Friday, April 15, 2005

The Sleepy Bus

Hello Poopsies. Today was relatively happening. I went to the Airport to see my Grandma and Aunt off. They left for Brunei on invitation by the Sultan dude thinggy. Anyway, they were severely overweight. I mean their luggage so they kena pay $166 dollars. What a waste of money. I went down to Changi V to open the shop. It was kinda boring since I was alone. Time passed by slowly, Sleep teased me by overcoming me to a certain extent so that I was never awake nor asleep for a while. Thank goodness I am a strong-willed person who has been practising techniques to overcome situations like these. Television and cartoons do come in handy after all. Anyway, I managed to fight off sleep twice and almost lost to it the third time when Perfect10 started playing really boring music.Anyway thank god, two stray dogs began humping just outside the shop. That caught my attention! I started cheering for them but then the male got tired and stopped. What a let down! Anyway, the rest of the day was spent pacing around and sitting down and trying to get those dogs to hump again. Sadly, I failed!

Now when I was going back, I happened to get onto two strange buses. I boarded a packed 89, which was really surprising because it was already 9something. I walked up the bus and was met with a sweet-sour smell that tickled the hairs of my nostrils. So naturally I was like "what the...?". After pushing my way towards the centre of the bus, I saw, then realised. I had made a huge mistake. I walked right into their trap. There were like a hundred sweaty, stinky Army boys in there, generously emitting their foul sweet and sour smell. It smelt like Twisties Tomato Flavour and also like my primary school friends P.E t-shirt that I stole in camp to avoid getting punished. At that point, I decided to give the bus service 89 a new name. The Smelly Bus.

I alighted at pasir ris then waited for 53. I love 53 cuz its a long ride home. So I can just go to sleep. Well apparently everyone feels the same way, so when I got on, everyone was asleep and the driver looked like he was gonna fall asleep too. I mean I paid 55cents and the driver just pressed the button to give me my ticket. He dint even ask for my fake student pass. I sat down, and began reading my book but after a while felt myself falling prey to sleep again. I succumbed to it.

Approximately ten minutes later, I woke up with a start. We were moving really fast... suddenly the bus rammed into a tree, causing some to bang their heads on the handlebars and others to be flung out of their seats, banging their heads several times on various hard objects.

"Sorry ah! fell asleep lah!" The bus driver apologised.

Those who had been flung out, grabbed their bleeding heads and grunted and went back to sleep on their chairs. Which left me really scared. I was like... What in gods name have i gotten myself into??? So I named bus number 53 the Sleepy Psycho Bus. Eh btw can make a horror movie outta it. Like the last train thinggy they are showing now.

Just a brief introduction to the third bus I have christened a few weeks ago. Bus number 151. The nerdy bus. Its full of NUS students, writing, mumbling and doing really weird stuff. There was this ratty faced guy who was nibbling on a carrot stick while writing out something. he finished his carrot within like three minutes then began gnawing on the rubber handlebars on the seats. Talk about freaky! Okay then goodnite. im too tired.

1 comment:

mr.udders said...

one day, you will be an Army boy too and you will regret having ever said what you did. :)