Sunday, April 17, 2005

A tangled web I weaved

Hey guys. Just came home from my Satsang(Prayers). I kinda realised how much I owe to it. I told myself that I would not speak of religion here in my blog because religion is a sensitive issue and I understand that what I believe in may not be shared by other individuals. First of all, this post is not entirely about religion, but rather a look at life. First of all, I would like to say that I dont actually have a religion. Its more towards a philosophy of life perhaps a mission even. One thing we learnt is not to discriminate other religions, or to judge them. Im really thankful for that. This is what I have learnt and as far as I can remember I believe in. Every religion is correct. You cant say that this and this religion is false because it doesnt corroborate with a particular one. Honestly, I cant seem to understand why certain religions claim that they only are correct and that everything else is false. Again, Im not judging or criticising, just trying to understand. Look at it this way. Supposing three divers dived into the ocean. The first goes to the seabed, the second somewhere in the middle and the third just near the surface. After a while they all come back up and submit their reports on what they saw. Obviously they would have seen different things because they looked at different parts of the ocean. Can you say that either one of them is wrong?

In that aspect, religion is like the ocean and its just how you look at it. In what perspective you look at it. Looking at it in a different perspective doesnt make you or another wrong. Its sad to see so much conflicts arising from religion. Differences in religion. All these conflicts arising just because people think that they are right and others are wrong. Intolerance for difference. Why cant we accept the fact that people are entitled to being different. I myself am a victim of this intolerance. I was thinking about a friend of mine who was an atheist and I felt like he was wrong. Thats the problem with us. We want everyone to be just like us. To believe in what we believe in. Well it is very close to impossibility. What is much easier to achieve, is to just accept that different people hold different views and beliefs and respect that.

We have been given the intelect. The ability to question why and that is the first step to answering it. If you cant ask why then you cant answer it in the first place. Now I guess we are all on a journey to answer that question. Why. After all these years when we realise that other people have collected different "materials" to help answer their WHY question, I guess we cant accept it. Perhaps thats the reason. We dont want to feel like we are wrong, or that there is more than one way to answer it because we have already spent a long time developing our formula to solve our equation. However, like in maths, there are several methods to solve an equation.

Anyway, while I was sitting down during my prayers, I began thinking of an article I read recently about a scientist who had always been an atheist all his life until recently. He said that he had come to accept that a supernatural being must have created the beginning. Then I began thinking that he was rather dumb. I mean it took him like fifty years to realise that when other people take five minutes to question it. You just gotta trace back. What created the universe? The Big Bang. What initiated the Big Bang? etc. Then when you cant find any other answers you gotta ask yourself "So what was it?"

I read a book "The Alchemist" it was a beautiful book about a boy who left his home because he wanted to become a shepherd and travel all over and see the world. A few years later he had a recurring dream about finding some treasure. He met someone who convinced him to sell off his herd and go to Egypt to find the treasure. He does that and goes to Egypt an encounters several misfortunes, however when he reaches near his destination, somewhere in the deserts, he meets an Alchemist who teaches him about life and the universe. Now here is the interesting part. He is told that when you truly desire something with all your heart, then the whole world conspires in helping you achieve it. The Alchemist reveals to him that this is possible because everything is connected to each other. It is like a huge network. He calls the connection "The soul of the universe".

In conclusion, to add things up, since we all derived from the same origin, the soul of the world must exist. Its hard to believe, but perhaps that is what is moving the universe. That is what is powering the universe. The soul of the world. Goodnight

Friday, April 15, 2005

The Sleepy Bus

Hello Poopsies. Today was relatively happening. I went to the Airport to see my Grandma and Aunt off. They left for Brunei on invitation by the Sultan dude thinggy. Anyway, they were severely overweight. I mean their luggage so they kena pay $166 dollars. What a waste of money. I went down to Changi V to open the shop. It was kinda boring since I was alone. Time passed by slowly, Sleep teased me by overcoming me to a certain extent so that I was never awake nor asleep for a while. Thank goodness I am a strong-willed person who has been practising techniques to overcome situations like these. Television and cartoons do come in handy after all. Anyway, I managed to fight off sleep twice and almost lost to it the third time when Perfect10 started playing really boring music.Anyway thank god, two stray dogs began humping just outside the shop. That caught my attention! I started cheering for them but then the male got tired and stopped. What a let down! Anyway, the rest of the day was spent pacing around and sitting down and trying to get those dogs to hump again. Sadly, I failed!

