Friday, December 30, 2005

Goodbye 2005

Okay people... I know I havent updated in like 3-4 months now. I apologise but I'm just really really lazy. The thought of blogging is just so mentally tiring. I get tired before I even start and hence decide to put it off to another day. I guess its because I am so long winded and give super long introductions that are irrelevant to the post like what I'm doing now. So moving on, I actually did attempt to write a New Year post. Here is the little that I managed to write:

Yet another year has come to an end. This has been a wonderful year for me. It started off with me working for a couple of months at an uncles computer shop, where I learnt a lot. I used the skills I learnt there to make some money for myself repairing other ppls computer. Although I wasnt earning very much, It was pretty fun at that place. I worked with what I love(computers), I made some money, got electrocuted at least once everyday, and met very interesting people (Refer to post on "The curse of the Jiggerbyte man").

Then came the o level results. I remember pacing up and down the bus stop. My nerves were killing me....

(Ends Here)

So anyway, just to update you guys on whats been happening. This entire term has been really pressure-rising(Pun intended). The pressure just kept building up with the deadlines and the presentations and the peer appraisals and the exams almost immediately after. But I somehow managed and have emerged from the battle. Didnt do too well for the exams though. Although I cleared everything, My GPA wasnt a very nice figure.

Lucky(My Hamster), died on tuesday(14/03/06). I got home from drama rehearsal and saw her in her little house she sleeps in... dead! She was just lying there with her eyes closed, and with ants all over her soft, shiny fur. It was a painful sight. It did not come as a shock to me though. I had a feeling her time was coming and used to poke her when she was sleeping often to make sure she wasnt dead. She was just bidding her time I guess. I had a nice funeral for her. Cycled to lower pierce where I found her and burried her there. Delivered my eulogy and then covered her with leaves. It felt good... gave me a sense of closure. Well then Lucky... I will miss you! Thanks for giving me the chance to have your company for a few years.

Death is pretty amazing isnt it. You know it will come one day. You know that it can come anytime and very often you keep reminding yourself that it might come unexpectedly, but still when it finally arrives, it swoops down really fast and wipes the essence of life out of the being and soars up away, leaving you to deal with the aftermath. People deal with death in a variety of manners. There are those who weep hysterically and those who just look blank and lost and the others fall somewhere between the two extremes. But one thing for sure is that it leaves us with a very heavy heart. It leaves us to recollect the time spent with the deceased, to reflect on the good and bad times. Then comes the harshest phase. The period where you look at the bad times you had. The arguments and the times where you said something hurtful to the deceased. Then comes a really heavy guilt trip. Its part of the grieving process I guess and perhaps every one of those stages has its significance. Well whatever it is, I will miss Lucky. Im not sure for how long because time heals all things and slowly I will start thinking of her less. I dont want to, but it will happen. Thats another issue.

I think that is what Im afraid of, being forgotten. Im not afraid of death because it will have to come. I often console myself with the thought that even if I have to suffer before death, death will come and then there will be no more suffering. I just dont like the idea of my identity, my contributions, my impressions being forgotten, like as if I never even existed. But it will happen. It has to happen one day. Maybe it is a good thing. Perhaps it is vital for earth and humanity. Just like the cells of a body, it is 'born', serves its purpose and then falls off only to be replaced by a new cell. The new cell cannot emerge without the old cell falling off. Imagine if the old cell becomes greedy and selfish and says that he doesnt want to leave because he helped shape the body and therefore shouldnt be 'forgotten' just like that. The entire body would remain in the same form, not growing, not changing, not evolving. I guess Im just being that greedy cell. Wanting to be rewarded for my little contribution to the body. How silly of me.

