Sunday, December 05, 2004

Before I go

Its 7:39a.m now... Just having a light breakfast before I set out to cycle. I couldn't sleep much last night... was tossing and turning. Altogether I've had only like 2hours of sleep. But its ok I'm not gonna let that stop me am I? Just decided to write a quick post before I set out. Gonna meet Amreet later, we r cyclin to East Coast. Mark was supposed to come along too, but the pig is still asleep! tried calling his hp like a dozen times and his hse too but to no avail. I guess hes fast asleep dreaming of the psychotic things he does daily... wonder what goes on in the fat head of his! lol! Sorry Mark! but u probably are gonna play us out again so I haf to get back at u!

Anyway, I've finished my cheese sandwich and am gonna go do a quick check on my bike, and pack my stuff. Oh and my digicam as well... might post pics later. See ya guys soon.


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