Now when I was going back, I happened to get onto two strange buses. I boarded a packed 89, which was really surprising because it was already 9something. I walked up the bus and was met with a sweet-sour smell that tickled the hairs of my nostrils. So naturally I was like "what the...?". After pushing my way towards the centre of the bus, I saw, then realised. I had made a huge mistake. I walked right into their trap. There were like a hundred sweaty, stinky Army boys in there, generously emitting their foul sweet and sour smell. It smelt like Twisties Tomato Flavour and also like my primary school friends P.E t-shirt that I stole in camp to avoid getting punished. At that point, I decided to give the bus service 89 a new name. The Smelly Bus.

I alighted at pasir ris then waited for 53. I love 53 cuz its a long ride home. So I can just go to sleep. Well apparently everyone feels the same way, so when I got on, everyone was asleep and the driver looked like he was gonna fall asleep too. I mean I paid 55cents and the driver just pressed the button to give me my ticket. He dint even ask for my fake student pass. I sat down, and began reading my book but after a while felt myself falling prey to sleep again. I succumbed to it.

Approximately ten minutes later, I woke up with a start. We were moving really fast... suddenly the bus rammed into a tree, causing some to bang their heads on the handlebars and others to be flung out of their seats, banging their heads several times on various hard objects.

"Sorry ah! fell asleep lah!" The bus driver apologised.

Those who had been flung out, grabbed their bleeding heads and grunted and went back to sleep on their chairs. Which left me really scared. I was like... What in gods name have i gotten myself into??? So I named bus number 53 the Sleepy Psycho Bus. Eh btw can make a horror movie outta it. Like the last train thinggy they are showing now.

Just a brief introduction to the third bus I have christened a few weeks ago. Bus number 151. The nerdy bus. Its full of NUS students, writing, mumbling and doing really weird stuff. There was this ratty faced guy who was nibbling on a carrot stick while writing out something. he finished his carrot within like three minutes then began gnawing on the rubber handlebars on the seats. Talk about freaky! Okay then goodnite. im too tired.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Hey guys. Have you noticed how fast paced and challenging Singapore is becoming? Look at the ads on tv. Theres competition between Starhub and Singtel and then M1 got jealous so he joined in the under-belt hitting. Its despicable! Whatever happened to fair play... or fair competition for that matter? An old ad, showed a red(Singtel) timer running, and then stopping at 20seconds of use. The timer then rounds off to one minute. Then the ad says "Other mobile companies round off the usage time to the nearest minute". Then another green(Starhub) timer does the same thing except it stops at 20seconds. "Starhub only charges you for what you use. Unlike other companies like *cough* SINGTEL *cough*"

Singapore is really getting very competitive. Everytime someone comes up with something original, like a new service or a great business plan etc, a hundred others follow suit. Then eventually everyone gets sick and then all of them go bankrupt... INCLUDING the intelligent,brave person who created and initiated the whole idea. I was walking along a row of shops recently, and spotted a 7-11 and a ABC Discount house side-by-side. I was really puzzled so I walked into 7-11 and bought myself a Gulp.

Me: So errr... Eric hows the 7-11 business?
Eric(Cashier): Well not bad. that will be a dollar twenty.
Me: Hmm... arent you guys affected by the ABC discount house beside you? I mean they are selling stuff real cheap!

Eric: Of course not! The very idea that we are affected by them is laughable. erm.. Ha Ha. I mean their concept and strategy and aims are all totally different from ours. Our targets and aims are completely different. For example, They are fighting to be the cheapest store in Singapore. We on the other hand are aiming to become the most expensive store in Singapore. So you see we dont have a conflict in interest.

