Friday, August 26, 2005

Times fun when ure having flies.

Shake that thing... Miss. LALALALA... shake that thing. Harlow once again my fine feathered feline friends. here I am blogging when I really should be studying Econs. It is going to be a short post anyway so it wont take long. Funny thing is, whenever I mean for the post to be short it ends up really long. Maybe its because of all these unnecessary statements that dont contribute to the post in any way. Hmmmm....

Today was pretty eventful... I learnt so much today and grew as a person. Ahh crap! Who am I kidding? It was quite uneventful and the only thing I learnt today is that my hamster doesnt like being poked in the stomach when she is sleeping. Oh and that Melvis goes to gay parties. So does Kay... and Priya. I woke up at like 2 something, went online, then got ready and left for school. I had drama at 6. Some dudes from the IPDS(Inter-Poly Drama Society) and Ngee Ann Poly's Drama group came down. We had a lovely time together, talking about stuff. I shall not go into detail because I felt kinda left out since I didn't watch the play they were discussing. That must have been the longest time I have not talked... EVER!

After drama, we all headed to the standard prata shop. I dont know why we always eat at that prata shop. They dont even have cheese prata there. But since Kay wanted it, we all agreed. She is the president after all. We are practising a policy of appeasement towards Kay. Like in WW2 it will blow up in our faces one day and then we shall crush KAY! WOOHOO! Shit lah... Its the guilt of not doing econs talking. I just keep writing to avoid going to study econs! Grr! I will get to the gist of the story.

We all got tables and sat down. Then stood up again and went to order our food. I ordered one plain and one egg. The guy making pratas was wearing formal pants and a lime green shirt and a diamond stud earing, with his hair gelled back. Little did I know more strange happenings were to come. I got prata and went to sit down. Then the drink uncle was at the next table so I went to him and said "Uncle do you have vanilla coke?"
He stared at me for like 5 seconds, his lips quivering and then finally said "HA?!!!"

So I was like "Do u have vanilla coke?"

He said "Yah... How much?"

I was like how much??? shouldnt I be asking you that man?

So I try again. "No... I mean do u have vanilla coke?"

He barked "YAH YAH! HOW MUCH?"

I dearly wanted to say "I dunno... hows free?" I mean that dude was asking me how much I wanted to pay for it? This was the coolest S-11 wanna-be place. I contemplated changing it to a beer or something man. Then I looked at the table and realised that the others didn't have drinks yet. My brain went like... "I think he means how many".
So I said with much disappointment "Just one uncle"

Then he went off and I started attacking my prata. he came back a minute later put the drink on the table and stood there and stared at us. My friend got a little frightened and took the coins I placed on the tables and paid the man. I wonder if he would have said anything if my friend hadnt done that. Maybe he would just stared there and glared at us while we ate. Then glared at us when we left without paying. Then bark at the next person he served. That guy was cool lah... Oh and when we were leaving, this group of 12-14 year old punks who were seated at another table made the Psst sound thinggy u make with ure lips pursed together and yelled to the drink aunty to come serve them. I was kinda disgusted by that so I looked at them and exclaimed loudly "Wah Lao look at those kids man... think they damn cool ah?" or something along those lines... but unfortunately all my friends were engaged in conversations and paid no attention to me so I felt like an idiot.

Okay gonna go do my econs now finally. See ya!


Unknown said...

had a nice time reading your blog... nice...

sanyorita said...

sanyorita here, okay mato...tried to tag my bloggie add but it din work...gggrrr! hehe, okay visit my bloggie yeah...

Anonymous said...

That was one hilarious post!i actually laughed out loud while reading it..must look quite retarded laughing at the computer screen.
Gdluck wth econs!i feel ur pain!Hope u did get down to work, the guilt sux but hey,helps u write such funny posts!!
take care!