Saturday, August 06, 2005


Bye!I thought of being a little different by starting my post with a goodbye and ending it with a Hello. Dont ask why... Im just psycho.

Underwater. Thats how I am feeling right now. I adopted this analogy frm some1, the school term is like swimming a lap. You start off fresh, then u go underwater. The gasps of air you take periodically is like the short holidays in between the school term. Then as you are nearing the end of the lap, you are rather worn out and in need of air, but you keep pushing yourself, knowing that the end is near.

I have like loads of things on my plate right now, these are the things that have been keeping me occupied: Management Project, Econs Project, Lcom&LSM Oral Presentation(Which is on a 35 page case!), Drama rehearsals and drama performance that is coming up, oh and my exams are in a month!

But its a little exciting as well... being under pressure. Anyway, I cant wait for our drama performance. We are gonna be performing at the Singapore History Museum at Clarke Quay on National Day. Try and come on down and watch us if you guys are free. Our theme is the 60s.

Funny things have been happening to me in MRT's lately. Both of them happened while on the way to drama rehearsals. The first funny thing that happened was when we were all going to clarke quay together from bedok. The group kinda got split up when we went into different carriages(or is it cabins? or sections?) of the MRT(I know it really should be MRT train, but just for simplicity sake, i will refer to it as MRT).

Melvis, then went on to "suggest" that we all move to the other end of the train where the president was(so that she will take a liking to him and make him vice-president). So we all had to move, because melvis coated his index finger with his saliva and threatened to prod us with it. We kept on pushing past irritated people, and apologising constantly as we stepped on people's toes(I forgot to mention the train was reaaaaallly packed). Until we reached Anna. Instead of moving so that we could go past her, Anna said "excuse me". Since I was directly in front of her, I responded with a "yes?". Then she went on to say that the train is really packed and instead of pushing past people, we should get off at the next station, and enter at the section we want to enter.

*At this point, we are all feeling really stupid*

Me: Oh............. Erm........ yeah that seems more practical.

Anna: Yes... dont worry, I know sometimes it just doesnt occur to us.

Me: Yeah... it dint occur to us actually. thanks anyway.

Anna: Yes... you see, we all learn new things everyday. Maybe this could be something you learnt today.

Me: Oh yes... definitely(Wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me)

Anna: So which school are you guys from?

Me: *contemplates saying another school's name* errrrrr..... umm... Temasek Poly

Melvyn: Erm... the students at TP are generally not stupid actually.

Anna: Oh.. dont worry... it happens to everyone. Especially on a hot day like this. Your brain doesnt work.

The conversation goes on for a while more... she introduces herself, just as we are about to get off and tells us she is 35 and asks for my name. Then she says goodbye and maybe we will meet again.

Then melvyn and the others accuse me of flirting with her when we are on the platform! Ungrateful dumbasses didnt even appreciate my efforts to salvage what was left of our reputation.

The other incident happened yesterday when I was on my way from tampines to clarke quay. I was nicely sitting down, minding my own business when this young malay guy sat down beside me. He reeked of alcohol. I was a little puzzled cuz it was pretty early to be drunk actually. Anyway, he fell asleep after a while and I felt myself dozing off too. Then some1 sms'd me and the vibration woke me up. Now just at that moment, Mr sleepyhead beside me, kinda felt in need of a headrest. The back of the seat was apparently not good enough for him. So, he rolled his head over and rested it on my shoulder. I was like... Okayyyyy... ive got a drunk guy sleeping on my shoulder. Everyone around me looked at me, wondering what I was going to do. I decided to be nice and let him sleep on my shoulder, praying he didnt drool or puke on me.

Now this went on for about 10mins, until the person sitting beside him got off. There were two other malay guys standing and one of them sat down on the vacant seat and pulled his friends head over and let him sleep on his shoulder instead and apologised to me. I gave him the YOU LET HIM SLEEP ON ME FOR 10 MINUTES! smile and turned then checked my shoulder for any signs of puke or saliva. Thank god it was clean!

Anyway, Im gonna go do my work now. See yall soon! As promised, I shall end this post with a Hello!
Well... Hello then!

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