Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Whats your speed?

Hello people. Been a while eh. Missed me?

Gd Gd! I missed you too. Anyway, I just got home from cycling. Spent the whole day lazing around at home today. Decided to go cycling, so I called Mark up. The others couldnt make it. We met at around 9. Set off for East Coast. The first 700m was really tiring. From my house to the petrol station. I was puzzled. Why are my thigh muscles screaming in protest so fast? Those were the thoughts running through my mind. Oh and also contemplating what to eat later. Anyway, when we reached the petrol station to pump. Pump our tires that is. Anyway, I lifted up the front part of my Kona FireMountain(A bit of showing off here). Then I pushed my front wheel forward, watching it spin half a revolution, then stopping with the sound of friction on a metal disc. YEAP! You guessed it right buddy. My front wheel's disc brakes were touching again. A lot! That explained the good workout on my thighs. Anyway, after fixing that and pumping (OUR TIRES), we set off at blistering speeds. I think we reached East Coast in around 20 mins.

Once we reached, we just "slack ride" along the track. Most of the time without any hands. We stopped for a water break. Then we set off again. Cycling slowly, enjoying the gentle breeze, playing across our faces. Then all of a sudden, just before Bedok Jetty, I heard the distinct sound of burning of rubber. I didn't even have time to react. I saw something that initially looked like an overgrown mushroom riding a roaddie. But after a second, I realised it was actually a man, in black, wearing a black helmet. I was so pissed off. He thought he could overtake me! Well I wasnnt going to give in so easily. I quickly stepped on the pedal, and accelerated. My legs were bobbing up and down rapidly. Then I switched to gear 6 and pedalled harder. I was catching up with him.My front wheel was in line with his back wheel. Then I heard a soft crack. He changed gear! I was losing him. So I switched to gear 7 and pedalled. Again I was catching up. My front wheel was in-line with his fork. I looked at him and said "Hello". My main purpose was actually to just talk to him and ask where he was going. To my utter disgust, he turned his head a bit towards me, looked back and changed gear and pedalled off. I decided to not waste my time, so I gently applied my front brakes and uniformly slowed down and cruised to a halt. I looked behind, trying to pick out the outline of Mark on his bike, but saw nothing but darkness. After a few more seconds, his outline came into view. He was pedalling without hands, slurping away on his coconut juice. His face always lights up when he gets food or anythin that goes into his stomach for that matter. He was like high on his coconut juice. Anyway, we cycled along the dark lonely road that connected east coast to changi.

We reached Changi and cycled slowly near the airport runway. It was a beautiful sight. Wish I had brought my cam. Anyway, we reached Changi Village. I kinda ate meat there. Im sorry chicken. The nasi lemak was just too tempting. After months of being vegetarian. Well I still am, except for occasional exeptions. Well a consolation would be, they were closing soon, and all the unsold chicken would be thrown away. So I justified the chickens death. I think...

Well after eating, we just cycled off towards Pasir Ris. We stopped for a short break at a bus stop, where I braided my leg hair. Will try to post the pic up. Anyway, we set off for home after that.

We entered the old tampines road area. It was really spooky. Combined with the unusually cold air there, it was enough to give you the "chills". Haha. Once we exited from the old Tampines road and joined the main road, which was flat for a while, then downhill, we "chionged".

Alas! At a bus stop a bit further down, the police were doing a speed check. Three of them, one holding a device that looked like a camcorder, except it measured the speed of vehicles. The police officer signalled for us to stop. So we stopped there, and I asked "Yes?"

Police officer1: What speed were you travelling at?
Me: Oh wait let me check on my speedometer.
Me: Oh shit! I just remembered. I DONT HAVE ONE!
*Police Officer 2, goes to Mark and says how come you dont have backlight?
Mark: Spoilt lah. I left it at home.
Police Officer2: Spoilt then where is the holder?
Mark: It dropped off(What a lame excuse!)
Police Officer 1: How can yall cycle without backlight. The cars cannot see you
Police Officer 2: Nono this one has. *Points to me*
*** I am at this point thinking "What the hell does he mean 'this one'? He might as well have said Specimen A. Or smthin like tt.
Police Officer 2: Can I have your IC's please.
Me: Can we say no?
Police Officer 2: NO.
Me: Ok then yes.
*** Police officer takes our IC's then goes and records somethin down and comes back.
Police Officer 2:Im giving yall a warning. And next time, wear bright coloured clothes. I couldn't
see you. Only can see your friend(to mark)
And you also never tell him to wear light coloured clothes.
Me: Sorry lah grandpa!
Police Officer 2: Was that an insult or a joke?
Me: An insult
Police Officer 2: Good! Cuz I hate jokes. Anyway, heres your IC's. Run along now.

