Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Wet Ride

Hello once again ladies... Im baaaccck! lol. Its been a rather boring week for me. Im still freakin unemployed man. I need a friggin job. Ive been trying to get one the whole week... but all I landed up with was the stupid 'marketing' job where u carry a bag of products and go try n pitch them to passer by's around the street or at shopping centres. Im up to my top with these assholes. They advertised something else in the classifieds... and even when I called them up, they said they need ppl for data entry and customer service. So I go down there for an interview, and the moron interviewer who cant speak English tells me to come back the next day for a briefing at 9am. So I go back there at 9am, and then wait for an hour for the other morons to finish their morning meeting, then we are told to follow the leader of our respective groups to certain destinations. I had a hunch even before I stepped in that it would be this kinda job, cuz I have done the same thing before with another company. Anyway when I realised what they were doing, I tried talking to the guy I was following that day. I wanted to find out if they at least had a basic salary. He kept insisting that he would explain to me when we reached our location ( Jurong East)... I wanted to get outta there but found myself going thru the MRT turnstile with them. So I kept bugging him for information and realised that he was not consistant and not very convincing. So I just told them it asnt my cup of tea and I got off at Bugis. and who should I see there? An old colleague of my previous 'marketing' job which was exactly the same, except we sold watches. His name was Edwin or smthin. He was supposedly damn good, and he managed to con many people everyday into parting with their $20. Everyone said he was definitely going to be promoted to a manager soon. Oh n btw this was a year ago. So seeing him walking with the big bag of merchandise in his hand reaffirmed my belief that these companies just conned people. It was sad he still didnt realise it.

Anyway, the highlight of the week would have to be yesterdays(friday) cycling. I started off at ard 7:10, then met Mark at Bowen, then cycled to C2C to meet the others. We left AMK at ard 8-8:30 then left for Mt Faber. It was tiring cycling up Mt faber, but I told myself that I had to make it up... and I did, although I gotta try n be a little faster next time. Anyway, I took some pics from the top of Mt faber, you guys can check it out here

I cant upload all here, becuz it will make my blog ugly and disorganized. You gotta sign up though, its free! so dunt be lazy asses and just go sign up.

Anyway we got caught in the heavy downpur about 800m from Sentosa,, so by the time we reached we were all drenched. Well we played bluff while waiting for the rain to stop. I won! yay! Jimmy was the loser... I guess one has to learn to SHUT UP when playin bluff.

We cycled to Palawan beach, and had cup noodles and chips and nuts, Farihin got a little high becuz he sniffed alcohol in his nestle coffee, anc claimed it was because they were kept beside the beer cans. he pranced about the beach, thinking he was a lifeguard, and even climbed up the lifeguard post... n some ppl nearby were staring at him. Me n Farah went to the little island, and got a shock when we were climbing the hut tower thinggy and saw a man on top looking down at us in the complete dark. I doubt he was a ghost cuz he talked pretty normally, and after a few seconds Farihin kept asking him " are u the gatekeeper of this place?". He is crazy lah.

Anyway we left at ard 2, after having a peanut fight with Jimmy. All of us ganged up and pelted peanuts at poor little jimmy. I reached home at ard 3:15. My feet were really soggy cuz it absorbed all the water frm my wet socks. Well it was really fun... cant wait for the next ride. Well till next time, this is Agent Poopalot signing off.

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