Sunday, December 19, 2004

The ride-that-was-supposed-to-be-boring-but-ended-up-quite-fun

Hello my dear fine-feathered-bored-and-desperate audience. I shall once again attempt to draw u into my world of boring happennings and events... Oh my god. I just experienced another Deja Vu. I distinctly remember writing this exact line before. Probably in one of my dreams eh. I get this all the time. Anywayz, WAZZZZUUUUPPPP? Nothin much is happening right now... just thinking of how to go about and telling those F(*#$%!*^ !%%$&(*^^^$%^... that i want to &^&*^(*&*&^%(&* their stinking *&@#(&(@&#. No seriously... Im gonna quit my job. Why do I always land into some shitty job. Jeez... You see the thing is their definition of part-time means that they will call me when they need. So that could be twice a week, once a week etc! Well firstly I cant earn much like that, and secondly I find their policies a bit dodgy... for example, everyone else has a punch card, which they punch when they start n stop work, except for me. So I feel a bit skeptical. Anywayz, yesterday I worked from 6-3am, and then the transport was another story... Lets just say I took their transport at ard 3:30, went for a whole tour around Singapore, and reached home at 5:20. Amazing isnt it. Oh and that was because their transport doesnt actually cover hougang, so the driver was a bit pissed also.

Anywayz, I know all of you are sympathizing with me right now, and I really appreciate it. You can vent your sheer disgust and rage for my company and the guy who told me that the transport will send me home at and if you get an error page saying it doesnt exist, thats just because so many of you wonderful people are visiting that site. Net Congestion. Just keep trying.

Well I've got to go soon, just wanted to do some blogging while I ate my milk and oats. Jeez I feel like a horse. I am even beginning to chew like one! AHHHHHHHHH! Anywayz, I usually add a few lines on the weeks cycling. We were supposed to go visit the local 'Haunts'. <---- Look I just played around with words again. I wonder if there is a job available for a word player guy. Hmm... back to my story... however everyone cancelled out on the cycle at the last minute, so it was just Amreet, Jimmy and I. Jenson joined much later for a short ride. We went to Jalan kayu fer prata, then back to Ang Mo Kio again, then to Yishun, then to Sembawang jetty. It was quite fun, but I was really sleepy. Anywayz, we had fun, taking pics and videos, then heading back to Jenson's area for supper, and then we made for home. The return journey was quite fast... If im not mistaken it only took me an hour to reach home from Sembawang. I've posted the pics up, you guys can go view it. But please no under 18's, as there are a few nude pics of me and my friends. Now I know all you ladies will rush to see them... But seriously no under 18's. The URL is (you gotta sign up to view. Its free so sign up!)

Monday, December 13, 2004

The Cold Cut Trio

Hello my dear fine-feathered-bored-and-desperate audience. I shall once again attempt to draw u into my world of boring happennings and events... well to start off, I went cycling this morning. Was supposed to meet gautam n his frend, I forgot his name... sorry dude dunt bite me, at 8am today. However, I woke up late, and hence as usual was late for another appointment. Reached East Coast ard 8:20 I think. Well when I reached there, I realised my wheel was loose again!!! Grr! So I tried adjusting it, but then my disc brake touched the wheel so the wheel wasnt moving freely. Ive had it with my disc brakes man! Why didnt any1 warn me abt this before I bought it? Its like getting married to a super hot model who farts a lot at night... as in u dont get any satisfaction in the end... It gets on ure nerves after the first few rides. I was referring to my bike! What were you thinking?!

Anyway, I fix the darn brakes, and the wheel is loose again! My bike was playing the dreaded game of "either or". Just like when your mum used to say when u were young you either eat your veggie or visit grandpa, except this is more like with a machine kinda thing, so crying wouldnt really help much. Well, finally after ten or more agonising minutes of adjusting screws, and getting hit with a few gasping fishes when the fishermen pulled their line out(we were at the jetty), I finally managed to get the wheel rotating fairly well, although it was still touching the brake a little, and got it quite secure. We set off for changi village, there was a sad revelation waiting for me... the dirt track that connected east coast to the airport runway thinggy was replaced with a proper road with lights. Its no fun anymore when going at night now! sigh...

We finally reached Changi V and had brunch at subway... becuz gautam the little stuck up spoilt brat(Im just kiddin... or am I? hmm) had a phobia of eating at hawker centres and food courts... he feels they are out to poison people and then sell their bodies to China to be used as fillings in buns. Weird huh! I had a veggie delite, gautam has a shit cookie, and his frend had a cold cut trio, I decided to call ourselves that, because there were 3 of us.