Thats what happened with about 25% exaggeration.

Nothin else happened after that. We cycled till the mosque, then parted. I reached home at around 1:40am. It is now 3:14am. Gonna go shower then sleep. Gdnite everyone.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

To change or not to change? That is the question.

Dear readers. Recently, I received some constructive criticism from a reader. I shall not disclose his name, or tell you that he studies at NYP or that he is a goalkeeper for NYP. Anyway, what he said was that my blog is too self-centred, too mushy and not very entertaining. Well not very entertaining largely because it is too self-centred. Well I told him that I would think about what he said, and I have.

First of all, thank you for the feedback. Although next time go easy and perhaps you dont have to say that you prefer reading children books. Lol. Ok well back to business. About the self-centredness of my entries. I began thinking, and came to a conclusion that THIS IS A BLOG! IT IS LIKE A DIARY. So obviously it should be about me. The chief aim of the blog is to educate the world about me, and it also acts as a platform to share my propaganda and indoctrinate all of you citizens with my ideas, which are, to stop progressing, and reverse the effects of progression untill, eventually we go backwards to the stone ages. This is vital, if we want to ensure the survival of mankind, in the near future. Look at the world today. The human race is dying out. Bird flu is expected to infect at least a quarter of the world's population. These are extremely high figures!

I think what is happening, can be summed up in my friend's (Edmund Verghese) theory. He calls it the theory of algae in a bottle. He says that if you put some algae in a bottle, seal it and then throw it out to sea, the conditions will be just right for the algae to multiply rapidly.

This is just like the human race. Take the bottle to be Earth, and the algae to be humans. I guess our intelligence is the cause for our rapid reproduction. Anyway, the bottle, like Earth, has limited resources. The algae, like humans, rapidly deplete these resources just to benefit themselves. unlike other animals, instead of maintaining an equilibrium with the environment, we just keep using up these limited resources, without even taking into account that they are limited. This, after some time results in the bottle(Earth) to run out of the resources needed to sustain life inside it. Soon after, the algae will simply die out. Like said in the Matrix. We are comparable to a virus.

If you think about it, it is ironic. Humans, considering our level of intelligence and our knowledge on the Earth's limited resources, overlook this. Whereas, animals, whose intelligence is much lesser than that of humans, consume just what they need, not upsetting the many cycles that nature works on. I believe that we have brought on what is happening today on-to ourselves. Many of you might think this is cheesy, and unsupported, but I think we are all on agreement that the entire universe functions on a basis of cause and effect. Without a cause, there wouldnt be any effect and vice-versa. By upsetting the food-chain, the water cycle, the living cycle even, we have taken the role of that intelligence that created us. I call him God. Now, at this point, athiests would start saying that I am too far fetched and that God is not "an intelligence" that created us and so on. However, even science, the biggest atheist is now coming to accept God. I have read articles, on scientists coming to believe that some form of intelligence must have been responsible for the causes that led to the effect of the universe being created. Perhaps, the father of cause and effect. Perhaps a combination of cause and effect, that when split up, like the nucleus of an atom, released great energy. Of course of a different magnitude.

Anyway, the bottomline is that, change for the better is good, only for the better of the world. Sadly though, we often misconstrue the term "for the better of the world." Honestly, I would love to go live primitively. But I am too weak to do so, and I am ashamed of that.

Well, there you go readers, a change from my usual entries. I would love to hear your comments.

Yours sincerely,
GOD Mato

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Two Vodka Crans, and a Vodka Coke please!

Hello audience. I just realised I havent wished you all Happy New Year in my posts. So here goes... Happy New Year!

