Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Major Revamp

Hello everyone. I was sick today and hence stayed home and had nothing to do, so I decided to do what I always wanted to but kept putting off. Getting a new skin for my blog. I thought it would be pretty easy, just search for a blogskin I like and copy and paste. 5 minutes job.

So I searched and I searched and I searched, but all i found were blogskins that were horribly emo. I found one nice simple one, but then I saw a button on the edit template page that said upgrade to something something to customize ure template more. So i did that. blogger.com is under google now, and they've made some changes. It was a little easier to manage, but still it took me the entire day to create the graphics, find css codes to apply the correct settings to the background image and stuff like that. But I think its worth it, I mean look at my blog now... its so sexy and gorgeous. Like me.

If you guys need graphics for ure blogs, let me know... I can help you make it(For a nominal fee).

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nintendo Wii

The title of this post has nothing to do with the post itself. Its just the title of a South Park episode I was watching in school.

I got Photoshop CS today and I've been having loads of fun editing my pictures. Its like the coolest program ever man! My mum was blessing the invention of the computer everytime she walked in and saw what I had come up with. I really should have spent my time writing my two legal letters that are due tomorrow, but I just couldnt resist the urge of doctoring pictures. So here are some of my creations!

The Original

The Ali-G Version How my postcards to my fans would look if I was famous Egypt was fun! The view from an airplane window I am rather brainy you know!

If you wanna have your pics edited.. let me know. Ill gladly edit em for u. (For a nominal fee)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hello... Ween.

It was halloween yesterday, 31st of October. I decided to celebrate it by wearing my monster mask to school (Refer to picture).

I put it on immediately after conveyancing law lecture, as I was exiting the lecture theatre. Scared the bejeezes outta folks. I was like walking along the corridors waving at people and yelling "Happy Halloween", which were echoed with comments from Dominic and Ashwin that went along the lines of "Weird nosed sindhi bastard" and "Hes so deprived". But little do they know that I had a wonderful childhood. All our cousins would hang out and then they would go cycle... they didnt take me along most of the time. Wait! I never once cycled with them. They went exploring and didnt allow me to join them. My mother used to send me out of the house to sleep with Sherla my cat on the swing when I was 5. My grandma beat me with a rolling pin when I refused to go to the temple with her. Hmm... maybe it wasnt so wonderful after all... HEY! but at least my mother didnt try killing me with a pair of scissors! Eh Ashwin???

Back to halloween before I get depressed. Yeah so I walked into the canteen with my mask on, and everyone just dropped their forks and spoons (Some tried dropping their pants too), and they just gaped at me. Felt really cool. Some random chick asked if she could take a picture with me. I mean im used to it and all by now... women just cant get enough of me, but still usually they introduce themselves first. :P

I had the misfortune of bumping into Mr Ferlin with my mask on. He said "Oh you had plastic surgery? You look much better now!". Then he scurried off to get his nasi padang.

I also wore my mask into the bus all the way to tampines mall, wishing a few commuters Happy Halloween. Met some of my drama juniors in the ITAS canteen and they were in their halloween costumes too. How wonderful. They got free food and all, but I think its only cuz they are girls. I asked the same uncle for something free after they left and he just stared at me and then asked if he could borrow my mask. He took a couple of pictures with the mask on, gave it back to me and said thanks. He didnt even like give me a french fry.

But all in all, it was a good halloween. Oh and I was thinking about what dominic said "We not ang moh celebrate halloween for what???" Well, I guess its for the fun of it, but I also feel that many only celebrate it cuz its american and everything american is good. So Im gonna go do some research on other festivals and look out for the fun ones and celebrate it. Goodnight!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Connecting the dots

Today has been a rather philosophical day for me. I dont know if its the after effects of monkey man, or just because I've genuinely got a lot happening up there, but yeah... I've been thinking a lot today.

I met up with Dominic after my tabla rehearsal with the ICG folks in school. The plan was to have lunch then head down to brewerkz. Dominic asked me a rather intriguing question. We were sitting down at the hawker centre, having our lunch, and random people kept coming to our table, sitting down, having a drink and leaving. I looked at those people, they were all old and they looked like the kind of simple people who were happy with, or at least accepted what life gave them. They were the kind of people who seemed happy to go down just for a cup of tea, and then pick up their heavy bags and go on with life. Dominic asked what I saw myself doing in the future. Something I have been asking myself quite often. Whenever I look at myself, I want nothing less that being successful. But then I ask myself what is my definition of success. Money? Fame? Making my parents and those around me proud? Pursuing law? Pursuing drama?

