Monday, May 23, 2005

The Dream

Hello ladies... I just had a really weird dream. Well to think abt it, that goes without saying I guess. I mean all dreams are quite weird. Anyway, it went like this. I was suddenly working in a 7-11 store that was strangely enough run by my aunt n uncle. The weird thing is, there was no mashed potato machine in there. I was a bit puzzled by this at first. I mean arent all 7-11's supposed to have mashed potato machines? Suddenly I was left alone in the store. All alone and I didnt even know what to do! So I helped myself to a couple of doughnuts and read the FHM magazines. I was really lucky, cuz nobody came in. Then I grew really bored and decided that I wanna get outta there, so I just finished up my doughnut and walked out of there(Leaving the 7-11 store completely unattended by the way!). I walked down a blue stairway, and realised that I was in my primary school. Weird rite??!!! So I walked around my old school, reflecting on my younger days, and then a bird suddenly appeared and started singing my school song to me. I was a little puzzled, but I figured I should just sing along with the bird, then maybe try to trick it into getting into a sack! HEHE! Then I could sell it off to some circus or smthin and become rich. So we sang together and hugged each other after that. The bird seemed like a nice guy. He told me that he used to fly above us during morning assembly with his friends and occasionally poop on my ex-principles shiny head. Then we went to the canteen/hall together and relived those wonderful days of playing catching with our respective friends. I told him about a really funny incident that happened during reccess a couple of years back.

We were playing soccer with a tennis ball on a badminton court near the canteen, behind the toilets,
(The toilets were fashioned in such a way that there was an opening at the top. There were just walls around the toilets... so one could actually climb in if you had a stool to help you. So the toilets were partitioned with another wall in-between them. The girls toilet and the boys toilet.)
when suddenly my friend kicked the ball up really high by accident and it went into the girls toilet. After staring at each other for a while, not knowing what to do, we went to the entrance of the girls toilet and waited for a girl to walk past so that we could ask her to retrieve our tennis ball. You guys are never gonna guess what happened next! This girl frm my class, her name is Jessica. I think shes a model now. Anyway, she emerged outta the toilet crying and rubbing her head and in her hand was our tennis ball. It was kinda funny lah... I mean what were the odds of that happening right? We started the pointing fingers ritual, managed to get the ball back from her and went back to play soccer. That was really wicked man!

The bird was at that moment wiping his tears with his fingers... feathers... whatever. We were laughing so hard and slapping each others backs.

Before I knew it, I was back in the 7-11 again. This time my aunt n uncle were back there. This dude came in and took some powdery stuff from a bottle and put it into the Mashed Potato Cup® and poured hot water into it and it became Mashed Potato! and then he did the same with the gravy... then he came up to me and asked "How much?"
then I replied "That will be a dollar."
Then he said "I only have 50cents."
then I replied "Why?"
then he said "Because... thats how much I have in my pocket u moron!"
then I said "But it costs a dollar."
then he said "But I dont have a dollar. I have 50cents."
then I said "But... But... It costs a dollar."
then he said "Ok I have 50cents... take it or leave it."
then I said "Oh! Alrite! Ill take ure 50cents!"

He puts his hand in his pocket and takes out two twenty cent coins and places it on the table.
I said "Ermm... thats 40cents sir."
then he says "Errrrrr.... Yeaaah. Thank You!"

Then, like how all nightmares end, I heard a distant voice asking in Sindhi
"What time does your school start?"
I saw black for a few seconds, which was probably the transition from the sub-conscious to conscious mind. I opened my eyes and realised my grandma was asking me what time I had to go to school. To which I replied four o clock. Then I turned over and smiled, thinking of the talking bird... and then suddenly I started getting bombarded with SMS's from various people for various reasons.

PS: Sorry for not blogging for a while... my com has been down. Bye for now!

1 comment:

Ana-chan said...

Hahaha... nice one!!! And a pretty looooong one too! But these are the best!!
You shoudl get someone to encrypt this dream for you.. I'm not even gonna try!!!
Happy Blogging