I must say it feels good to start blogging again. Im gonna do it more often now. Id love to continue writing, but Im like really sleepy and on the brink of unconsciousness. Cant really string sentences together anymore... I think i really better stop bed and go to writing. Hahahaha! Well... goodnite every1!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Merman, The Kid, Whistler and Sexy Bottoms

This past week has been crazy. With all my projects due, I was working late into the nights, like the elves in "The elves and the shoemaker", except I wasnt making shoes. Hmm... Anyway, it felt good too, to be in a semi conscious state. You dont really care what is going on, you keep shifting from semi-lucidness to sleep and vice versa. Anyway, I was glad when Friday finally came. Actually friday was pretty bad too, cuz I came home with a splitting headache. Funny thing was that Me, Preeya and Kay were suffering from headaches on that day too. All three of us are from the same course and the same cca. Cool huh?

Saturday was spent bumming around. I managed to sit my ass down for half an hour to study, but kept getting distracted. Seriously, why the hell did the bunch of sexy chicks decide to steal my attention by playing at the playground and giggling their instant-turn on giggles? Jeez...

(I made that up... it was actually a bunch of old ah-peks smoking and laughing)

Anyway, I called Edmund Verghese at around 9.45 and asked him to meet me fer dinner/supper, but he was still working so I had to wait till like 11. Actually 11.30 cuz he forgot all abt our dinner/supper plan and almost fell asleep. The lousy fleabag. I finally managed to get him and then told him to meet me under the block in 10mins.

I was just about finishing off an email 10mins later, when he called me...


I quickly ended off my email, closed the lid of my laptop, didnt even bother strapping my feet into my sandals, and hurried down the steps two at a time, and at the foot of the stairs stood Edmund Verghese grinning at me. He finally broke his grin and said

"You know how raccoons like scavenging rubbish heaps?"

I nodded, and then looked in the spot he directed me at. There was an old man, with earphones plugged into his ears, rummaging through the pile of stuff chucked out by some people probably making room for new stuff for christmas. Oh and he did look like a raccoon, all bent up and picking up random objects, examining them from various angles, and then either chucking it back into the heap, or dropping it into his "salvaged items" bag.

We walked on towards S11, I ordered my pratas and he, his mee goreng. I was barely into my 4th bite, when I noticed another old man, in tight shorts bending over a chair, and it looked like he was talking to it. After a bit he sat down, then got up after a while, walked around and came back and talked to the chair again. Now we had noticed a few other mad people around our neighbourhood, and have given them names. Here are their profiles.

Merman: A skinny chinese man with really long dirty hair and a beard, he wears shorts, slippers and a crumpled checkered shirt that has the first 3buttons unbuttoned. He just stairs blankly into space. He is pretty scary. We called him merman because of his long hair and his skinny body. Makes him look very water friendly.

The Kid: A plump malay man, who sits by himself the whole day wearing a really tiny mickey mouse cap that just sits on the top of his balding head, not really covering anything. He always wears the same mickey mouse cap. He is rather cute to look at.

Whistler: Now this guy here means serious business. He loves music, or maybe just sound. He has been around for a long time. I used to see him only at kovan, but he has made his way down to my area now. He used to carry this toy that played tunes and would put it next to his ear and walk around like that all day. We recently found out that he has upgraded and now makes his own music(noise actually). Me and Edmund were alighting from the bus one day when we heard a shrill whistle. We found its source standing near the bus stop, blowing a soccer whistle and waving his hands frantically.

Sexy Bottoms: I have already described sexy bottoms. He is our newest addition to the "Mad-People-Around-Our-Neighbourhood" list. We think he was asking the chair for permission to sit on it, and by the looks of it, the chair wasnt really for that idea. He spent about 2minutes trying to persuade the chair. His head was moving around animatedly throughout the negotiation process, the same way ashwin's head goes when he is trying to persuade girls to date him. The only difference between ashwin and the mad guy was that the chair finally allowed him to sit on it.

So anyway, after a hurried supper (My mum called and told me that my hamster was running loose), Edmund and I walked back, he was telling me something about his work but I was more interested in what the moon was made of. When we reached under our block again, we saw another raccoon scavenging the same pile of discarded stuff thinggies. Two raccoons in one night... wow. The second raccoon got some stuff and walked away. I was like... hey there seems to be something in there for everyone man... lets go take a look.