This post is actually for Thursday 06/01/2005

Well I went to Mad Flemmings to ask for my pay, after deducting $25 for something that was not at all my fault! I received $65. I met my sister and decided to wait for half an hour for her to finish work. So I went near the bridge thinggy at boat quay and spotted a few cats near the grassy area there. They looked quite tame, so I greeted one of it with a "Meow" and then sat down beside it and began stroking its head. It was really fun cuz she was a lazy cat so she just sat down there closing her eyes whilst I tickled her under her chin and stroked her head. The best part was, some french chicks were walking by and they were fascinated! They just stood there, speaking to each other in french and a little bit of English, checking me out. Okok they were more interested in the cat, but I prefer to believe that they used the cat as an excuse to feast their eyes on me. Anyway, after waiting for some time, my sister finally emerged, and we walked towards china square. I wanted to play pool with her, since I got addicted again after playing it the previous day, and kicking all my frends asses. We came to a open air bar, which had a pool table. I cant remember the name. Anyway, I got myself a Vodka coke, and she got herself a vodka cran. The game was going well, I was like playing quite well, plotting all the harder shots in. Suddenly, I gave her a ball in hand. She miraculously plotted two balls in. Anyway, luck wasnt on my side after that. However I still believed I would win the game. But it was not to be. We started the second game, just as her second vodka cran came. Same thing happened. I was playing well, and then all of a sudden, the fickle minded lady luck decided to leave me entirely. I mean she should have at least just kept a finger on my head or something, but oh noooo... she hopped on my sisters side, and she won the second round. I almost won that round actually. Stupid black ball. Anyway, the third round was better, considering I won. But it wasnt a good win, because she still had like one or two balls left. I wanted to like thrash her. Maybe some other time.

Well I reached home around 9. Went to Edmund's house to try n format his com AGAIN! after he did some stupid stuff that crashed his whole system. Anyway I couldnt complete it that day, so we decided to go for dinner. After dinner, we were feeling a little naughty. (I know it would have been really exciting if this was the story of me and a girl... but I'm sorry!)
Anyway, we decided to act dumb in public, so we saw this teen walking, so we went up to him and asked for obvious directions. He looked at me suspiciously. After giving directions, he asked arent u Mato? It was then I realised that he was someone I knew. DAMNN!!!

Ok so our first attempt at fun backfired. We werent about to give up. We walked around and spotted some young kids. So we acted really weird like robbers or smthin, hiding behind pillars and peeking at them( Making it really obvious of course), and these dumbass kids started running towards us. They thought we like wanted to play with them or smthin. Kids are getting dumber and dumber. Its no wonder the kidnap rate is increasing. Second time it backfired.

After a few more failed attempts, we just gave up and went home. What a sad day. Oh and when I got home, I came across an old childrens book. It had around 10-12 pages and each page had two illustrations of a certain animal, like a duck and its child (a duckling). The duckling asks "Mother what am I?" and the Mother says "You are a duckling" or a "piglet" or a "calf". So I began thinking about the author. Hey I mean that jackass didnt really do much work and yet, I bet his book is selling relatively well, considering the fact that so many dumbass kids own books like these. I think it is really dumb. When I have kids, I'm just gonna draw a damn duck and a duckling and teach my kid from there. Or better still, I'll pay a bit and bring them to the zoo, to teach them that animals cant really talk. Oh and they don't look half as good as on drawing and cartoons. Oh and that they actually stink. That will be a better way of introducing kids to animals don't you think? I mean I think its dangerous to let these kids grow up thinking that some naturally aggressive animals are actually harmless. Like the way bears are reflected in children stories etc. A bear wont freaking wake a little blonde girl up if shes sleeping in his spot. No Sir! It's probably gonna rip her ass to shreds. To think that kids believe bears are "cuddling" animals! I think the government should ban the positive reflection of bears in singapore. I mean think about it. If all the young kids happen to meet a wild bear, and run up to it expecting a cuddle, we would have a major population crisis to handle. Of course if we actually look at this problem in a different perspective, its actually a solution to the problem. All we have to do, is to make the elderly believe that bears and lions are friendly animals who have a natural gift for listening to problems and giving sound advice.Then, bring these old folks for a visit to the zoo. Thats it! Problem of Ageing Population solved.