I dont know what I want out of all those. I want to conquer all of them. I want to get a law degree, I want to become a lawyer for a while and then give it up sometime later for drama. This is what I want to do now, but in life, what you want isnt what always transpires. Sometimes you just have to accept and believe that whatever unexpected twists occur in your life will somehow help form a greater you. Of course, as Steve Jobs said you can only fully appreciate these unexpected twists when you are ahead in life, looking back at it. Like for me, I didnt do very well in my PSLE and I went into the normal academic stream. Of course when you are in there, most of us accept that we will end up doing the courses, which are not too stringent when it comes to admission criterias. when I was in sec 5, I believed fervently that I would end up doing a course in IT or something related to that. That was until I met my sister's boyfriend and hung out with him a couple of times. He recommended that I check out the diploma in Law and Management. I never knew that existed. For the last 7 months of my final year in secondary school, I wanted to get into that courses really bad. I would wonder at night if I was good enough, whether they would take me, whether I was good enough to compete with the express students. I made it into the courses and I cant think of a word that expresses the feeling I had when I received the letter of acceptance. Looking back, I dont think I would have made it if I had gone into express. I guess when it comes to subjects like maths, I need more time and that extra year was exactly what I needed. Back to Dominic's question, I dont know what will happen from here, but I guess I have to trust that the dots will eventually join in the end.

This leads my to my second topic. Fate. What exactly is it? When something happens to some people, they just sigh and say it is fate. I suppose that is a good way of dealing with things because you learn to accept what has happened and accept that there are things that are beyond your powers that will happen, upsetting whatever you planned. But it is another thing to go around waiting for fate to come lift you off your feet and bring you success. I was just thinking about it on my way back in the bus, and I feel that fate, luck, god, or whatever else you would like to call it, does help you in your quest, but in order to receive that help you have to take a couple of steps forward first. I guess these external forces have a way of sniffing out the relentless tryers. I feel that if your goal was a kilometre away, in a straight line, you just have to keep taking steps towards that direction and fate,luck,god will take steps towards you to help pull you the rest of the distance when the two meet in between. So we just have to keep taking steps, and trust that one day you will get to the in between line, and hopefully luck will take you the rest of the way. Someone once asked me what is luck? He said that perhaps another word for it would be a coincidence, a coincidence is when two incidences happen at the same time. Its just two things that have a low probability of happening, happening. In the same way, it is possible to replicate that, it is possible to create your own luck. And how do you do that? By taking steps I suppose.

The third thing I want to talk about is being yourself. Very often I hear people saying, just be yourself and everything will be fine. I often ask myself who am I? I find that my personality switches when I meet different people. But why does it have to change? Very often I ask myself which self should I be? In psychology, I learned that the human mind consists of three... levels or layers, if you will. The first is the Id, which is the natural instinctive part of the brain that seeks the primary needs of humans, like food and sex. The third layer is your super-ego (will get to the second in a bit). That part strives to become the ideal person one would like to be. Like a loyal husband, with a perfect family and career. The second layer is your ego. Thats the rationalising part of the brain that balances the two. People might be more inclined towards a particular level, and therefore this defines their personality. My question is at which level should one be? We all have needs, we all have ambitions, is it wrong to pursue them? Is it right to keep rationalising? They are always drawbacks, if you are overly rationalistic, then you will be too afraid to pursue your dreams that you secretly wish for. Where should one be? The only answer I can come up with is to find the right balance for ourselves. Everything in life has to have a balance and I suppose it is up to the individual to find his balance. I also believe that success is achieving what you desire without pushing anyone else down. Im sorry if the last bit of this post is a little bit all over the place, I just am too lazy to go back and edit, and rephrase my thoughts. Goodnight

PS: Munah is hot.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The need to be free

Magus Luna 2 is tomorrow. Actually it is today, cuz its already 1.45am. I dont know why I'm up, but I just cant go to bed yet, cuz my mind is in a flurry. Theres just so much going on inside, so much has been going on for the past week. Its just overwhelming, and I need a outlet for all my thoughts, otherwise, I'm just gonna go mad.