Nothing much actually... old chargers and shit like that. I was tempted to pick up a broken toy gun and chase edmund around with it, but resisted the urge. The raccoon came back again and started talking to us. He was like "can always find something in there... that day I found a handphone... motorolla". Then he picked up a charger and started examining it like the other raccoon. He asked if we wanted it. So generous. We declined and walked away. Edmund was damn excited already lah by that time. He was like "A talking raccoon!! A talking raccoon!"

Hmmm... lots of weird happenings and people around my area. Maybe its just me... ??? Oh well... time to go study for term tests now. See ya!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Party Party Party!

Last week was a party week. Thursday, Break on Friday, and then two parties on Saturday! I shall give u a blow-by-blow account of what happened.

Ok Friday was Ankits party at his new condo which he hasnt moved into yet. It was actually to celebrate the end of the O'lvls. So umm... I told him I would come, so I like arranged with Rajiv and Teajas Rao( Got a new catch-phrase for him btw "How now... brown Rao") Haha! OKOK so anyway, I made my grand entrance a little late as usual. Well I wasnt really expecting like ZoukOut crowd and all, but damn! I walked in the function room and it was... EMPTY. Well save one person, but DUDE! Where did all the peeepol go man?!! I swear it looked like those cowboy desert scenes in the movies where there is one person on the other end and those balls of dust or nettles or whatever rolling by in the wind.

But ok lah... it wasnt as bad as I first thought it was, because everone else was actually outside at the barbeque. Oh and by saying "everyone else" I dint mean like there was a reasonable crowd back there, I meant like maybe 12-15 more people were there. There were these two chinese chicks there though. Kinda forgot their names but one of em was really hot lah!!!
Ankit... if ure reading this, give her my number ok? Or actually just give me her number. Girls dont usually call me back. "Too psycho" they say. Jeez! I think I should get an award for the most number of girls Ive turned lesbian. I dint mean for it though. Hmm...

Well, I cheered up a little after realising that two very important people were at the party, with some of their friends who wouldnt be important without them. Mr Chivas and Mr Absolut... their friends were umm... Coke and Sprite we mingled them after breaking the ice. NIAHAHAHAHAHA!

Party #2

It was Sonali's bdae party on saturday at Drishtea's house. Went there with Raggif and Teajas. It was alright... food looked good, crowd looked pretty good too... some people were really getting into the groove a little later on... funny how this one ang moh girl remined me of ben stiller in Zoolander while dancing... but you know... if she enjoys herself dancing like that, then ive got no problems with it... knock ureself out I say! Drishti has a nice house btw... really huge. I particularly liked the statue of the sexy lady under her dining table. Man if I had that under my dining table... I would even consider seconds of gross vegetables.

Well we gave sonali her prezzie, I hugged her abt 4 times throughout the night wishing her happy bdae over and over again. I left at around 11.15 with Chirag. We shared a cab and had a pretty good conversation. I got off at Mohd Sultan Rd and went into cheekies.

Now heres the story you guys have been waiting for...

