Monday, February 21, 2005

The curse of the Jiggerbyte man.

Hello my little dingbats. Gosh my head is full of stories to tell. Don't even know where to start. Let me do my impersonation of the Goodness Gracious Me guy to calm myself down.

Ok done!

Today was rather interesting. I woke up at 5am cuz I needed to ease my bladder, then while easing my bladder I suddenly began thinking of ideas for writing a book. I wont reveal them now in case I do decide to write a book based on those ideas. Anyway I was surprised ideas came to me when I was three quarters asleep. Anyway I went back to sleep and woke up at 8:40 and then pressed the snooze button on my phone and slept till 9:40. I ended up rushing to get to work on time. It was another monotonous day at work. I expected the day's events to be the same ones that happen everyday. Little did I know that a very peculiar and scary event was to take place later in the day.

It was around 5pm. I was at the front of the shop pacing about as usual, thinking of what to write in my blog when I reached home, when a weird looking Chinese man walked in and enquired about Pentium 4 computers. I told him the price and the specs for that com. It went something like this.

Weird Man: *Strange sounds* P4 have?

Me: Yes. Over here.

*** I lead him to the P4 coms.

Weird Man: How much?

Me: Five-seventy

Weird Man: Huh?

Me: Five hundred and seventy dollars

Weird Man: HUH?

Me: Five hundred and seventy dollars

Weird Man: What?

Me: Five hundred and seventy dollars

Weird Man: HUH?


Weird Man: Oh Ok. Speed?

Me: 1.4GHz, 256mb RAM

Weird Man: Hmm *makes weird sound with his throat*

Me: Oh and 40 Gigabytes.

Weird Man: oh 40 JIGGERBYTES?

I stared at im. His last sentence kept echoing inside my head. Laughter was building up within me. I tried suppressing it. I stared at him for ten seconds and he gave me a bucktooth grin. I couldnt suppress my laughter anymore. His last sentence kept reverberating inside my head. JIGGERBYTE! JIGGERBYTE! JIGGERBYTE! I mean what the hell is a Jiggerbyte? Sounds like the name of a jelly-eating-worm. Anyway, the suppressed laughter finally erupted. I started laughing hysterically in his face. He stared at me in bewilderment as I doubled up with laughter and fell on my knees, pounding the floor with my fists. I was laughing so hard that it was really an effort to stop for gasps of air. After five minutes, I finally stopped laughing and stood up. Then when I looked at him, I thought of Jiggerbyte again and once again started laughing hysterically. After a few more minutes I finally stopped for good and looked at him. He kinda got the idea that I was laughing at him, and he started cursing and hissing at me. He grabbed his mast which I never saw him bring in and started tapping it on the floor while he pranced about muttering gibberish. Then, he shouted a a final string of words and then walked out of the shop.

I did not think much of it, untill later on. It was around 7pm. All of a sudden, I had a terrible splitting headache. My head felt like an unripe durian being forced open with a wrench. The word Jiggerbyte surprisingly started haunting me again.This time, it wasnt funny anymore. I know I've always called weird looking people leprechauns in my posts, but I'm really sure that he was a real leprechaun. My headache continually worsened, untill I felt like a jellyfish. I decided then to take the pill. I was told it was an anti-leprechaun-curse pill. Called Paracetamol. Within 30minutes, the jellyfish-like-feeling was gone and the only part of my head that felt like a durian was my spikey hair.

Moral of the story: Never laugh at evil leprechauns even if they mispronounce Gigabyte. Now if they are nice leprechauns then you can go ahead and laugh because its ok to take advantage of nice people.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

What Tea are u?

Chamomile Tea
Chamomile Tea...You are Chamomile Tea.Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and
always willing to lend a hand, you take action
but not through violence, people listen to you
for you have a knack for giving wonderful
advice! Many look up to you and you try your
best not to let them down. You have many
friends steadfast or no who consider themselves
lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in
the past but you dont let that stand in your
way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and
try to see the good in people which is an
awesome gift!

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Journey Home

Hello peeps. Its me once again. Dont worry I'm not gonna attempt to write anything philosophical again, cuz I realised I suck at it. Partly because I'm only philosophical when I'm sleepy. Then the sleepyness attributes to the nonsensical posts.Anyway, Im gonna write about the events of the day. I went to work today.

The End

Just kiddin... Like as if you guys dint see right through my lame joke! Anyway, just around noon today, I was fixing this computer that someone sold to us. Refurbishing it for re-sale. It was an AMD K-6 with 160mb SD RAM with 3.7GB. Pretty crappy eh.Anyway, those nitwits installed WIN XP on their crappy com which made it really laggy and hard to use. They probably sold it off cuz they thought it was spoilt. Lol. Anyway, like most people who sell off their coms, they did not erase the data in their hard disks. So I decided to read their chat logs. The computer was used by 3 girls around 12 years old. I read Emelyns log. She and her friend were bitching about their other friend being a stuck up person. I know that was a despicable thing to do, reading other peoples chat logs and then finding out about all those people, including their email addresses and their pictures etc. I felt like a spy in a spy movie who hacked into someones PC and retrieved vital data that would help create a missile that would blow up planet Earth.