Speaking of originality... have you heard that the ticket prices for movies are going to be increased? Probably to $9. Hey! Great way to combat movie piracy!!! Make the prices higher, so that people don't want to watch movies anymore! I mean what the hell is the increase for? To pay higher staff wages? Cant be...they cut their staff wages. Im sincerely trying my best here to justify the hike in prices... but for the love of god!!!!!!! I cant think of anything that makes sense. Well unless you count the owner of the Movie Prices Regulation Board having to increase his fat son's allowance. Nah! That aint probable either. I made that department up. I guess its because oil prices are increasing. So all the CEO's and Directors of the movie and cinema companies figured they need more money to cover their petrol expenses.Hmmm that seems more likely.

Edmund told me a funny story about his bus driver recently. Haha! Well he has an Army bus that picks him up everyday to go to office, so he has to pay $50/mth for that service. Anyway he always spends his pay within the first week and then robs old ladies in lifts. I know what you are thinking... my grandma is at risk! Well no! I told him to stay away frm my grandma, unless he wants to get spinach poisoning. Well back to my story. His bus driver is a nice short hobbit looking man whose English vocabulary consists of less than ten words. Anyway, When they reached his camp he went to talk to the driver and said. "Uncle... I no money now... I pay you on the 20th Ke Yi?" (Ke Yi means Is that alright?" He tried using his fingers to express himself as well. The uncle looks at him and nods his head and says "Ke Yi... Ke Yi." So Edmund is overjoyed and walks down the steps but then realises that the driver might not have understood. So he went back up to check. "Uncle I dont pay you at all Ke Yi?" The man nods again and goes "Ke Yi... Ke Yi". So Edmund realises that he did not understand from the beginning. So he goes to slack in his office and asks his Chinese friend to write a note in Chinese asking the driver if he could pay on teh 20th. Now when it is time to head home, He goes up the steps and hands the note to the driver. The driver reads it then stares at Edmund and starts talking to Edmund in Chinese, probably cursing him or somthing. Gosh... the hardest bridge to construct is a brisge between language barriers!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Hello. I'd like to start off by thanking God I'm still alive today. I had a very very very close call with death two nights ago. I was in Phuket apparently alone, enjoying some breakfast in a cafe near the beach when suddenly I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. (My back was facing the sea btw). I sensed a Tsunami approaching, So I turned around and indeed the waves were building up. Everyone started screaming and scrambling around in hysteria. Everything seemed distant as my mind blanked out for a while. The sound of breaking glass and falling tables brought me back to my senses. I half ran and half tripped my way to a public bus. There was no room inside so many others and myself clung on to the sides, trying to get a foothold on window ledges and edges of the advertisement boards. The bus began moving, some people fell off as the sudden inertia caught them offguard. Nobody... absolutely nobody would have, in their wildest imagination, thought this scene possible just ten minutes ago. However, ten minutes later it is definitely happening. Pleasant holidays for some turned into a horrible horrible nightmare. People began praying fervently to different names that they held in belief as their god. They prayed to wake up. They prayed for an end to this nightmare. It was extremely dream-like. Just like how settings change in an instant in dreams, it had done so just a few minutes ago.
The towering waves slammed against the coconut trees on the shore, ripping, and throwing them across a hundred metres mercilessly. I too began praying that my life be spared. The shadow of death was hanging over thousands of people around the beach. We knew it would claim many lives. It was selecting teasingly, taking its own time, looking down upon all the lives that were fighting desperately for survival, sadistically watching on. It could wait. It could definitely wait a while longer to amuse itself with the scenes of desperation and struggle.

The scene changed. I woke up without a shirt, on an island with(strangely enough) a few of my cousins. The sea seemed to have calmed down. We walked around the island untill suddenly we saw huge waves breaking out on other islands nearby. We quickly climbed up a four metre rock and clung on tightly as the gigantic killer waves approached. WHAM! It hit the rocks and almost washed us off. I held on tightly, hugging the rock for all i was worth as another two waves approached. The second wave took the person beside me. Her final few seconds were spent screaming in utter shock and helplessness. I was really petrified now. Would I be the next life it claims? Would my final few moments alive be spent screaming and crying out? Would I be robbed of the essence of life? These thoughts kept me clinging on, hugging the rock harder.