Party #3 - Cheeky Monkeys

Got in there, headed for the loo first. Needed to leak badly. Got out and met up with all my classmates and coursemates. Dominic, Ashwin, Jean, Radah, Vickie, and of course the B`dae girl Nisa! Im tellin you... it was a freak night. I had a lot to drink, we were all so high man. Went to dance with ash, dom and his gf nicole. Me and Ash were displaying our rather unconventional dance moves. I finally was able to perform the new move I had been working on... Its called the Cobra... I put one hand over the other so that it resembled a cobra, started twirling around bringing my hands from the bottom over my head and striking people with violent forward head movements. WAHAHAHA! Awesome shiiite yo! I looked around and it seemed like it was the norm for everyone to be really pissed drunk in there. There was this dude who was dancing really vigorously on the podium. His actions had an uncanny resemblance to someone who had just swallowed a bottle of muscle relaxants. Im telling you... it was like watching a giant hyperactive jellyfish grooving to the beat. Nisa was so high she was kissing everyone (I was not spared). One of Ashwin's friends has a thing for Mas(She came later btw). He was like so close to her, they looked like a pair of conjoined twins dancing with very poor coordination. There was this other dude who was like all over Vickie. He was hugging her and dancing at the same time. It was like watching Santa Clause in a potato sack running a race... they looked like they were gonna fall over anytime. With love and puke blossoming all over, I went outside and saw Ashwin sitting down near this other tamiley dude. Fella was pissed drunk with a capital Pissed! We started chatting with him. We asked him if he was ok and all, then talked abt what was goin on in the club. Then it progressed to the clichè questions part.

Me: So where you from??

Drunk: Im from AC....JAY SEEEEE (ACJC)

Me & Ashwin: Oh Ok.

Ashwin: You look sleepy dude

Drunk: I look skinny?

Ashwin: Nono... you look sleepy.

Drunk: Im not SKINNY(He really wasnt)

Me and Ash(In between chuckles): SLEEPY SLEEPY!

Drunk: NO! The two of you are skinny! *Points at us*

We finally relent...

Me and Ash: Yeah yeah... we are skinny. We are too drunk! Dont know what we are saying dude! Anyway, we are going in now...

Drunk: Okay... any problem, you(points at himself) come and look for me(points at us)

But I gotta say man... What a night. Cant wait to do it again with my classmates. Shared a cab with Jean and Radah. Radah forgot her house keys so she and Jean went to sleep in a drain. I headed home and had 6glasses of water before I slept. Well then... till next time. Adioz!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Guess whose back???

Guess whoze back?? Back again... Shady's Cowz back... tell a frend.

It feels good to be back after a long while. I dont really know what to say here... dont really have anything in particular to say. I guess shall just talk a bit about whats been goin on in my life.

Holidays came and went just like that. School has started again, and my word... things are going pretty fast already. Its like a giant hand just picked me up and dropped me in a really fast stream thats leading to a waterfall. It wasnt like that last sem. Last sem was more like me voluntarily jumping into a lake thinggy that connects to that stream leading to the waterfall. Im already beginning to feel a little lost. Someone throw me a life-jacket please.

On a lighter note, my sister and I have just launched our debut single. Its entitled "Leg Hair". A tribute to the many strands of leg hairs the hair follicles on my legs excrete.

Listen to it Here

Its just superb lah. Im on the tablas.

I caught Moon People on wednesday. It was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyy good man! For those who dont know, Moon People is a musical by Temasek Poly, commemorating its 15h anniversary. I knew like half of the actors there... many of them were a surprise. My LSM2 tutor and my Management tutor for example. Dominic(My classmate) played one of the leads. He was bloody brilliant. I would even venture to say he was as good as me. Wahahahaha!

Right... I noticed none of yall are laughing so ill just move on... Went cycling after a long time again. kinda threw myself back onto the game really hard. We went trailing. Not the normal Bukit Timah trail, which is a breeze compared to the one we went to. Its called woodcutters trail, about 3-4 times longer than the bukit timah trail. Took us about 2 hours to complete. It was really nasty cuz first we had to cycle thru this little stream which was really cold, and then came the painful part. there were vines entangled all over, and these vines had like a million thorns on them. I was screaming like Homer Simpson man. "Ouch!" "Yikes" "Bjeez" "Dammit" "DOH!!!!"

Oh... Amreet and I got roles as extras in this new Arts Central show called "9 lives", starring Adrian Pang and Lim Yu Beng. We went down for the first day of filming at DXO(Formerly Embassy). We were a little disappointed when we learnt we wouldnt have any lines, we were to be "Passer-by's". It was damn funny lah when the fella came and told us that we were supposed to be passer-by's. Me and Reet were stting down and he was like...