Anyway, I realised I'm not making much sense anymore. Im sleepy. Ill write again soon!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Potato Sandwiches

Heylo Peeple. Sorry I couldn't come up with an impressive title like I always do, so I just decided to use what I was eating as a title. Hehehe... thats right potato sandwiches. Today was quite eventful. I first went down to Raffles Place to ask my for my pay from my ex-company. When I first went in there, the assistant floor manager was like... "You think u can get ure pay ah? i dont know if u can." So I looked at him n said "Yeah I think I can. Cuz anyway I was told to come after the first. Anyway who can I talk to." He told me to go see the boss. So I went to see the boss and he told me that it wasnt ready. He told me to come back in two days. Then he asked for my uniform, which I never took home because I was told to leave it in the locker after my shift! He told me to go look for it. As you probably guessed, it wasnt there and he said he would haf to deduct $25 frm my pay fer it. Thats kinda dumb actually. I tried reasoning with him, telling him that I never took it home and that I was instructed to leave it there, but I guess it was his scheme to exploit me. I have a feeling hes an evil leprachaun, or perhaps a cross between a leprechaun and a descendant of humpty dumpty. Anyway my attempt in making him think logically failed and he just said that they will try to find it, and if they dont then its $25 off my pay. Oh well I guess he feels I deserve it for whatever reasons. Ill just take it in my stride... and that I donated the $25 to charity. ;)

I went for an interview after that, they said they would contact me again. Anywayz my final destination (before home that is) was for Outram to donate blood. I reached there and it was quite fast actually compared to the previous time I went there to donate. I think the nurse inserted the needle wrongly though, cuz unlike my previous donation, there was a piercing pain in my left arm where the needle was inserted. Especially when I did not squeeze the ball the gave me. After a few excruciating minutes, the nurse came again and asked if everything was ok. Trying not to sound like a wimp, I replied in a tough, indifferent tone. "Yeah... but its hurting quite a bit where the needle penetrates."

She immediately stopped the machine, and took the needle out of my arm. Guess what happened next? Blood started squirting outta my arm like a damn fountain. It would have been comical, if the nurse hadnt freaked me out by rushing to call the doctors, yelling at the top of her voice! The doctor ran to my bed, with a pail and put it where the squirting blood was landing on the floor, positioning it carefully to minimise the blood splattering around, while I lay there watching him in bewilderment. Finally after 20 more seconds he stood up and started whistling loudly then softly then loudly again. I couldnt restrain myself any longer. I blurted out "What the hell are you doing?"
To which he replied, " I always wondered whether the musical fountain really responded to the music. I guess not. I wonder how they do it. Amazing isnt it?"

Okok... disregard whatever I said in the last paragraph. What really happened was, the nurse removed the needle, and then she stopped the machine.
So I asked "Arent you gonna take more blood outta me?"
Actually, according to her, I had already completed filling up the 350ml packet. I was a bit skeptical, but she reassured that it was already full. Well it did look full, so I stopped bugging her. She said I was only 50kg so that was the maximum I could donate. Anyway, after wrapping my arm up with a purple bandage that had smiley faces all over it, I went to the cafe outside and redeemed my coupon for a free curry puff and a drink. I was sitting alone, when this guy came up to me and asked if he could join me. I gladly obliged, and we started chatting. It turned out he was a police officer, which was kinda contradicting to what he was wearing ( A t-shirt that read "TERRORIST"). I'm serious bout this btw. He was quite a jolly fellow, we chatted for like 15-20 mins, bout several juicy topics and then we decided to head for home. Before parting I asked for his name. I know you people will be like YOU TALKED TO A PERSON NOT KNOWING HIS NAME??!!! but thats just the way I am. We exchanged numbers and left. Perhaps we'll meet up to go donate blood again someday.

Well thats about it for today... Please do invite your friends to come n read my blog, because ummm I hate writing for myself. Haha. Oh n btw I forgot to say in the previous post. the cycling images for X-mas eve are up. just follow the old links and navigate ure way to them. Oh and another thing. I've written a few poems that were selected some time ago for publishing(Might be a scam... but who knows.) heres the URL. Tell me what you guys think. Just enter Kotwani in the last name. I have 2 poems under me Perishing Hope and another 1. I cant paste the exact URL cuz it doesnt work then. thnx

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Christmas with the CRANK

Hi guys... for those of you who don't know, a crank is part of the pedalling mechanism. I thought it would be very witty, since there was a movie called christmas with the kranks and since I was cycling on X-mas eve. If any1 frm the Straits Times is reading this, please consider me for ure title editors thinggy.