Those scenes suddenly vanished. I opened my eyes and saw sunlight bursting through my windows.I was laying on my bed. Never was I so glad to see sunlight. Those vivid images of death and desperation to live made me appreciate the birds singing outside and the trees swaying slightly in the wind. Life is really beautiful.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Chocolate Flavoured Milk

Disclaimer: This post contains material unsuitable for readers below the age of 18. The author in no way endorses these views. This movie is for private use only. It may not be shown,projected,displayed, played, streamed or photocopied? in public places.

Hello cheezels. yeap thats right, I called you guys cheezels. I mean you people I mean cheezels think that Im wrong to call people cheezels, but what if I was brought up with the idea of cheezels being people? Okay dont shoot me yet. I was kind of hungry so I decided to make myself a cheddar cheese toast and to bring out the taste, I poured myself a glass of 2 year old chocolate milk. The thing is, while I was pouring it, I looked at the milk carton and saw the words "Chocolate Flavoured Milk". Once my brain registered those words, I got the most shocking shock of my shocked up life. Hehehe... I never would have imagined that they actually just flavoured it. I meanits like its just normal white milk thats flavoured with chocolate that probably isnt even real. I always thought they just fed chocolates to cows and hence we get chocolate milk. How else do u explain those brown cows? To think that all of us misinformed consumers actually pay around seventy cents more for normal milk, that has a little chocolate flavour and brown cow fur inside? Gosh! Oh and that reminds me on the topic of cheese.We humans are just backstabbing bastards. I used to think cheese was just made from milk. However, recently to the dismay of many vegetarians and hindus and buddhists and other non-beef eating cheezels, it was revealed that they actually use the rennet from cows as a solidifier-ing thing. Dont you think its disgusting. heres a look.

Farmer: Goodmorning Daisy, Im here to collect your milk, which is actually intended for your baby, that was artificially conceived by poking a stick with sperms into you.

Farmer: Be a good girl and let me squeeze ure udders. Yes thats right moo for me.

Cow:(In cow language) Save me from this perverted farmer

Locked up Bull: Leave my wife alone you sick &%#@! How would you like it if I came to your bedroom every morning and squeezed ure wife's boobs?

Farmer: Okay, you dont have a single drop of milk left for your baby. Actually I feel kind of bad for impregnating you. I'll fix that.

*Farmer takes a spear and stabs her stomach several times and then puts his hand throught the hole.

Farmer: Oh and I'll be needing some of your intestines too. Nice doin business with you.

*Farmer leaves Daisy to die and goes to shave her brown husband for the Chocolate Flavoured Milk.

Hey, I feel kinda bad now for eating the cows intestines. Oh well it tasted great anyway.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The evolution of the Y-chromosome.

Ok... seriously... Im up to here(points to my head) with feminists. I mean its alright to demand equality and stuff, but its NOT cool to go on TV and speak in riddles and hint that men are just scumbags, inflated with nothing but testosterones. I was on my way to my Satsang(Prayers), watching "Ladies First" on TvMobile. Anyway, they were interviewing single women above 30. The host, Wong Lilin(hope its spelt correctly) asked for their views on why more and more women are opting to remain single. This is what she said.

"Well I think the primary reason is because women nowadays are more educated. That is why they are opting to remain single." At first I was like thats very vague and it doesnt really answer the question does it? I mean thats what my social studies textbook said. WOMEN ARE MORE EDUCATED NOW! Ok... and? Women are more educated now... So what is she saying? That with education comes the revelation that careers are more important than getting a partner and having kids? Ok wait that can never happen in Singapore can it? Education that is not pro-baby making.

