Thursday, August 18, 2005

The climax (for the moment)

Hey guys... I know I havent been updating regularly for a very long time now. Its just that I am kinda lazy, and coupled with the fact that ive been really busy these past 2 months. What with my mid term tests, then my CSA project, my drama stuff, my management project, my econs project and the most important of all.... *drum roll*
My Oral Presentation (OP). My OP was on our client who happened to enter the same bar her husband was in with his mistress. After a while, the pyrotechnics equipment dislodged itself from the wall and caused the wall to fall on our clients husband burning him and stuff. She wants to sue the bar for negligence and claim damages for psychiatric injury. We had to refer to a 35 page precedent case from England about some spectator stands collapsing at a football stadium as a result of overcrowding. The plaintiffs in the precedent case were family members of those killed who sued to claim damages for psychiatric injury.

Anyway, today was the big day man! We were really frightened because we were told by other classes that some of them got really grilled while presenting by the assessors, our Legal Comm Skills tutor and our Legal Systems Methods tutor (Especially Mr Ferlin, the Lcom tutor). So we worked on our material, and started rehearsing our speeches 3-4 days before. I suggested doing a short roleplay on the events that transpired at the bar to enhance our presentation. My groupmates initially felt that it would not be relevant and it might somehow backfire. It almost got scrapped, but at the last moment they came around and saw the benefits of doing it.

One day before our presentation, I came home and realised that my part of the presentation isnt very impactful and strong (I was doing the conclusion btw). So I changed my whole speech and worked on it till almost 5am yesterday night, woke up at 7:30am, took damn long to get ready cuz I was falling asleep while standing. Then I finally left and reached school at 10, had pancakes with ashwin then started rehearsing again.

Finally came crunch time! We were all really nervous. We started with a little roleplay on the events that took place at the bar, then Ashwin took over to do his part. He started off well lah... which is good because it already set the momentum. Then vickie took over. She did pretty well too... both of them managed to bring their points across clearly and concisely. Then Leon went up. He did really well, managed to take the questions from the assessors and address them effectively. Amanda was next and she was really smooth and collected. Then came my turn! I was really nervous when I walked up there. I gave my opening statement(A dramatic one), hoping to start things off with a bang. The rest of my presentation went quite well until the conclusion. I made a serious error by saying that our precedent case was distinguishable. I was like bombarded with sharp questions, and I tried clarifying the implications of that statement I made. I felt like Harry Potter duelling with Lord Voldemort and his death eaters in book 4. I think I really did bad there. My concluding statement went something along the lines of we should be taking this case not because there is a case, but because we want to win it for our client, and I concluded with "It's easy to make a buck... It's a lot tougher to make a difference". I swear when I said this, I thought I saw Mr ferlin sneering at me. I was thinking like ohh shit! I screwed up pretty bad!

However, he later said that our group had done a pretty good job and in his 5 years, ours was the best presentation of the case he has seen. He also praised my closing sentence, saying that it was a nice echo to end the presentation. I had to do everything I could, to refrain from jumping up and punching the air at that moment.

To celebrate, Leon, Ashwin, Dominic, Mas and myself went for a beer at this pub near the old national library. Its quite a nice place and they usually have a live band there. Its called Timber i think. I am gonna go sleep now... really shacked to the max. Finally I'm gonna get a good night's rest. Goodnight everyone!


Anonymous said...

awesome u littly fry! congrats on a job well done. Am really, immensely part of u.

Keep up the good job, and always remember that last line in yer closing statement.. in whatever you do.

Love u lots,

Ana-chan said...

nice news!! hope all is going well 4 ya!!!