I met up with Priya last saturday to get the cloth for Magus Luna 2, I was pretty exhausted that day, but looking back and comparing the state I am in now, I would have to say that I was still very much okay then. Once Monday came, everything has happened so fast. We didnt get much done on monday, then what was supposed to be completed on Monday dragged on to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Being the organiser of the show, and being the first show ever that I'm in charge of, you can pretty well imagine how I was feeling. Actually come to think of it, on Wednesday I reached a stage of numbness. I guess it was the stress of the setbacks coupled with the lack of sleep that caused the numbness. I was walking about, talking, getting things done, rehearsing, but it just didnt feel like me. It was like as though I was watching myself do all this from an external point of view. Then there were drastic measures that I had to take, which resulted in conflicts, but I suppose it wasnt uncalled for. I probably would have reacted the same way. Im just glad that they were professional enough to resolve it. I dont know how I could have gone on without some of them.

Without Kay and Fadzley, the set would have looked horrendous. Without Ashwin, I dont think we could have got the technical stuff sorted out as quickly, oh and I also have to thank him for keeping my sanity at times. Without Mas, I probably could not have managed the performers as well. And without Priya, I would have just crumbled under the workload. Its supposed to be Priya and my production officially, but honestly it is their production as much as it is ours.

Now back to my state during production week. Things started to get better on thursday, I was beginning to see the beacon of light, slim and faint but visible nevertheless. Then when I got home, I had some other admin stuff to do, so I ended up sleeping at 3am again. Even then, I couldnt get a good night's rest. I had really weird dreams and nightmares of being chased down a huge shopping mall by some psychotic killers, and I was running thru the aisles, pushing a friend in a trolley. I forgot who was there in my dream. Anyway, I got awakened with a call from Cat. Haha that was pretty funny. She was like "Hello Mato. Sorry to bother you so early in the morning like that." in a very pleasant tone. Then she went on to scold me abt leaving our stuff all over the corridor. Sigh... anyway Im sorry Cat if you are reading this. So I quickly got up, brushed my teeth, bathed, put some clothes on, didn't even bother shaving or gelling my hair or wearing my contacts. I was out of the house in like 20mins. Then I had to wait for 15mins for a friggin cab. Which is surprising, considering how there is always an abundant supply of cabs around my area. I reached design space, and together with Mas, Kay and the Nadi Crew folks,cleaned up the corridor and the stage. Thanks Nadi Crew!

Then we realised that there was a little bit of paint on the floor, and if Cat found out about it, she would probably flip! So Elias and I went down to the paint shop to get turpentine. Afterwards, we went to the barber, and I shaved my head. Then we went back and worked worked and rehearsed. Things are much better now. But theres still room for improvement. I think the cast is awesome, they pick up quickly, except that they are too bloody noisy backstage, but nevermind I hope they will be on their best behaviour tomorrow, otherwise I'll kill them. I swear! I'll friggin drag them backstage, stab them in their thighs repeatedly and puncture the major artery there and watch them bleed to death, all the while screaming "You like to make noise backstage right! Nah! Make all the fuckin noise u want!"

But aiyah, I hope everything goes well tomorrow man. I have confidence in us. Just hope there are no screw ups tomorrow. Im gonna sleep now. Till I write again, Goodnight.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Dont diss Google Earth man... Im warning you!

Hello peeps. Its like 3.52am right now, and I really shuld be sleeping. But before I go, I have to upload this conversation I just had with my friend charmaine. Now for those of you who dont know who charmaine is, she is actually priya's aunt, but because of some weird happening somewhere in their family line, charmaine is younger than priya. Anyway, It started off with me looking for my house on Google Earth. After a while, I managed to find it by tracing roads I was familiar with. Being me, I was beyond glee when I finally found my house, so I decided to share the good news with Charmaine, and tried explaining what Google Earth was all about. She found it interesting and said that she would download it tomorrow. Being the jackass that I always am, I decided to kick up a whole load of fuss, and... well... read for yourself.

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
woohoo i found my house

MAINE says:

MAINE says:
what house? arent you at home?

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i mean yes i am. I meant on google earth

MAINE says:
oh coool whats that?

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
go download

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
lets u navigate the world, then u can zoom in to countries and see satellite images of the entire place. Can zoom in all the way till u find ure house

MAINE says:
oh wow. thats coooool.

