Friday, August 26, 2005

Times fun when ure having flies.

Shake that thing... Miss. LALALALA... shake that thing. Harlow once again my fine feathered feline friends. here I am blogging when I really should be studying Econs. It is going to be a short post anyway so it wont take long. Funny thing is, whenever I mean for the post to be short it ends up really long. Maybe its because of all these unnecessary statements that dont contribute to the post in any way. Hmmmm....

Today was pretty eventful... I learnt so much today and grew as a person. Ahh crap! Who am I kidding? It was quite uneventful and the only thing I learnt today is that my hamster doesnt like being poked in the stomach when she is sleeping. Oh and that Melvis goes to gay parties. So does Kay... and Priya. I woke up at like 2 something, went online, then got ready and left for school. I had drama at 6. Some dudes from the IPDS(Inter-Poly Drama Society) and Ngee Ann Poly's Drama group came down. We had a lovely time together, talking about stuff. I shall not go into detail because I felt kinda left out since I didn't watch the play they were discussing. That must have been the longest time I have not talked... EVER!

After drama, we all headed to the standard prata shop. I dont know why we always eat at that prata shop. They dont even have cheese prata there. But since Kay wanted it, we all agreed. She is the president after all. We are practising a policy of appeasement towards Kay. Like in WW2 it will blow up in our faces one day and then we shall crush KAY! WOOHOO! Shit lah... Its the guilt of not doing econs talking. I just keep writing to avoid going to study econs! Grr! I will get to the gist of the story.

We all got tables and sat down. Then stood up again and went to order our food. I ordered one plain and one egg. The guy making pratas was wearing formal pants and a lime green shirt and a diamond stud earing, with his hair gelled back. Little did I know more strange happenings were to come. I got prata and went to sit down. Then the drink uncle was at the next table so I went to him and said "Uncle do you have vanilla coke?"
He stared at me for like 5 seconds, his lips quivering and then finally said "HA?!!!"

So I was like "Do u have vanilla coke?"

He said "Yah... How much?"

I was like how much??? shouldnt I be asking you that man?

So I try again. "No... I mean do u have vanilla coke?"

He barked "YAH YAH! HOW MUCH?"

I dearly wanted to say "I dunno... hows free?" I mean that dude was asking me how much I wanted to pay for it? This was the coolest S-11 wanna-be place. I contemplated changing it to a beer or something man. Then I looked at the table and realised that the others didn't have drinks yet. My brain went like... "I think he means how many".
So I said with much disappointment "Just one uncle"

Then he went off and I started attacking my prata. he came back a minute later put the drink on the table and stood there and stared at us. My friend got a little frightened and took the coins I placed on the tables and paid the man. I wonder if he would have said anything if my friend hadnt done that. Maybe he would just stared there and glared at us while we ate. Then glared at us when we left without paying. Then bark at the next person he served. That guy was cool lah... Oh and when we were leaving, this group of 12-14 year old punks who were seated at another table made the Psst sound thinggy u make with ure lips pursed together and yelled to the drink aunty to come serve them. I was kinda disgusted by that so I looked at them and exclaimed loudly "Wah Lao look at those kids man... think they damn cool ah?" or something along those lines... but unfortunately all my friends were engaged in conversations and paid no attention to me so I felt like an idiot.

Okay gonna go do my econs now finally. See ya!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This post is just a collection of some of my random thoughts and experiences. As you've already guessed, I'm gonna update you on myself first. I know its become a cliché now that I tell yall where I am, what I'm doing and stuff although none of you really care. Im in the school library now. Suppose to be studying my Econs(will go get started in like 20mins). Just had lunch with Kay. Thank god she came with me... I was like looking for my friends but they had either already gone home, had something to attend to or were not answering their phones. So I called Kay and asked her to follow me. I knew she would come since she doesnt have any friends either(Just kidding... or am I??? Hmmm... if only you could read my mind.) inside joke... don’t bother trying to find out.

I remember going for my sister's commencement ceremony at NUS. It was a proud moment for me. Finally my sister was graduating(More pocket money... Woohoo!). Anyway, it was really fun and all... seeing my sister in those wicked robes, shaking hands with the dean or something. He was wearing a funny hat. It was a bit comical because all the head lecturers(I dont know what they are called but you get the point) of the various departments were seated on stage in their robes. Their robes all differed in colour and style and they had really weird caps... or headdresses or hats or whatever u call em. It looked like a scene from Harry Potter.

