Saturday, April 09, 2005


Hello. I'd like to start off by thanking God I'm still alive today. I had a very very very close call with death two nights ago. I was in Phuket apparently alone, enjoying some breakfast in a cafe near the beach when suddenly I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. (My back was facing the sea btw). I sensed a Tsunami approaching, So I turned around and indeed the waves were building up. Everyone started screaming and scrambling around in hysteria. Everything seemed distant as my mind blanked out for a while. The sound of breaking glass and falling tables brought me back to my senses. I half ran and half tripped my way to a public bus. There was no room inside so many others and myself clung on to the sides, trying to get a foothold on window ledges and edges of the advertisement boards. The bus began moving, some people fell off as the sudden inertia caught them offguard. Nobody... absolutely nobody would have, in their wildest imagination, thought this scene possible just ten minutes ago. However, ten minutes later it is definitely happening. Pleasant holidays for some turned into a horrible horrible nightmare. People began praying fervently to different names that they held in belief as their god. They prayed to wake up. They prayed for an end to this nightmare. It was extremely dream-like. Just like how settings change in an instant in dreams, it had done so just a few minutes ago.
The towering waves slammed against the coconut trees on the shore, ripping, and throwing them across a hundred metres mercilessly. I too began praying that my life be spared. The shadow of death was hanging over thousands of people around the beach. We knew it would claim many lives. It was selecting teasingly, taking its own time, looking down upon all the lives that were fighting desperately for survival, sadistically watching on. It could wait. It could definitely wait a while longer to amuse itself with the scenes of desperation and struggle.

The scene changed. I woke up without a shirt, on an island with(strangely enough) a few of my cousins. The sea seemed to have calmed down. We walked around the island untill suddenly we saw huge waves breaking out on other islands nearby. We quickly climbed up a four metre rock and clung on tightly as the gigantic killer waves approached. WHAM! It hit the rocks and almost washed us off. I held on tightly, hugging the rock for all i was worth as another two waves approached. The second wave took the person beside me. Her final few seconds were spent screaming in utter shock and helplessness. I was really petrified now. Would I be the next life it claims? Would my final few moments alive be spent screaming and crying out? Would I be robbed of the essence of life? These thoughts kept me clinging on, hugging the rock harder.

Those scenes suddenly vanished. I opened my eyes and saw sunlight bursting through my windows.I was laying on my bed. Never was I so glad to see sunlight. Those vivid images of death and desperation to live made me appreciate the birds singing outside and the trees swaying slightly in the wind. Life is really beautiful.

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