MAINE says:
i'll do that tmr.. im too tired now. hehh

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i dint ask u to do it wad

MAINE says:
you asked me to go downloadddd

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
nah i meant go download if u wanna know, cuz i lazy to explain

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
but i was like ahh fuck it just tell the poor girl

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
then now ure like sayin oh ill do it tomz

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
like google earth is not good enough fer u

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
like as if its not worth ure attention

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
like as if ure queen high and almighty

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
and u dont need google earth

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
like its of no importance to u at all

MAINE says:
HEYHEY! dont get me wrong lahhh

MAINE says:
it is cooool

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
yeah and now ure just being patronising

MAINE says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
like when one of ure servants comes up to u and shows u something

MAINE says:
i nvr meant it that way!

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
and u like stop looking at ure pearl necklace and just glance at it and say "ya ya its nice... now go away"

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
like u dont appreciate what google earth can do for u

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i mean its just that

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i went thru so much explaining what it is

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
then ure like aiyah its not worth my time

MAINE says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i felt very insulted

MAINE says:
ehhh dont be angry!

MAINE says:
i din insult you!

MAINE says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
nvm its ok

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i mean i hope u understand

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
that i really truly tried explaining what google earth does

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
maybe it wasnt a good enough explanation for u

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i dont know

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
but i just thought it would be nice to share it with u... but i guess u dont appreciate it

MAINE says:
mato!! i appreciated it!

MAINE says:
why you so drama

MAINE says:
i didnt insult you!

MAINE says:
i swear

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
Eh charmaine!

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
this is too hilarious

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
im uploading this conversation on my blog

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
i was kidding lah!

MAINE says:

MAINE says:

MAINE says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
haha yes i am

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
damn cute

MAINE says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
relax its funny

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
its damn funny lah... how u thought i was serious

Dr Cow & the Perennially Perplexing Purple Potato says:
CHARMAINE! did u really think id be upset with u over a computer program?

MAINE says:
you blooody hell sounded damn serious lah!

MAINE says:
EH LACK OF SLEEP HEREEEE! so not really thinking properly!!


Thats the end of the conversation. Err... goodnight.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The name game

Hey people, Its been a very very very very very very very very very very long while since I last bloggereded. Just didn't have the mood to blog anymore. Surprisingly it just came back to me. I mean who would have thought the the blogging mood would suddenly just erupt within me like a volcano in a water bottle. Hmm volcano in a water bottle... come to think of it, thats how one feels when he pukes halfway and swallows back his own puke. Happened to me a few times... pretty awesome feeling. Anyway, the reason why I decided to blog again was because of www.urbandictionary.com its like this reaaaally cool website which i stumbled upon whilst blog-reading. It gives definitions to names. Obviously theres no definition for my name cuz my name is so unique! Unique to the point that no one wants it. sigh... anyway, I ran a few names in there and heres what it came up with (Even comes with how to use the name in sentences)!!!

How bout, a way to say "Okay"
"CLEAN YP YOUR ROOM KAY!?" ... "kay..."

Word that I (Lysseh) use to mean 'Okay, I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about.'See also kaybye.
Person: My life sucks. I want to kill myself tonight because my love just moved 30 miles away, and my dad wants me to clean the house.Lysseh: kay. -walks away-


1)How bout, a way to say "Okay"
"CLEAN YP YOUR ROOM KAY!?" ... "kay..."

2. kay

Word that I (Lysseh) use to mean 'Okay, I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about.'See also kaybye.
Person: My life sucks. I want to kill myself tonight because my love just moved 30 miles away, and my dad wants me to clean the house.Lysseh: kay. -walks away-

3. kay

a jewlery shop in the Warwick Mall and Smithfield Commons
Every kiss begins with kay....no shit gay ass!!! K i s s

4. kay

nounTerm for the outer glutimus maximus or ass.Derived from the shorthand version 'ay' as a reference to violent entry.
"I'm kicking your kay!""I'll do you up the kay!"

a guy who sleeps with animals
"oh dominic stop fucking that goat"


(n.)- one who is considered the goofiest friend, the most passionate lover, the most worthy contender, or bootilicious OR ALL OF THE ABOVE. (n.)- one who mimics animals(n.)- one who strives to be an air-bender
That guy is definitely ashwin material.Is that your ashwin?Damn, you are so an ashwin with that fine ass of yours.