Now after her graduation, I helped take photos of her and her friends and stuff which dragged on for quite a while. Then we waited for someone else to arrive so that we could all go fer dinner together. Now this photo taking and person waiting dragged on for a while so by the time we were ready to leave, the commencement ceremony for the law students of NUS was already starting. I felt very insignificant for a while when I saw them coming outta the robing room. I wondered if that might be me one day. Anyway, after that sudden........ WAIT A MINUTE... let me play music again... suddenly this guy beside me is playing the X-Files music... What the hell???!!!! Okay so anyway, after that moment of inspiration and awe, I suddenly looked at the law students from a normal persons point of view.

I thought "My word... all these young promising lawyers, entering the world of law. Stepping into the thick cloud of viciousness, corruption and debauchery." At that point, the image of law students I just saw as young intelligent, elegant swans, suddenly turned into a image of young cockroaches scurrying out of a cockroach nest. Hehehe. It was a funny thought. I snorted and told my sister about what i just envisioned. Needless to say, she broke into peals of laughter. Anyway, I gotta be careful here because I dont wanna get sued for slander. I guess it depends on the type of person and not the profession.

Second thought and event is about Dundun. Yup thats right... Dundun. That was his name. I kinda miss him now. Dundun was my stuffed giraffe. I got him from my cousin Nisha when I was like 3-4. I dont know why or how... but I named him Dundun. He was a little yellow giraffe with two brown horns that I used to bite sometimes. I would always have to have him with me before I slept, and I would always tuck him in before going to sleep. There was something about him that made him my favourite. I used to get him to be 'in-charge' of all the other stuffed toys. He was the wisest of all. A little like Dumbledore. Then there was papa bear as well. This big red bear. He was my second favourite stuffed toy but my grandma threw him away because he became too dirty. I remember my sister woke me up and told me that my grandma just threw away my papa bear. Gosh... I ran after the dustbin man and then my grandma came and grabbed me. It was a little like the Devdas scene where Paro is running outta the palace house place to see her dying lover. Complete with the yelling of his name while running.
I made sure Dundun was well secured after that incident. I remember bringing him to the zoo with me when I was six. I stuffed him in my bag with his head sticking out of the zip so that he could see all the other animals. I brought him to the giraffes' enclosure and took him out and told him that those were his friends. My aunt used to use Dundun to wake me up(That was the only way I would wake up). She used to bring him to my bed and get him to speak to me and ask me to wake up. Then we would have tea together. I brought him to my new house and there he lived with all my other stuffed toys. Then as I grew older, playtime with dundun became less frequent until I stopped taking him out altogether. I used to occasionally come across him and then I would like pet his head a little and stuff. Then I would feel guilty for not playing with him anymore because I was too 'busy' for him and also a little because I knew that I was growing up and shouldn't be playing with stuffed toys anymore. But I still kept him because I still used to look at him once in a while and like dust him and stuff. I wanted to keep him for my kids. I dint want to throw Dundun away because he had always been with me through my tough times. He used to be the one I would cry on when I was little.

I was looking for him last year... just to see how he was doing but couldn't find him. I later learnt from my grandma that she threw him away. I was a little disappointed since I wanted to keep him for my kids. *Sigh* Well then Dundun... Thanks for everything. you've been a great pal.I am gonna stop blogging now although I wanna say a lot more. I gotta go study Econs! It took me one and a half hours to write this entry... wow! See ya soon!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The climax (for the moment)

Hey guys... I know I havent been updating regularly for a very long time now. Its just that I am kinda lazy, and coupled with the fact that ive been really busy these past 2 months. What with my mid term tests, then my CSA project, my drama stuff, my management project, my econs project and the most important of all.... *drum roll*
My Oral Presentation (OP). My OP was on our client who happened to enter the same bar her husband was in with his mistress. After a while, the pyrotechnics equipment dislodged itself from the wall and caused the wall to fall on our clients husband burning him and stuff. She wants to sue the bar for negligence and claim damages for psychiatric injury. We had to refer to a 35 page precedent case from England about some spectator stands collapsing at a football stadium as a result of overcrowding. The plaintiffs in the precedent case were family members of those killed who sued to claim damages for psychiatric injury.