After eating, drinking, and singing hobbit songs, we decided to leave for home. I decided to take the "faster route" home thru old tampines road, but ended up taking a wrong turn and heading for Bedok north, then bedok reservoir, then kaki bukit... But I managed to find a road that LINKED up to Eunos Link... hahaha... Look at the way I play with words... Amazing isnt it?

On a lighter and more positive note, I've got a job! Actually I went for 2 interviews, both said they were advertising agencies, and they required me to go outfield and talk to ppl... I am supposed to go for my orientation tomorrow and on wednesday, but to hell with those shitty jobs... I found a cooler one at Boat Quay. I took a train to Raffles Place and when I stepped out, I looked around me and saw the vast buildings and people bustling about and I thought,
"Hey theres gotta be a job for me in this huge scary place!" I looked up, craning my neck to see the top of the skyscrapers, and will you believe it a bird shit in my eye! Anyway, back to the gist of my story. I walked into G2000, Harrys bar at boat quay and both of em said "No".

Harrys actually said smthin longer... "NONO! we dont have a freakin job for you! What the hell do you think we are? An employment agency, or some shit like that? What kinda moron walks in to a bar and asks for a job when we dont freakin advertise it? Do u think we are too poor to afford an ad in the papers?!"then i just stared at him, not knowing what to do... so i said
"nice place..." and he looked back at me, his eyes penetrating me(Amreet if u are reading this get that thought outta ure head!) and he said
"No seriously do you think we are that poor to afford an ad in the papers?Because actually we are... but we dont look like it do we. HAHAHA" and then he poured beer on his head and started chanting something. I got outta there and walked on to Mad Flemmings and I enquired. They gave me a form to fill up. Whilst filling it up, I looked up and realised that they had a sign saying they needed bartenders,cooks and service crew. I applied fer service crew and bartender. Then the interviewer asked if i could be a bartender. I got really excited and said yeah.. I wouldnt mind. Then he asked if I could make a Singapore Sling. I told him I didnt know, but was willing to learn. Anywayz he gave me a job as a service crew, and he said they actually need bartenders, so he will let me be a service crew part time, and after a while they will train me to be a beertender.. bartender whatever it is. Hope evrything goes well.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post, as much as I love reading joke books whilst crapping. See yall soon! Adioz!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Wet Ride

Hello once again ladies... Im baaaccck! lol. Its been a rather boring week for me. Im still freakin unemployed man. I need a friggin job. Ive been trying to get one the whole week... but all I landed up with was the stupid 'marketing' job where u carry a bag of products and go try n pitch them to passer by's around the street or at shopping centres. Im up to my top with these assholes. They advertised something else in the classifieds... and even when I called them up, they said they need ppl for data entry and customer service. So I go down there for an interview, and the moron interviewer who cant speak English tells me to come back the next day for a briefing at 9am. So I go back there at 9am, and then wait for an hour for the other morons to finish their morning meeting, then we are told to follow the leader of our respective groups to certain destinations. I had a hunch even before I stepped in that it would be this kinda job, cuz I have done the same thing before with another company. Anyway when I realised what they were doing, I tried talking to the guy I was following that day. I wanted to find out if they at least had a basic salary. He kept insisting that he would explain to me when we reached our location ( Jurong East)... I wanted to get outta there but found myself going thru the MRT turnstile with them. So I kept bugging him for information and realised that he was not consistant and not very convincing. So I just told them it asnt my cup of tea and I got off at Bugis. and who should I see there? An old colleague of my previous 'marketing' job which was exactly the same, except we sold watches. His name was Edwin or smthin. He was supposedly damn good, and he managed to con many people everyday into parting with their $20. Everyone said he was definitely going to be promoted to a manager soon. Oh n btw this was a year ago. So seeing him walking with the big bag of merchandise in his hand reaffirmed my belief that these companies just conned people. It was sad he still didnt realise it.

Anyway, the highlight of the week would have to be yesterdays(friday) cycling. I started off at ard 7:10, then met Mark at Bowen, then cycled to C2C to meet the others. We left AMK at ard 8-8:30 then left for Mt Faber. It was tiring cycling up Mt faber, but I told myself that I had to make it up... and I did, although I gotta try n be a little faster next time. Anyway, I took some pics from the top of Mt faber, you guys can check it out here

I cant upload all here, becuz it will make my blog ugly and disorganized. You gotta sign up though, its free! so dunt be lazy asses and just go sign up.

Anyway we got caught in the heavy downpur about 800m from Sentosa,, so by the time we reached we were all drenched. Well we played bluff while waiting for the rain to stop. I won! yay! Jimmy was the loser... I guess one has to learn to SHUT UP when playin bluff.

