Sunday, April 17, 2005

A tangled web I weaved

Hey guys. Just came home from my Satsang(Prayers). I kinda realised how much I owe to it. I told myself that I would not speak of religion here in my blog because religion is a sensitive issue and I understand that what I believe in may not be shared by other individuals. First of all, this post is not entirely about religion, but rather a look at life. First of all, I would like to say that I dont actually have a religion. Its more towards a philosophy of life perhaps a mission even. One thing we learnt is not to discriminate other religions, or to judge them. Im really thankful for that. This is what I have learnt and as far as I can remember I believe in. Every religion is correct. You cant say that this and this religion is false because it doesnt corroborate with a particular one. Honestly, I cant seem to understand why certain religions claim that they only are correct and that everything else is false. Again, Im not judging or criticising, just trying to understand. Look at it this way. Supposing three divers dived into the ocean. The first goes to the seabed, the second somewhere in the middle and the third just near the surface. After a while they all come back up and submit their reports on what they saw. Obviously they would have seen different things because they looked at different parts of the ocean. Can you say that either one of them is wrong?

In that aspect, religion is like the ocean and its just how you look at it. In what perspective you look at it. Looking at it in a different perspective doesnt make you or another wrong. Its sad to see so much conflicts arising from religion. Differences in religion. All these conflicts arising just because people think that they are right and others are wrong. Intolerance for difference. Why cant we accept the fact that people are entitled to being different. I myself am a victim of this intolerance. I was thinking about a friend of mine who was an atheist and I felt like he was wrong. Thats the problem with us. We want everyone to be just like us. To believe in what we believe in. Well it is very close to impossibility. What is much easier to achieve, is to just accept that different people hold different views and beliefs and respect that.

We have been given the intelect. The ability to question why and that is the first step to answering it. If you cant ask why then you cant answer it in the first place. Now I guess we are all on a journey to answer that question. Why. After all these years when we realise that other people have collected different "materials" to help answer their WHY question, I guess we cant accept it. Perhaps thats the reason. We dont want to feel like we are wrong, or that there is more than one way to answer it because we have already spent a long time developing our formula to solve our equation. However, like in maths, there are several methods to solve an equation.

Anyway, while I was sitting down during my prayers, I began thinking of an article I read recently about a scientist who had always been an atheist all his life until recently. He said that he had come to accept that a supernatural being must have created the beginning. Then I began thinking that he was rather dumb. I mean it took him like fifty years to realise that when other people take five minutes to question it. You just gotta trace back. What created the universe? The Big Bang. What initiated the Big Bang? etc. Then when you cant find any other answers you gotta ask yourself "So what was it?"

I read a book "The Alchemist" it was a beautiful book about a boy who left his home because he wanted to become a shepherd and travel all over and see the world. A few years later he had a recurring dream about finding some treasure. He met someone who convinced him to sell off his herd and go to Egypt to find the treasure. He does that and goes to Egypt an encounters several misfortunes, however when he reaches near his destination, somewhere in the deserts, he meets an Alchemist who teaches him about life and the universe. Now here is the interesting part. He is told that when you truly desire something with all your heart, then the whole world conspires in helping you achieve it. The Alchemist reveals to him that this is possible because everything is connected to each other. It is like a huge network. He calls the connection "The soul of the universe".

In conclusion, to add things up, since we all derived from the same origin, the soul of the world must exist. Its hard to believe, but perhaps that is what is moving the universe. That is what is powering the universe. The soul of the world. Goodnight


Anonymous said...

and to think yu always look like yu're stoning during satsang instead of listening to what's going on...or maybe that stoned look is what yu look like when yu're thinking really really hard.
anyway, way to go. pretty deep issues there!

Anonymous said...

oh, and yur ttilte is interesting...
is the past tense of "weave" "weaved" or "wove"? genuinely interested from a psycholinguistics point of view.
to me it's "wove".
nerdy yogajunkie again

Amreet said...

From my point of view, weaving is the art of being in and out of something while wove is suggesting presenting something.

I do not agree with ur title at all if u meant the tangled web to be connection to everything. That would mean u are "God".