Nothin much happened after that. I just waited till around 9:30 then left for home. I went to 7-11 to pick up my going-home buddies. Mr Gulp and Mr Mashed Potato. I paid $2.20 fer the two of them, and carried them lovingly out of the store. I stirred Mr Mashed Potato about for a while, telling him how much I yearned for him the whole day, then before he could reply I started eating him. After a few spoonfulls of Mr Mashed Potato, I looked at my left hand where Mr Gulp was being held. He looked at me pleadingly, with his eyes full of fear as I brought the straw down hard on him, piercing it right through his head. Then I gulped down the contents of Mr Gulp. BTW, he was made up of 5% Coke, 60%Vanilla Coke, 15% Groovy Grape, 5% sprite and 15% ice. Mr Gulp tasted really good. So I walked along, making my way towards the 51 bus stop which was around 10-15 minutes walk away. Here comes the sad part.

I was about half way there, when Mr Mashed Potato played me out. I found myself scraping his empty cardboard bottom, accumulating the last bit of mashed potato on the plastic spoon and licking the spoon clean. I felt cheated as I threw his empty body into the bin. For the first time, He did not last all the way to the bus stop. I turned to Mr Gulp and said "At least i've still got you." but as luck would have it, He was not going to last much longer. I was near the cemetary when the last few drops of Mr Gulp sweetened my dry tongue. I walked on, wishing I had my going home buddies back with me. But it was a fact of life, once they are gone, they are gone. The remaining 500metres was spent rolling my tongue around in my mouth, reliving the divine taste of Mr Mashed Potato and whenever I swallowed my saliva, the sweet taste of Mr Gulp came back, never lasting long.

What a sad walk home. Anyway, I have to stop now cuz my sister needs to do some work for her crappy degree. I mean what is more important? Blogging or studying to get a degree to ensure that you become rich and lead a comfortable life? jeez shes gotta sort out her priorities. Oh n BTW I'm going to Nerds r US (NUS) tomorrow for a workshop on script writing. Yucks! Im gonna have nerds surrounding me. Hope they dont attack! Anyway, Im outta here.

The End

Stop Scrolling down... It really is the end!

No Seriously!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Veronica Decides to Die

Hello everyone. I am really sleepy and I cant think straight now so I'm really sorry if my post doesnt make any sense, but I cant wait. My sis is leaving tomorrow fer Australia and shes gonna take the laptop with her. My com is spoilt till I assemble a new one. So this is the last post for a while. I dont think I will be gone for long, but just in case.

I hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day. I watched Constantine today. Its really good. My favourite actor Keanu Reeves did really well once again. I'll bet my last penny( or cent for that matter) that there will be a sequel to this movie. Constantine Reloaded, or Constantine Revolutions. LOL! Well maybe Constantine 2, or Constantine: The end of Time. Hey you never know.

Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about life and death recently. Reading the book "Veronica Decides to Die" kinda amplified my thoughts on that particular subject. However, it also brought about inner serenity. Closure even. Its hard to explain the exact way I feel. I feel normal most of the time, and yet I feel really calm inside. What does life really mean? What is the purpose of life? We just go on and on living but we fail to recognise our purpose here. We fail to recognise the purpose of the ups and downs of life. I like to think that the Ups and Downs of life are for us to reach the middle. Its best to interpret that in any way you prefer.

Like I said I read the book "Veronica Decides to Die". Its about this girl in her twenties who has everything going for her in life. Looks, a stable job, love etc. One day this girl, Veronica, decides to kill herself. She decides that she cant live anymore. She finds life predictable and boring. She realises that everything in life has a pattern. Everything that happens in life is routine. Birth, adolescence, youth, marriage, kids, getting old and dying. She felt that many people were just superficial. Many of them were hypocrites who were slaves to the system. I guess she didnt want to fall into that trap. She took pills and laid down to die. As luck would have it, she survived and woke up in an asylum. Worse still, she found out that she had about a week to live because her heart was permanently damaged. She begins falling in love with life again as she is surrounded by "mad" people.

