Monday, July 25, 2005

My new found love

I really am head over heels abt her man... I mean... I never knew I could or would fall into such deep love. I guess when the amount of time spent together seems to just fly by realllyyy super-duper fast, you will know that youre in love. When you know that if the whole world ends, you would be okay if the two of you remain together. I guess thats when you know that you are really in love.

I know this might come as a bit of a shock to you ladies... I mean me falling in love? Gosh thats so weird isnt it. But I finally have. I mean we have like done everything together. Heck, we have even slept together! Actually I just slept on her lah... but its all good. Now... the moment of truth. Just who am I talking about?

*Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll*

The couch on the 4th level of the TP library. Seriously guys... Its just really awesome. It is this long couch that is divided into cubicles. So, you have a cubicle to yourself to curl up in. My friend Dominic introduced me to her... it... whatever. It was one of those hot boring fridays. So we decided to slack at the library(Dominic is a nerd)... anyway, so we went to the couch and got a magazine each and curled up in our respective cubicles, and before we knew it, we fell asleep. I dont know abt Dom, but I slept like a baby(I dont mean I sucked on my thumb and crapped in my pampers). What I mean is, I really had a good sleep. Its like your head is cushioned by the soft padding of the walls of the cubicle, and your body just sinks into the soft spongy cushions.

So what happened today was, I ended school at around 3, had lunch with Dom and Leon, and then went to the library to watch a movie, but then was told that all the dvd players were in use, so I went to use a computer but all the computers at level 4 were either being used or reserved. So I went down to level 2 to read up on Singapore's Legal System by Helena Chan, which was pretty interesting. After reading for about 15mins, I started feeling really sleepy(It was not the book, It was just me). So I went back up to level 4, sat down in one of the couch's cubicles, and went to sleep. It was a really awesome sleep. I mean it! If that is what death feels like, then I am gonna be looking forward to it. ( I dont mean to say I wanna die now though, so God if you are reading this, I am not really being serious, so dont kill me now. Thnx!).

I dreamt of meadows and springs and little bunnies, and tulips, and pink little roses, and midgets on pogo-sticks. Like all stories, there must be a sad part, and this one is no different. And like all stories, there must always be and end, and this one is no different. So if u put the pieces together, you should have realised that there is a sad ending to this story. (If you didn't, please just tell people you did because iit just reflects how dumb you are)

I suddenly woke up. Reality sunk in and I realised that I was late for my drama rehearsal. But it was okay, since those little midgets started late anyway*. Oh well... time to sleep again. Yay! Goodnight Everyone!

The author does not,in any way, share the opinions reflected in this article, whether express or implied, and shall not be held liable for the content of this article.


Anonymous said...

why have the midgets changed their mode of transport? what happened to their unicycles?

Nice to know that yu're making full use of the resources mummy pays $7000 for. Keep up the good work!

cow's sis2

Ana-chan said...

Heee..... that's quite cool actually!
Keep up the sleeping and loving - There's nothong better out there...
remember I am the old one, the one who could be your mom!:)