1)One Damn Sexy Mother Fucker.
I am so Elias

2) Name given to a man who has exceptional abilities in seemingly an endless number of topics. For some reason however; God decided to make all Elias' considerably unskilled in basketball. For they have no ability to play the game and seem to have no concept of how to stop anyone else from scoring.
I saw that man named Elias lift a car with one arm, but he never could stop Kurt from scoring when playing one on one in basketball. Simply amazing!

3. elias

a piece of shit, as in a pile of feces.
Oh fuck.. i stepped in an Elias!


1. knowledgeable in a wide variety of fields, especially language 2. to desire another's wife

A sweet nice girl, who usually is very innocent. A girl named Priya is associated with intellect, and the power to seduce anyone ;-)
Wowwww did you see Priya? Shyteee she lookx gooood

Hmm... Well... it is accurate about Dominic (That explains his love for animals... or should i say lust for animals), and almost true for elias, except in his case he just thinks hes drop dead sexy and that he has superpowers. The last one was pretty funny... Priya being able to seduce any1! Wahahaha! I mean no disrespect or whatever Priya, but u is like a little bit freaky. Like those huge eyed monsters in my PETS textbook in primary 3. I remember I crapped myself back then when I got the book. I was like yay finally Im going to Primary 3... let me read my PETS textbook (I liked reading all the stories in there). Then I flipped through the pages and suddenly there was some green ugly monster staring at me and it was at night. So i started screaming like a girl for 3 seconds cuz I read the book about medusa a few days before and she used to petrify people with her gaze, and from that day onwards I had a phobia of looking people and animals in their eyes. So you can kinda guess how freaked out I was. But I managed to calm myself down by sniffing the glue in my pencil box. I used to love doing that, till I found out that it killed brain cells and that it was an offence. Damage was done though... I mean look at me now, everyone thinks im some weirdo.

Speaking of weirdos, Elias and I were walkin towards design school to get the seductress and ashwin the horse, and I suddenly started rapping, and Elias did his beatbox thing. It was like damn cool cuz it was damn spontaneous and this whole group of students just stared at the both of us cuz we were really getting into it, and then we got stopped by the security guard, who asked us for our matric cards to check if we were indeed from TP. But he was pretty cool as well... he asked what the hell we were doing so we told him and he encouraged us to continue and wished us luck. How nice of him... I hope God blesses him so that he never has to experience how it feels like, having a hamster wedged in-between his butt cheeks. Okay thats all I have for now folks... its almost 7am and its time to hit da sack!

Keep it real! Big up to yall!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Help!! Crocs Are Taking Over Singapore!!!

Hello again dear citizens. I am afraid that I have to break some very sad news. Crocs have invaded Singapore. It doesn't stop there folks... they are multiplying rapidly and killing the fashion sense of regular normal people like you and me. It is not known when they first infiltrated local boundaries, experts have only managed to come up with speculations and although there is no definite answer, the general timeframe has been set at around 4-6 months ago.

A few of you lucky people who have not had any contact whatsoever with crocs may at this point be wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Crocs are these little ugly things that attach themselves to your feet. They come in a whole spectrum of colours and have lots of holes in them. They 'feel' really comfortable, but its really just its way of manipulating the person wearing them before jumping up and ripping a huge hole through your pocket, with such speed and precision that it feels painless really, before attaching itself onto your feet again, like some ugly, holey, weird coloured leech.

Be warned, these crocs are HIGHLY DANGEROUS. Please DO NOT touch them under any circumstances. The soft, rubbery feel is very enticing and it has a very sweet coaxing tongue. If for whatever reasons, you happen to touch a croc, keep repeating "I wont allow ugliness to attach itself unto me."

Meanwhile, we are setting up an emergency relief division, CATOS (Crocs Are Taking Over Singapore). If you feel that you might have fallen prey to a croc, or you know anyone who has, please call our 24hr, toll free hotline at 1800-Kill-A-Croc.

Singapore... be vigilant. Thank you.


Priya this post was especially for you. Call the hotline immediately.

PS: The writer of this article did not intend to defame anyone or anything, and if he did so, he would like to claim automatism. He was trying to type a post about love but suddenly suffered from a sudden seizure and his fingers hit on random keys. The entire post was therefore made out involuntarily. If the random hitting of keys formed any comprehensible sentences, it is purely out of coincidence. Arrrghh here comes another seizure.... adhaugdauhduahd sufauihd.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

T05 Class Chalet

Its 7.24pm, and I just woke up a while back. This has to be some new record for myself. I think its the first time I've stayed up the entire night. It feels pretty weird actually... to see the sun setting in the evening, and then a few hours later(or so it seems), I hear the birds chirping and the sun rising again. It didnt feel like a new day at all. For me, a new day is when u wake up after sleeping through the night. Hmm... I think my biological clock is gonna be pretty screwed up for a few days.