This got me thinking that wouldnt it be wonderful to be mad? You get to live in a world of your own. You dont have to follow the system anymore. In a way, you are free. Unshackled from routines, expectations and hypocricies that form the core of peoples lives. Since these virtues form the core of people, it is what these people disseminate, thus polluting the society. It would be better to be mad than to be normal. In that case, the mad are actually more normal than us 'normal' people. We are madder than the mad because deep down, we are all mad but we choose to suppress it. Suppression can only lead to further adversities and hence we are watering the seed of madness sowed deeply within us. We go on thinking we are normal because everyone does the same. Its only those who dare to be different that are considered mad. Why one asks? Because normality is defined by the majority. If the majority is really mad, then normality would be madness which is what is happening now. Madness would be normality. What the birds and animals are doing right now, minding their own business and living to the principle of "live and let live."

I really dont know what I am talking about now, my eyes have already closed three times. Im sorry for such a "MAD" post. I would like to go further, but perhaps another day when im awake and able to think "normally". Goodnight eeveryone.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Popeye the CID man.

Hello people. Guess who's back with some brand new crap and when I mean crap I mean a new story about my weekly doings. Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar just lose it. That is my new intro song. Lyrics are by me, and half stolen frm Eminems "Just Lose It". But we have a mutual agreement so its ok. Anyway this is my third month blogging anniversary. So well I'm going to celebrate by celebrating. ???. Anyway this week was pretty ok. We went cycling to seletar dam. It was really fun and spooky too, especially near the forest trail thinggy. No street lights there, then all of a sudden some jackass on a scooter came along without his headlights on. I think we scared each other. He must be writing about me in his blog too. Anyway, back to the other happenings of the week. I cut my hair, dyed it and shaved three lines along the side of my head. It represents the adidas logo, the three stripes. It looks quite nice lah. I was supposed to highlight my hair actually but the guy at the saloon said if I wanted to highlight then I couldn't cut my hair spikeyly. <--- add this new word to ure respective vocabularies please. Then I figured they will have to use more dye to dye than to highlight and since it was the same price, I decided to dye my whole head. My sister was a bit pissed off at first at my decision cuz she paid fer it. However, when she did see it, she said it was not too bad. I really like my new look although I look a bit Pai Kia'ish. I guess its inevitable since these kinda hairstyles have formed an identity with Pai Kia's, creating a stereotypical society. Now you guys must be wondering why I'm getting so uptight about my hairstyle becoming a common identity for gangsters. I'll get to that now.

It was a nice Monday the 7th night. I came home from work with Mr Edmund Verghese a.k.a goose a.k.a ninja a.k.a pappar a.k.a Vergoose. Anyway, we took 51 home, and passed by the smelly stretch of road where they are building the circle line. Its always really stinky there. I mean if you can get the revolting stench inside an air-conditioned bus travelling at 50km/h at least then its gotta stink! We mused for a while about where the stench could be coming from. My theory was that all the poor foreign workers, who are exploited by LTA or SBS or whichever company is responsible for the construction of the Circle Line, are only given around 30 minutes everyday to go and crap and do their other business and that happens around that time. Hence the disgustingly familiar smell of fart engulfs the nostrils of motorists travelling along that particular stretch of road. Edmund's theory made more sense, and was very pleasant to imagine. He said that maybe Mr Burns really exists and he has a factory near that place (Which is around defu lane so its highly probable.) The factory Mr Burns owns is not a nuclear plant cuz we cant have one in Singapore, but it is very similar. He has a fart factory run by Oompa Loompas. Anyway, they pay people for their farts. Their farts can be converted into some kinda fuel. So they measure the amount of gas collected per person then pay him or her accordingly. During the conversion of fart to fuel, the fart gas is heated and its exhaust is basically just the smell. Thus with a stroke of brilliance, we solved the smelly smell mystery.

Anyway thats besides the point. We decided to meet after dinner to go walk around the Mini Chinatown near our house. So as planned, we met and walked around, laughing and joking as usual when suddenly someone taps Edmund on his shoulder. We both turn around to face a young chinese man wearing track pants and a Popeye T-shirt. We are expecting him to ask for directions or time or something but instead he shows us his warrant card and says "CID. We are just doing a routine check. Could you come with us please." There were a few CID officers 4-5 chinese men and a malay guy. Anyway, they all escorted us to under the nearest block and the CID's asked to SEE our ID's.(Hope you guys get the pun.) They asked Edmund for his ID first, so Edmund nicely handed them his 11B card. For those of you who don't know, an 11B card is like an IC for NSmen. Anyway, they just casually talk to us while radioing our IC numbers back for checking. Edmund tells them that hes waiting for 11:02 to go and check if his pay has come in.(MINDEF transfers the pay at that time). They laugh a little while Popeye feels my pockets for any weapons or cigarettes or even possible a can of spinach. Then the Popeye CID officer asks about what I plan to do now that I have completed my O levels and all. So we are there talking fer a few minutes, waiting for them to finish doing a background check. They complete their check and hand us back our ID's telling us to have a nice day and stuff. Then Popeye the CID man takes out a can of spinach and hands it to me as a token of participation. (I brought home the tin and gave it to my grandma to cook.) We went on to play a game of pool. We drew 2-2 but overall with last weeks score he is winning me by one game. We shall have another final match on saturday to determine the winner and the loser and the payer. Haha! its 5:30 am now. Gonna go sleep. Goodnight Ladies!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Tall man, Little man.

