Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This post is just a collection of some of my random thoughts and experiences. As you've already guessed, I'm gonna update you on myself first. I know its become a cliché now that I tell yall where I am, what I'm doing and stuff although none of you really care. Im in the school library now. Suppose to be studying my Econs(will go get started in like 20mins). Just had lunch with Kay. Thank god she came with me... I was like looking for my friends but they had either already gone home, had something to attend to or were not answering their phones. So I called Kay and asked her to follow me. I knew she would come since she doesnt have any friends either(Just kidding... or am I??? Hmmm... if only you could read my mind.) inside joke... don’t bother trying to find out.

I remember going for my sister's commencement ceremony at NUS. It was a proud moment for me. Finally my sister was graduating(More pocket money... Woohoo!). Anyway, it was really fun and all... seeing my sister in those wicked robes, shaking hands with the dean or something. He was wearing a funny hat. It was a bit comical because all the head lecturers(I dont know what they are called but you get the point) of the various departments were seated on stage in their robes. Their robes all differed in colour and style and they had really weird caps... or headdresses or hats or whatever u call em. It looked like a scene from Harry Potter.

Now after her graduation, I helped take photos of her and her friends and stuff which dragged on for quite a while. Then we waited for someone else to arrive so that we could all go fer dinner together. Now this photo taking and person waiting dragged on for a while so by the time we were ready to leave, the commencement ceremony for the law students of NUS was already starting. I felt very insignificant for a while when I saw them coming outta the robing room. I wondered if that might be me one day. Anyway, after that sudden........ WAIT A MINUTE... let me play music again... suddenly this guy beside me is playing the X-Files music... What the hell???!!!! Okay so anyway, after that moment of inspiration and awe, I suddenly looked at the law students from a normal persons point of view.

I thought "My word... all these young promising lawyers, entering the world of law. Stepping into the thick cloud of viciousness, corruption and debauchery." At that point, the image of law students I just saw as young intelligent, elegant swans, suddenly turned into a image of young cockroaches scurrying out of a cockroach nest. Hehehe. It was a funny thought. I snorted and told my sister about what i just envisioned. Needless to say, she broke into peals of laughter. Anyway, I gotta be careful here because I dont wanna get sued for slander. I guess it depends on the type of person and not the profession.

Second thought and event is about Dundun. Yup thats right... Dundun. That was his name. I kinda miss him now. Dundun was my stuffed giraffe. I got him from my cousin Nisha when I was like 3-4. I dont know why or how... but I named him Dundun. He was a little yellow giraffe with two brown horns that I used to bite sometimes. I would always have to have him with me before I slept, and I would always tuck him in before going to sleep. There was something about him that made him my favourite. I used to get him to be 'in-charge' of all the other stuffed toys. He was the wisest of all. A little like Dumbledore. Then there was papa bear as well. This big red bear. He was my second favourite stuffed toy but my grandma threw him away because he became too dirty. I remember my sister woke me up and told me that my grandma just threw away my papa bear. Gosh... I ran after the dustbin man and then my grandma came and grabbed me. It was a little like the Devdas scene where Paro is running outta the palace house place to see her dying lover. Complete with the yelling of his name while running.
I made sure Dundun was well secured after that incident. I remember bringing him to the zoo with me when I was six. I stuffed him in my bag with his head sticking out of the zip so that he could see all the other animals. I brought him to the giraffes' enclosure and took him out and told him that those were his friends. My aunt used to use Dundun to wake me up(That was the only way I would wake up). She used to bring him to my bed and get him to speak to me and ask me to wake up. Then we would have tea together. I brought him to my new house and there he lived with all my other stuffed toys. Then as I grew older, playtime with dundun became less frequent until I stopped taking him out altogether. I used to occasionally come across him and then I would like pet his head a little and stuff. Then I would feel guilty for not playing with him anymore because I was too 'busy' for him and also a little because I knew that I was growing up and shouldn't be playing with stuffed toys anymore. But I still kept him because I still used to look at him once in a while and like dust him and stuff. I wanted to keep him for my kids. I dint want to throw Dundun away because he had always been with me through my tough times. He used to be the one I would cry on when I was little.

I was looking for him last year... just to see how he was doing but couldn't find him. I later learnt from my grandma that she threw him away. I was a little disappointed since I wanted to keep him for my kids. *Sigh* Well then Dundun... Thanks for everything. you've been a great pal.I am gonna stop blogging now although I wanna say a lot more. I gotta go study Econs! It took me one and a half hours to write this entry... wow! See ya soon!


Anonymous said...

OMG!! I can't believe she threw DUNDUN away!! it's tragic. I loved this entry mat-face.. I'm so proud of the fact that u write so well.
Missing you heaps here. Hopefully we can chat one of these days. I'm going to sydney in the evening(morning flight was cancelled). Take care and love,as always.


Amreet said...

I loved dundun too... :(