Well the reason for me staying up the entire night is our class chalet(as you have probably guessed by now). Since we are going to be splitting up next sem, we thought it would be nice to have a sort of celebration to commemorate the two semesters spent together. I shall take you through the three days of our chalet.

Day 1

Nothing much happened. I came quite late at ard 8pm. I was really glad to reach finally, what with the damn speakers, subwoofer and laptop to carry. Didn't do very much, just talked to the few people who were there(Sheena, Mud, K.J, Wine and Vickie). I was starving so I decided to get some food from Burger King. Since everyone was out there in the living room, I politely asked if they wanted me to get them anything.

"Hey guys Im gonna get something from BK. Yall want anything?"

*sound of crickets outside*

"Right then... I'm leaving if you guys need anything just call me."

*sound of crickets outside*

After my meal, I joined the others for a game of bridge, which is quite fun once you get the hang of it. Sad to say, I didn't really get the hang of it. Haha...
I tried turning in after that cuz I had drama the next morning, but our neighbours were blasting bhangra and tamil songs and yelling and clapping. Finally managed to fall asleep around 3.30am.

Day 2/3

I went home after drama, got changed and took whatever was left of my absolut and midori and went back to the chalet. The others were already there, Ashwin, Dominic, Leon and Syaf. Dont know what Syaf was doing there though... it wasnt even her class party. After making fun of her and telling her to go away, we started eating and I set up my sound system and started djing for a while. It was pretty pathetic lah cuz no1 wanted to dance. So I just like put it on autopilot and then went outside to remind Syaf that she wasnt part of the party and that she stinks. Haha! Syaf Syaf Syaf... the little elf. Shes damn cute lah.

So after a bit, Syaf had to leave. Ashwin, Dominic and I walked her to the bus-stop, and then went to play pool. We walked in, and the lady at the counter informed us that we could only play for 40mins cuz they were closing soon. We agreed to her terms and handed her our IC's, but she just started scolding us. I was kinda taken aback by her sudden outburst.

"You all better stop in 40mins. I know yall just say only...then when I ask yall to stop, you will scold aunty. You young people always like that... don't know how to give value to your words. Everynight I have to close late because of people like you... Supposed to close at 11 sharp, but you people always make me wait till 12am then close. Then... take taxi also kena pay midnight surchage. Then reach home almost 1am already... my husband already sleeping. You know my sex life is almost non-existent now???"

Okay fine I might have exaggerated just a little bit... but you get the drift. After pool we were walking back and saw this group of girls trying to take a group picture of themselves, but were unsuccessful, so they asked us for help. As a reward they tried throwing a water bomb at us. Pretty scary bunch of girls. But we ended up playing water bombs with them... they might have got a few lucky hits here and there, but I still feel we won. We ended up outside their chalet talking cock and us the guys drinking. Then we played cards and stuff and then just ended up talking cock again till 7am and then went back to our chalet, got our stuff and left for home.

The return journey home was the hardest, because this time in addition to the heavy load I was carrying, I was sleepy and dehydrated. I got to the pasir ris bus-stop and waited for 53. Murphys law had to kick in at that point. Students from Meridian JC just started streaming in. 53 came, and the students filled it up. I sat down again, cursing under my breath, glad that the bus stop was almost empty now. 2 mins later, a whole herd of MJC students streamed in again, and like as if that was not enough, this bunch of students stood right in front of my face, obscuring my sight and started arguing animatedly.

Student 1: Im telling you, I tried calling him.

Student 2: You liar, I just called him and he picked up

Student 1: No you couldn't have. Maybe you called the wrong number

Student 2: Okay what if I call him now and he picks up??? I`ll pinch you then

Student 1: No you wont... you can't pinch me

*Student 2 advances on student 1 with his hands set in a pinching mode, extended and aimed at Student 1's nipples*

*The 3 girls standing there and watching them chant "pinch him... pinch him"*

Luckily another bus came and they went off. 53 came 5mins later, I got on it and slept the whole way home.