"Okay for your first scene you guys are passer-by's. We will need u in about 30mins, so just hang around here I will come get yall later."

So Amreet and I were like "Okay... we will just do our warm-ups then. Do a bit of stretching and stuff."

The guy looked at us with a severely bewildered look and was like...
"Erm... well actually yall are just passer-by's. You dont have lines."

Then Amreet cut him off and said.
"YEAH!... But we dont wanna risk having leg cramps and all you know!"

I couldnt take it anymore... I started laughing and could just nod in agreement. The guy thought we were crazy morons and walked off. For some strange reason, 90% of the extras were all
PRC(China) folks. Amreet and I were like wtf... but tried our utmost not look too pertubed by this. Our initial thoughts were that we were extras in a chinese show. But the leads were talking in English. *Phew*

One cameraman, Raj, fell asleep on the floor outside the club and started snoring. Lots of strange happenings. Anyway, we ended filming at like 6:40am. We were so drained man... oh and hungry too. We went to Funan's mcdonalds but they werent open yet. So we just settled for some microwaved food from 7-11. We split up after that, I went home, got my bag and went to school. Kept dozing off in lecture initially until Ashwin came and sat beside me. Okay then... till next time. Adioz!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Eagle and the Bollywood Actors

Once upon a time, there was an eagle. His name was Alfred Mavelpick Constantine Moralles Jr. He was from the land of Lappity Lap. So anyway, he was in Singapore for a short holiday. He was flying past High Street and then saw a filming taking place. It was for a hindi movie and it was starring Hrithik Roshan. He was a little hungry and spotted the hair on Hrithik Roshans back. He swooped down and with an almighty snap of his beak, tore off all the exposed hair on his back.

The End.

Just kiddin... Lots of things happened to me in the last two days. Yesterday I was at my uncles shop at Peninsula, helping him move some stuff outta the office. There was this other guy Faraz there too. We had to bring some stuff over to the store which was a few blocks away. Now on our way back, we saw this old man slumped against a stone bench outside Petals. We were looking at him and then Faraz suggested we ask him if he is alright. So we did just that, but he seemed to be only semi-conscious. He tried getting up, but he just couldnt lift himself up. His arms were shaving violently everytime he attempted to. So we just looked at each other and were like wtf? So we helped him get up and sit on the bench and then he signalled for some water which faraz went to get. After a drink of water, he slipped in and out of consciousness, and then finally slumped back down on the floor. We called the ambulance and them waited for like half an hour for them because they FORGOT! Imagine that man! Jeez lets all take good care of ourselves so that we never need the services of ambulances. I mean what the hell man??? Imagine you are dying in some weird corner of Singapore, trusting that an ambulance is on its way and is going to arrive very soon and those blokes back there are having doughnuts and deliberating on which team to bet on for the nights match... or something like that.

So anyway, after the police man arrived (Yes he arrived before the ambulance), me and Faraz went to see Hrithik Roshan and Priyanka Chopra(Bollywood actors) at high street. They were shooting in Singapore. Hrithik looked a little gay... Priyanka was alrite lah.

Oh and btw. I saw an eagle today. It was really awesome man... I was on my way back to Peninsula after delivering some goods at Beach Rd. I was on the bus, sitting quietly, watching some old bloke dig his nose and examine his boogey before he wiped it on his singlet with great intent. Just then, Jimmy the cricket(My conscience) appeared and said in a little wee voice.
"Yo mother-BLEEP!! You gonna put me to sleep by drowning me in booze again??! You disgusting old sonnawabeesh!!! Oh and by tha way, look outta tha window dawg! Ya mite see some shit you like. Aight! Im outta here bitch!".