Today was extremely wonderful. I have experienced so many things today. Both physically and mentally. I think I have grown a little more today. Let me start with yesterday. Yesterday I went to Peninsula to help my uncle out for a little while. Mark came down at around 5:45pm to meet me there. When I saw him I was like... spellbound. He had this new haircut. Moehog style. and his fringe was bleached. Well it was weird at first, but I guess its nice for a change. It was only much later when I realised what he reminded me of. A monitor lizard. Anyway, we set off for robinsons. Mark bought a pair of male undies for one of his friends, I used the Davidoff coolwater tester to spray all over myself, cuz I forgot to spray some when I left my house, then we met up with Shem. Shem dint really comment much on Mark's new hairdo but he must have been thinking along the same lines as me. Then we went to the arcade to kill time whilst waiting for Hui Jie to arrive. She got lost somewhere in Suntec City. Hui Jie and Shem are our primary school mates btw.

She finally arrived, half naked. Wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts that were hardly visible at all. Anyway, she justified her nakedness. She had dragon boat training. Shes really weird lah. Probably more psycho than Mark. Anyway, we took a cab to Marina South and they had steamboat. I had vegetarian fried rice, which was half covered in yucky mushrooms. After that, we played billiards and then went home. I slept at ard 5am, trying to finish my play that I am writing, but ended up re-doing parts of it.

I woke up today at around 1pm, went to do some work at upper weld road, then went to mustafa to get some stuff. When I exited Mustafa, I saw a huge crowd gathered around two indian men wearing suits, apparently standing on a chair or somethin. When I got closer, I was astounded. I realised that those two men werent standing on chairs. They were just very very tall. I mean reaaallllyy tall. Like at least 2.10m. They were in suits and all. I wouldnt be surprised if they are actually the worlds tallest men. I cant actually stress enough on their immensity.

Anyway, they were surrounded by a lot of people that when compared to those two men they seemed like midgets. These people were busy talking pictures and videos of them. I was really awed. I mean its not everyday you get to see giants. I deeply regretted not bringing a digicam. Anyway, I didn't stay for very long. I walked on aimlessly. After a little while, I came across a midget. A real one this time. He was really little. I amused myself for a minute with the idea of the midget standing beside those giants. It would have been really comical. The two extremes. I bet if they did meet, they will be like wondering how it would feel like to be the other. Im sure the giant would have some dissatisfactions with his height and the midget with his. Just goes to show that no matter what, it is very hard to be happy with what you have.

I was in a very philosophical mood today. I kept questioning reality. I mean how do you define reality. How do you guarantee your existence? I know it will sound really cheesy, but how do we know we are not an illusion or part of a system like the matrix? If you think about it, its all scary, because every single thing that happens here follows a system. Every single thing is based on a system or systems. They are all laws. There are the laws of physics, that control matter and non-matter alike. The laws of nature, for example, the water cycle, the food cycle, the life cycle. There are the law of averages, that work in hand with many other laws of nature. For example which leaf drops off a branch. Science has discovered a unique pattern that occurs repeatedly in nature. The fibbonacci sequence. For example, the number of square thinggies on a pineapple are always a fibbonacci number. A fibbonacci number goes like that 1, (1+0)= 1, (1+1)= 2, (2+1)= 3, (3+2)= 5, (5+3)= 8, (8+5)= 13, (13+8)= 21. I hope you get the pattern. The number plus the answer of the previous addition. The petals of normal flowers are also a fibbonacci number Once I began thinking of this definite pattern that we run on, that we live on, I began thinking, if we are all part of a system, then are we slaves to the system? Are we capable of breaking the system? It is extremely brain-wrecking. I apologise for the inconvenience caused. Anyway, all these musings came down to one question. Do we really exist? If we take it in terms of Rene Descartes's theory or rather belief, "I think therefore I am." then yes we do exist. But then again if that were true, then what about things like jelly-fishes and single-cellular organisms that do not have brains. Can they think? I doubt so. So if they cant think then do they not exist? Then what about when we sleep. We dream when we sleep. In our dreams we still think. Are we existing in that dream? So many questions. I think existence lies in belief. I think Rene Descartes's theory is not very accurate. I think "I believe therefore I am" would be more appropriate.

Anyway, enough with these ravings and rantings. Im off to exist in my sleep. Mark is leaving tomorrow morning. Gotta wake up to see him off t the airport. Goodnight fellow existents. Hmm.... the word Exist and all other suffixes that come with it seem weird to me now. Well Goodnite!