Anyway, today was the big day man! We were really frightened because we were told by other classes that some of them got really grilled while presenting by the assessors, our Legal Comm Skills tutor and our Legal Systems Methods tutor (Especially Mr Ferlin, the Lcom tutor). So we worked on our material, and started rehearsing our speeches 3-4 days before. I suggested doing a short roleplay on the events that transpired at the bar to enhance our presentation. My groupmates initially felt that it would not be relevant and it might somehow backfire. It almost got scrapped, but at the last moment they came around and saw the benefits of doing it.

One day before our presentation, I came home and realised that my part of the presentation isnt very impactful and strong (I was doing the conclusion btw). So I changed my whole speech and worked on it till almost 5am yesterday night, woke up at 7:30am, took damn long to get ready cuz I was falling asleep while standing. Then I finally left and reached school at 10, had pancakes with ashwin then started rehearsing again.

Finally came crunch time! We were all really nervous. We started with a little roleplay on the events that took place at the bar, then Ashwin took over to do his part. He started off well lah... which is good because it already set the momentum. Then vickie took over. She did pretty well too... both of them managed to bring their points across clearly and concisely. Then Leon went up. He did really well, managed to take the questions from the assessors and address them effectively. Amanda was next and she was really smooth and collected. Then came my turn! I was really nervous when I walked up there. I gave my opening statement(A dramatic one), hoping to start things off with a bang. The rest of my presentation went quite well until the conclusion. I made a serious error by saying that our precedent case was distinguishable. I was like bombarded with sharp questions, and I tried clarifying the implications of that statement I made. I felt like Harry Potter duelling with Lord Voldemort and his death eaters in book 4. I think I really did bad there. My concluding statement went something along the lines of we should be taking this case not because there is a case, but because we want to win it for our client, and I concluded with "It's easy to make a buck... It's a lot tougher to make a difference". I swear when I said this, I thought I saw Mr ferlin sneering at me. I was thinking like ohh shit! I screwed up pretty bad!

However, he later said that our group had done a pretty good job and in his 5 years, ours was the best presentation of the case he has seen. He also praised my closing sentence, saying that it was a nice echo to end the presentation. I had to do everything I could, to refrain from jumping up and punching the air at that moment.

To celebrate, Leon, Ashwin, Dominic, Mas and myself went for a beer at this pub near the old national library. Its quite a nice place and they usually have a live band there. Its called Timber i think. I am gonna go sleep now... really shacked to the max. Finally I'm gonna get a good night's rest. Goodnight everyone!

Monday, August 08, 2005


Its really late now and I'm just about to go to bed, but I really wanted to write a short little post so here goes. This post goes out to all the spoilers in the world out there and particularly to those who have spoiled the Harry Potter book for me. Seriously... what the $#@! is wrong with you? So far ive got like at least 10people coming up to me and going "Oh u wanna know who dies?". If I really wanted to know who dies, I wouldnt bother reading the book would I? oh and worse still those who just say "Oh you are reading the 5th book? ------- dies u know." Whenever this happens, I swear at least a dozen swear-words start forming in my head.Two little girls just kinda told me another spoiler, and I was really furious. I know i cant really blame them cuz they are young and they probably thought it was funny, but to all you matured grown up people... go screw ureselves. Dont you guys realise that its really irritating and disappointing when someone comes up to you and reveals the whole plot or important details of a book(or anything else for that matter) that you have been waiting for 5years to read?!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so seriously... next time you guys are itching to spoil something for someone else, stop and put ureselves in that other persons position and ask yourself how would you feel? Not very nice im sure... so DONT DO IT! Gdnite and goodbye!

PS: I realised that some people are gonna deliberately post spoilers on my chatterbox, and I considered shutting it down temporarily, but decided that I just wont visit my blog until im done with the book.

PPS: TP's DramaTec is performing tomz at the Singapore History Museum(Im in it as well. Yipeee) so come on down and watch us at 11am and again at 1pm. Its at clarke quay btw. See ya ladies around!

PPPS: I know none of you are gonna come anyway, since its a little late. I was just being polite. Have a nice day.