And with that, my conscience Jimmy the cricket vanished. I kinda miss him. He hasnt been appearing much lately. Sigh! Anyway, I did just what he told me to. At first I saw nothing, but then I saw something above me moving. I looked up and saw that someone's hand was against the window outside. There probably was someone on the roof of the bus, trying to get attention or something. Jeez... attention seekers! But anyway it's a good thing I looked up, because I caught a glimpse of something flying in the air. It was descending fast. Could it be superman? Or an alien spaceship? Or perhaps even a bird????

Well, as you probably already guessed, it was a birdy. But what kinda birdy was it? Was it a little sparrow, flying home to mummy to tell her about all the people she shat on? Or maybe one of those little yellow birds?(Im not racist, nor generalising... actually I am. Most yellow birds are small.Hehehe!). Well, to my utter amazement, it was an eagle! A real live eagle I tell you! It was flapping its wings and flying around in the sky, I stared at it for like 5seconds and then realised that it would soon be gone. So I started waving frantically at it. Hoping... Preying(hehehe) that it would see me with its super birds eye capability. It did... or at least I think so. Mr E.Gerl cocked its head to the side, as though he was peering at me, sizing me up from way up there. I think he knew that I was trying to say hi so he started flapping ONE of his wings, (He was gliding for a while) which was facing my direction! How cool is that huh? I think thats the highlight of my day. Oh and about 10seconds later, I heard a gunshot. Which could only mean two things

1. Someone shot the eagle
2. Another murder has taken place in Singapore

Man... I really hope the eagle is fine. Oh and I had just brought out a trolley stacked with boxes out of the office at Peninsula, when this Punjabi man in his 60s walked towards me. I looked at him and smiled and he started alking to me in Punjabi and I was like I dont speak Punjabi. So he spoke to me in Hindi, which I replied to in a mix of broken hindi and english. Finally he realised that I was a dumb moron and spoke to me in English. He said "Hard physical labour is good for you. It will come in handy when you are older. I used to do a lot of hard work too! Look at me!!"
Then he thrusted his big bulging belly out and grinned. I mumbled something that went along the lines of

"Wow! I wanna be just like you when Im older. Fat and full of bullshit!" Haha. I just realised that Im very mean in this post. Hmm... no lah I dint say that. That guy was a nice chap. No hard feelings dude!

Anyway, Im off to sleep. Goodnight and goodbye!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hong Kong and China

So as most of you guys know, I was in Hong Kong and China for about 4 days. I was with my cousin from brunei who had to go there for business. He arrived in Singapore on the 15th, picked him up from the airport and left the next day for Hong Kong.

I had a great time, although I have to say that China was more enjoyable than Hong Kong. Maybe it was because I only spent a day in Hong Kong, but I felt that the people of Hong Kong werent as nice as the people in China. Hmm... I think I had so much fun because I was with my cousin. The both of us were like practically laughing the whole day. There were many strange funny events that took place there. The first one took place just after we landed.


We were at the customs, waiting in line talking to each other when we saw a american family joining the queue. Now let me tell u a little about that family. I dont know their last names' but im gonna call them the Stranges. Father Strange had a blueish-green mohawkish hairdo, Mother Strange had like braids that were green. Daughter strange had purple hair and the two little boy stranges had hair that I cant really describe also of a weird colour.

Now when they walked in, it was all eyes on them. Most people just took a brief glance at them, not wanting to appear appear rude by staring I guess, but me and my cousin were too stunned to take our eyes off them. My cousin turned to me and said just so loudly that a few people around us could hear "Oh boy... They are ready for disneyland". That was it man... the both of us burst out laughing along with this English gentleman behind us.
That dude was like "Shhh! Ure gonna get ureself beaten up!"

One thing I learnt in Hong Kong and China is that people dont really care for queuing up. If you even turn around for a second to talk to your friend or something, when you turn back, your nose will probably bump into another person's back who just came into that line and you know what the worst part is? They will make u feel like ure in the wrong when u tell them off. They will start mumbling and complaining and gesturing how a queue works in their country and shit like that. Its really pretty amusing.