We cycled to Palawan beach, and had cup noodles and chips and nuts, Farihin got a little high becuz he sniffed alcohol in his nestle coffee, anc claimed it was because they were kept beside the beer cans. he pranced about the beach, thinking he was a lifeguard, and even climbed up the lifeguard post... n some ppl nearby were staring at him. Me n Farah went to the little island, and got a shock when we were climbing the hut tower thinggy and saw a man on top looking down at us in the complete dark. I doubt he was a ghost cuz he talked pretty normally, and after a few seconds Farihin kept asking him " are u the gatekeeper of this place?". He is crazy lah.

Anyway we left at ard 2, after having a peanut fight with Jimmy. All of us ganged up and pelted peanuts at poor little jimmy. I reached home at ard 3:15. My feet were really soggy cuz it absorbed all the water frm my wet socks. Well it was really fun... cant wait for the next ride. Well till next time, this is Agent Poopalot signing off.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Thats Raggif... He joined us for a while. Posted by Hello

Scenic view of the lake(foreground), and the sea(background). Its just about to rain... 5 seconds after this shot was taken
 Posted by Hello

East Coast track
 Posted by Hello

Amreet on his bike. His helmet is much nicer. But he still looks like a tortoise in the pic.  Posted by Hello

Me on my bike... I look stupid. Helmets fault.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Before I go

Its 7:39a.m now... Just having a light breakfast before I set out to cycle. I couldn't sleep much last night... was tossing and turning. Altogether I've had only like 2hours of sleep. But its ok I'm not gonna let that stop me am I? Just decided to write a quick post before I set out. Gonna meet Amreet later, we r cyclin to East Coast. Mark was supposed to come along too, but the pig is still asleep! tried calling his hp like a dozen times and his hse too but to no avail. I guess hes fast asleep dreaming of the psychotic things he does daily... wonder what goes on in the fat head of his! lol! Sorry Mark! but u probably are gonna play us out again so I haf to get back at u!

Anyway, I've finished my cheese sandwich and am gonna go do a quick check on my bike, and pack my stuff. Oh and my digicam as well... might post pics later. See ya guys soon.


Friday, December 03, 2004

The unpredictable day...

Today was really one heck of a day! Well I woke up sick, was down with a flu. However I had to go down to Raffles Place to hear some guy trying to convince me to invest a few hundred dollars in some network marketing... wasnt really bad though, but I think I'll give it a pass for now. Well I was actually supposed to buy my new bike today, but as luck would have it, after 7 months of waiting, I had to fall ill today! So i called Amreet up and told him I'll probably get it some other day. I came home, took two panadols and rested fer abt 2 hrs, and when I woke up I felt much much better! Anyway I still thought that I should give it a pass because I dint wanna over exert myself... but that was untill Amreet told me they were going to the gay beach. Suddenly my flu seemed to have mysteriously diminished. I guess the saying that remaining positive and happy does work wonders on your body.

Well I went down to AMK and bought my Kona Fire Mountain for $680. plus another $20 on a helmet, and front n back light. Managed to get the helmet n front light frm Amreet at $14! Thnx dude!

Anyway after waiting for the others to show up! They were late! we were finally ready to go... but just as we were mounting our bikes, Amreet fell with his bike ( while stationary mind you) and kinda bent his rear derailleur. Farihin thought he would be a wise ass and started laughing at Reet... little did he know that retribution was on its way! Anyway, Amreet decided that we would just carry on, and we barely cycled a 100 metres, when Farihins tyre got a puncture! So we had to go back to Ben's and fix it up.

Anyway when we finally started off, it was really fun... after 7 whole months the feeling of the cool night wind blowing across my face was like... priceless (If any1 from MasterCard is reading this,please forward it to ure advertising department. thnx!)

Well obviously after 7 mths my stamina and speed had drastically decreased... even i was amazed, untill we later found out that part of it was due to my disc brake touching the the piston, so the wheel was not freely rotating. Anyway, we went to Jalan Kayu for prata, then to compass Point for I dont know what, and then straight to Kallang via bendemeer road. It was a tough journey, and all this while my wheel was not freely rotating, and I thought that I really sucked. Well I do lah, but not as bad as I first thought!

But the disappointing part was when we were like about 400metres into the dirt trail leading up to the gay beach. Which is super dark, then we looked up and saw the sky getting really red. Well we dint wanna get caught in the rain there because it isnt very nice to peddle in mud, especially if your damn wheel isnt workin properly! So we turned back and and headed for home, stopping twice, one for a short rest near the river and for a second round of prata.

All in all it was an eventful day, Ill try bringing along my sisters digicam next time to take some pictures. Some of the sights were awesome. Anyway, I'd better go shower and sleep now, my thighs are killing me, and its 3:40am. See yall soon!