However, thanks to the sneer in her tone when saying it, I realised that she actually meant that women dont need men anymore because they have their careers, and therefore can afford to buy their own shoes and chocolate. Oh and well she would rather have a bundle of money than a bundle of joy (Kids). To be honest, Im not really angry or anything, just very alarmed. I watched a documentary on Discovery channel a few weeks back on how the Y-chromosome is rapidly evolving. evolving to become an X-chromosome(I think). This fact, as interpreted by scientists, is suggesting that the male species is dying out slowly. Evolution is getting rid of the male species. It must be true. Look at how nature is moving towards that direction. Inching ever so slowly yet gradually. Women are shunning men now for their careers. Which indicates that they are learning to take full independence. First it was equal rights, and tomorrow they will rule the world. Im scared man. Especially if my sister becomes the leader of the world. She will turn all men into house-elves or something. Oh and look at the growing number of lesbians. They are all signs I tell you! I dont wanna turn into a lady man... Hey I think its because of the female genes they are injecting into chickens... then all you meat eaters eat them and turn gay. I dont wanna die out man!

On a lighter note, I was speaking to someone not too long ago. He is a muslim from the middle-east. He couldnt really speak english properly and we were having a serious discussion that turned really hilarious(for me). He was explaining to me how Islam and Christianity were actually quite similar. He spoke to me about Allah and then about Jesus. The funny thing was he didnt really know how to pronounce Jesus, so he kept referring to him as "Juices". I tried maintaining a straight face, but he just kept calling him "Juices". Im not insulting or anything btw, and its not his fault too because he seriously didnt know, but it was funny. I was biting my tongue to keep myself from smiling, or bursting into laughter for that matter. Later on, he was showing pictures of his town and there was this picture of cows grazing in an open field. Ill transcribe.

Him: You see this picture, very nice. You can see the beef?

Me: Beef?

Him: Ya ya... you see... so many beef lah. All eating in the field.

* I was smiling already, trying not to laugh.

Me: Oh yeah... you mean the cows. Its beautiful.

It was funny in the beginning, but to think of it, was it really wrong to call it beef? I mean we call hens and roosters "Chickens" and its accepted. We use the term "fish" for both the live version and the dead version on our plates. I guess once people start thinking of a particular animal as only a source of food and nothing else, its "food" name is accepted as its original name. Isnt that what women used to suffer from? Lack of identity and respect and rights. I think animals should be given their due rights too. Someone once said that the 19th century saw the rights to man, the 20th century to women and the 21st century shall see the rights to animals. I wonder if this will come true...???

Goodnight Seattle Singapore,
Santo has left the building.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Why must everything have a title?

I have been feeling a little down lately, cuz Im broke again and I dont wanna ask money from my mom. Im a little angry with myself right now. I paid $65 to an agency that promised to get me and my frend amreet roles as extras in tv and stuff, and I have not heard from them yet. I know its a little early right now, just hope we dont get duped. Its been all I have ever wanted to do. To act. If I dont become a exceptional actor in my life, Id consider my entire life a waste. From today onwards, I dedicate my life to acting. I know its gonna be hard, taking into account that the arts is still not very developed here in Singapore.

My hamster just inspired me. I heard a scraping sound and looked to my right and saw my hamster trying to climb up a plastic bag. She kept sliding back down but she did not give up. She tried and tried and tried... and finally she managed to get a foothold and climbed all the way up. Isnt it how it is in life? Success is the top of the plastic bag. We just have to keep trying. Success comes to those who never give up. Its easier said than done but then again, its not impossible to achieve. I dont believe that people are successful in life just by luck.

I believe we create our own destinies. It is easier to say that everything is already destined for us and so we are slaves to destiny. Whenever people say that, I feel like piercing a ring thru their nose(just like a cow's), and nailing it into the ground. Because thats just where they will remain. I know its a bit rich coming from me but I have to say it anyway. Destiny is created by us. Now you might be asking "What proof do you have?". My proof is Choices. Every single second we are making choices, consciously or unconsciously. Even breathing is a choice. An unconscious choice, a decision initiated by our subconscious to help us live. We dont tell our subconscious what to do because it does what is best for our body. I would like to highlight that every function of our body is functioning because of our subconscious. In other words, our subconscious is choosing to let us live. Since every second we are alive is a result of a choice, imagine the power of what our choices could help us achieve. I choose to become a successful actor and therefore I shall, because the choice has been made. I urge all of you to make a choice, a choice to live a success. Just to clarify something, Success is relative to the individual. What one perceives as Success may not be shared by another. Choose wisely and decisively.

Yours in choosing,