Monday, August 08, 2005


Its really late now and I'm just about to go to bed, but I really wanted to write a short little post so here goes. This post goes out to all the spoilers in the world out there and particularly to those who have spoiled the Harry Potter book for me. Seriously... what the $#@! is wrong with you? So far ive got like at least 10people coming up to me and going "Oh u wanna know who dies?". If I really wanted to know who dies, I wouldnt bother reading the book would I? oh and worse still those who just say "Oh you are reading the 5th book? ------- dies u know." Whenever this happens, I swear at least a dozen swear-words start forming in my head.Two little girls just kinda told me another spoiler, and I was really furious. I know i cant really blame them cuz they are young and they probably thought it was funny, but to all you matured grown up people... go screw ureselves. Dont you guys realise that its really irritating and disappointing when someone comes up to you and reveals the whole plot or important details of a book(or anything else for that matter) that you have been waiting for 5years to read?!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so seriously... next time you guys are itching to spoil something for someone else, stop and put ureselves in that other persons position and ask yourself how would you feel? Not very nice im sure... so DONT DO IT! Gdnite and goodbye!

PS: I realised that some people are gonna deliberately post spoilers on my chatterbox, and I considered shutting it down temporarily, but decided that I just wont visit my blog until im done with the book.

PPS: TP's DramaTec is performing tomz at the Singapore History Museum(Im in it as well. Yipeee) so come on down and watch us at 11am and again at 1pm. Its at clarke quay btw. See ya ladies around!

PPPS: I know none of you are gonna come anyway, since its a little late. I was just being polite. Have a nice day.

PPPPS: If you really wanted to come, please ignore my previous post note. I didnt mean to accuse you guys of being lazy or whatever. I just wanted to say its perfectly fine if none of you turn up since I informed you guys of it so late.

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