves, but were unsuccessful, so they asked us for help. As a reward they tried throwing a water bomb at us. Pretty scary bunch of girls. But we ended up playing water bombs with them... they might have got a few lucky hits here and there, but I still feel we won. We ended up outside their chalet talking cock and us the guys drinking. Then we played cards and stuff and then just ended up talking cock again till 7am and then went back to our chalet, got our stuff and left for home.

The return journey home was the hardest, because this time in addition to the heavy load I was carrying, I was sleepy and dehydrated. I got to the pasir ris bus-stop and waited for 53. Murphys law had to kick in at that point. Students from Meridian JC just started streaming in. 53 came, and the students filled it up. I sat down again, cursing under my breath, glad that the bus stop was almost empty now. 2 mins later, a whole herd of MJC students streamed in again, and like as if that was not enough, this bunch of students stood right in front of my face, obscuring my sight and started arguing animatedly.

Student 1: Im telling you, I tried calling him.

Student 2: You liar, I just called him and he picked up

Student 1: No you couldn't have. Maybe you called the wrong number

Student 2: Okay what if I call him now and he picks up??? I`ll pinch you then

Student 1: No you wont... you can't pinch me

*Student 2 advances on student 1 with his hands set in a pinching mode, extended and aimed at Student 1's nipples*

*The 3 girls standing there and watching them chant "pinch him... pinch him"*

Luckily another bus came and they went off. 53 came 5mins later, I got on it and slept the whole way home.

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