Monday, July 09, 2007

Back for good?

Im back again. God knows how many times I've said this already, but yeah I've decided to get back to blogging again... for the moment at least.

So much has happened, I'm in my final year now. Its just so strange. I actually started this blog in my final year in secondary school, and now here I am, four years later, in my final year in Polytechnic.

A lot has happened over the past few months, to skim through real quickly, I struggled over the last semester, having to clear up a whole backlog of work, and towards the end of the last semester, I decided to take part in the business LT show again, and took on the role of scriptwriter, director, and actor, which was a whole shitload of work, even though I had quite a lot of help from others. Then after the exams, we went on holidays, and I decided to try applying for an internship at a law firm. I got a place at Christopher Bridgers, through the help on my senior, and had a wonderful experience there.

For the first 3 weeks I was stuck in a small room in the office, which was filled with boxes of files dating all the way back to 1989, and having to look through each and every file to see if they could be disposed of, and then filtering them into two piles. I went through about 3000 files in total, and just when I thought that it was all over, I had to spend another 3 days typing the serial numbers of all the destroyed files into an excel document. It was tough work, but I learned a lot looking through the files. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I had to share the office with a huge brown rat. I named him Alex. I tried training him to look through files for me, so that he could work like after office hours whilst I chilled at home, but that didn't work out. After my stint with the files, I got proper legal work to do, drafting letters, opinions, representations to the Attorney General's chambers, mitigation pleas etc. My boss was pretty happy with my work, and brought me to court with him a couple of times. There was this one time where I drafted a mitigation plea for a client who was charged with re-using the coupon to drive his weekend car and got caught. My boss approved it, and then brought me to court with him. I sat at the back, and watched my boss hand the mitigation plea to the judge, who proceeded to read it. It felt really euphoric watching the judge read something I prepared. The client got off with a pretty reasonable fine. I ended my internship there with a bang, well not really a bang, but more of the sound you make when you puke, cuz thats what happened. I went drinking with my boss and got so sloshed I puked. Hahaha!

Anyway, school started again, and I've been taking a break from drama for a while. This semester is going not too bad. Everything is pretty comfortable. Hope it stays that way. The only thing im really annoyed about is the lab work I've got to do for civil procedure. It is so damn annoying. We have to draft writs of summons, affidavits, statements of claim etc. The thing is, the nice lecturers upload precedents for us to use on BlackBoard (The site we download all our materials from), and we simply follow them and replace the facts and edit some details here and there, look back and admire our piece of work. Then we go to class the next day and get hounded on by the lecturers for just using the precedents they provided because the precedent they provide is not accurate because the causes of action and facts are substantially different and stuff like that. And today I've got to draft a certificate of exchange of affidavits of evidence in chief, and there are no precedents provided, so I look at the rules of court and find a form there in PDF format, and try to copy and paste it into word, but the formatting is all lost, so I have to re-do the entire formatting again, and now it still does not look exactly the same as the one in the rules of court. Here are screenshots.


FORM 62 of Rules of Court

So anyway, I am probably gonna get screamed at again for not being anal, or not having a backing page, which I'm too lazy to do now. I've still got some other work to finish, so till next time, adieu.


Anonymous said...

hey jus dropped by to tell u to add me in ur

Anonymous said...

Hey mato.
was blog surfing and found your blog.. wow, you have pretty interesting views.