PPPPS: If you really wanted to come, please ignore my previous post note. I didnt mean to accuse you guys of being lazy or whatever. I just wanted to say its perfectly fine if none of you turn up since I informed you guys of it so late.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Bye!I thought of being a little different by starting my post with a goodbye and ending it with a Hello. Dont ask why... Im just psycho.

Underwater. Thats how I am feeling right now. I adopted this analogy frm some1, the school term is like swimming a lap. You start off fresh, then u go underwater. The gasps of air you take periodically is like the short holidays in between the school term. Then as you are nearing the end of the lap, you are rather worn out and in need of air, but you keep pushing yourself, knowing that the end is near.

I have like loads of things on my plate right now, these are the things that have been keeping me occupied: Management Project, Econs Project, Lcom&LSM Oral Presentation(Which is on a 35 page case!), Drama rehearsals and drama performance that is coming up, oh and my exams are in a month!

But its a little exciting as well... being under pressure. Anyway, I cant wait for our drama performance. We are gonna be performing at the Singapore History Museum at Clarke Quay on National Day. Try and come on down and watch us if you guys are free. Our theme is the 60s.

Funny things have been happening to me in MRT's lately. Both of them happened while on the way to drama rehearsals. The first funny thing that happened was when we were all going to clarke quay together from bedok. The group kinda got split up when we went into different carriages(or is it cabins? or sections?) of the MRT(I know it really should be MRT train, but just for simplicity sake, i will refer to it as MRT).

Melvis, then went on to "suggest" that we all move to the other end of the train where the president was(so that she will take a liking to him and make him vice-president). So we all had to move, because melvis coated his index finger with his saliva and threatened to prod us with it. We kept on pushing past irritated people, and apologising constantly as we stepped on people's toes(I forgot to mention the train was reaaaaallly packed). Until we reached Anna. Instead of moving so that we could go past her, Anna said "excuse me". Since I was directly in front of her, I responded with a "yes?". Then she went on to say that the train is really packed and instead of pushing past people, we should get off at the next station, and enter at the section we want to enter.

*At this point, we are all feeling really stupid*

Me: Oh............. Erm........ yeah that seems more practical.

Anna: Yes... dont worry, I know sometimes it just doesnt occur to us.

Me: Yeah... it dint occur to us actually. thanks anyway.

Anna: Yes... you see, we all learn new things everyday. Maybe this could be something you learnt today.

Me: Oh yes... definitely(Wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me)

Anna: So which school are you guys from?

Me: *contemplates saying another school's name* errrrrr..... umm... Temasek Poly

Melvyn: Erm... the students at TP are generally not stupid actually.

Anna: Oh.. dont worry... it happens to everyone. Especially on a hot day like this. Your brain doesnt work.

The conversation goes on for a while more... she introduces herself, just as we are about to get off and tells us she is 35 and asks for my name. Then she says goodbye and maybe we will meet again.

Then melvyn and the others accuse me of flirting with her when we are on the platform! Ungrateful dumbasses didnt even appreciate my efforts to salvage what was left of our reputation.

The other incident happened yesterday when I was on my way from tampines to clarke quay. I was nicely sitting down, minding my own business when this young malay guy sat down beside me. He reeked of alcohol. I was a little puzzled cuz it was pretty early to be drunk actually. Anyway, he fell asleep after a while and I felt myself dozing off too. Then some1 sms'd me and the vibration woke me up. Now just at that moment, Mr sleepyhead beside me, kinda felt in need of a headrest. The back of the seat was apparently not good enough for him. So, he rolled his head over and rested it on my shoulder. I was like... Okayyyyy... ive got a drunk guy sleeping on my shoulder. Everyone around me looked at me, wondering what I was going to do. I decided to be nice and let him sleep on my shoulder, praying he didnt drool or puke on me.

Now this went on for about 10mins, until the person sitting beside him got off. There were two other malay guys standing and one of them sat down on the vacant seat and pulled his friends head over and let him sleep on his shoulder instead and apologised to me. I gave him the YOU LET HIM SLEEP ON ME FOR 10 MINUTES! smile and turned then checked my shoulder for any signs of puke or saliva. Thank god it was clean!

Anyway, Im gonna go do my work now. See yall soon! As promised, I shall end this post with a Hello!
Well... Hello then!