Anyway, I haf to apologise for the delay in putting this post up. It's been a busy week for me and the thought of typing in my browser and stretching my index finger to hit Enter was extremely mentally tiring. I decided to write this after some1 I met on the street came up to me and said "Hey! I enjoy reading your blog! You are really so intelligent and hilarious and... my word... you are so gorgeous and sexy too! Will you please marry me?"
I was really amazed... I mean I didn't know I was a celebrity. Well, I should have guessed, judging by my hit counter that exceeded 300 hits within a span of several months!

Okok back to reality... Everyone came over to my house at ard 9. Jimmy, Amreet, Farihin, Ismail and Jenson. However Amreet felt a little sick. Well actually ' a little' is an understatement, considering the fact that he was on the verge of puking. We later realised it was due to dehydration. He probably did not drink any water that day, or he consumed some kinda dehydrating agent in excess. I suspect the former. Well we finally set off at ard 10 something and made for Pasir Ris. I was yelling "Merry Christmas" to people walking on the pavements and at bus-stops. Soon the others were copying me as usual :P (Sorry I cant put a . at the end of my smiley becuz then it will look weird... So ill put one right here.) It was a bad ride for me in the beginning, because I decided to test my helmet before we set off and I banged my head against a concrete pillar with my helmet on. I found out that it still hurts. A LOT! I felt a bit dizzy while cycling, but maybe it was partly because I was sleepy too. We reached Pasir Ris at around 11+ and we stopped for a short rest at cheers at Downtown East.

After that short but meaningful break, where I sustained another head injury when Amreet swung his bag of food and and stuff into my face by accident, we set off for the Red House. When we reached there, it looked more like a scene of Mohammed Sultan Road at around 3am. So many young punks sitting on the kerb outside the Red house... The only difference was that they werent puking. There were at least 25-35 people outside the gate of the Red House... probably weighing the thrill they would experience sneaking into a haunted house against getting caught by the police who patrol that area regularly, and then making the decision to go in anyway. I being a sindhi, immediately saw an opportunity to turn the Red House into a money generating source. I was thinking, since so many people visit this place, I could place a ladder against the gate, and allow people to climb it for like $5. It would be like an entrance fee. And the best part is, I'm sure people will pay to get in! Thats how stupid people have become. The more risky and illegal the higher people pay to do it. Its like the Tom Sawyer effect... I think its Tom Sawyer anyway. When he was given an apple by some1 to let that guy paint his gate for him. I mean its like saying heres $10 please let me clean your ass for you!

After the red house, we went back to cheers, took a short break then went to the playground and played Blind Cat. For those of you who dont know what the hell Blind Cat is, its actually Blind Man's Buff to all you stuck up, prim and proper Angrezi(English) wannabes! If you still don't know what blind cat is by now, go piss in a fan... and while you are at it, stand too close! Muahahahaha!

OKOK no more sidetracks this post is becoming tooo long! Jimmy dint wanna play becuz he was scared of the dark. Its a condition so its not his fault. Everytime he closes his eyes, he gets so scared that he shits himself. Anyway, he was supposed the be the guide and warn the
"blind man" of any dangers. He wasnt really good because I banged my head twice on a mushroom shaped wall twice, and others banged into it like several times too. I wonder how many brain cells of mine died on that day... It must have been like a devastating catastrophe for my cells on that fateful night. After a lot of merry making and whoppee making, we decided to call it a day, and set for home. It was a "Headbanging" Xmas eve, and a great X-mas the next day... received some cool prezzies.

Well goodnight ladies, I'm off to dreamland now... the only place I can date 3 chicks at a time, and still have money the next morning.

Till next time, This is Sir Tralala of the Shire signing off!

PS: I'd like to extend my heartfelt condolences to all the victims of, and to the families of those who perished in, the devastating Tsunamis. May god bless the souls of those who perished, and give the strength to those affected to accept. For acceptance is the first step to understanding. God bless us all.