We passed by this school named "Kaling School of the Precious Blood". I think its an indian school... Kaling! As in like "Kelingkia". Hmm anyway, we went to this small motel kinda place since it was already like 9pm and we would be out of there by 6am the next day we didnt wanna spend too much money on hotels there. We got off at this place called Nathan Road and guess what I saw when I got off the bus. INDIANS! Oh and btw it wasnt just one or two... Hundreds of them walking about talking in loud voices, Indian men scratching their crotches and asses, laughing heartily. I wouldnt have been surprised if I saw cow dung at regular intervals along the roads and walkways.

We walked into this motel kinda place owned by an indian man and enquired about the rates. My cousin had stayed there before and he said that the rooms were comparatively better than the other motels around that area. He showed us the rooms(A small, run-down room with two ugly beds and an ugly toilet... Oh and it had a very musky smell). He said it would cost HK$190(about S$50). My cousin said thats too steep and we would take it for $150. Then the bargaining went on for 5 minutes, and then finally my cousin tried negotiating with him in hindi. The indian dude didnt respond at all. He had a very pained look on his face, so my cousin asked...
"Do you speak Hindi?"

Indian Dude: NO!

(I realised it would be easier to use my cousins name "Sunil")

Sunil: Oh okay... how bout bengali?

Indian Dude: NO! IM NOT INDIAN!

** Me and Sunil turn and look at each other bewildered***

At this point, we were seriously doubting what we had just heard. Maybe he said hes North Indian... Hmm... Could that be possible?


** Me and Sunil turn and look at each other again...**

At this point I didnt know whether to laugh or to be angry with that infidel.

Sunil: Oh yeah.. jeez what was I thinking... you dont look indian at all.

Me: Yeah... u dont sound indian either...

Indian Dude: Yes Im chinese... I HATE INDIANS!

Jeez man... this dude really had some issues. He hates his own kind? LOL! Thats like turd calling vomit smelly!

Sunil: Because of that comment, you are going to have to give it to us at HK$150.

Indian dude: Okay.

Well he didnt say okay but he gave it to us anyway for 150... and I later caught him speaking to his staff in hindi.

Day 2

We left the next morning at dawn, took the KCR(Hong Kongs equivalent to the MRT). Strange thing happened there, we were occupying two seats, but because of the luggage, the third seat was kinda blocked. The train later filled up and this dude gave up his seat to this old lady. That was a nice gesture right? Well he came over and started squeezing past us and the luggage to get to that seat(Which was pretty hard because our luggage took up quite a lot of space.) and then took a few steps back and then tried again, approaching at a faster speed now. He failed again and started turning around pointing at us and the seat and waving his hands in the air, looking like a deranged lunatic. My cousin tried moving the bags, but he just tried pushing past him again, swearing in cantonese. It was kinda irritating and rude, so my cousin was like
"If u wanna sit down, you could have just said it u moron! We would have moved it for you! Stop being such a dick!"

We finally moved the bags and he sat down, glaring at us occasionally. Then when his station approched, he got up and my cousin said bye to him... and that guy said something in cantonese which my cousin repeated to him just in case he was swearing at us. Nothing much else happened that day, we reached Shenzhen(hope its spelt correctly), then took the train to Guangzhou, he made some orders here and there, I tagged along, getting impressed by how he could fluently speak mandarin. He had the local slang as well. He was amazing I tell you!
I could understand lah what was going on... but I couldnt really converse in mandarin. We left that evening for Xijiao, Its like the textile haven of Guangzhou. Of course by the time we reached the markets were all closed. We checked in to this 3 or 4 star hotel(cant really remember), but the rates were around S$35/night. Damn cheap man! We had dinner there at the hotels restaurant, we just had like fried rice since we werent really that hungry. It was like just S$3-4 for the both of us. Amazing isnt it?

Day 3

We woke up early, went to the textile market to hunt for a particular design for curtains my cousin needed and boy we got lucky. The first shop we went to had that design. However, he didnt have stock, so we asked for a sample, and walked around and found a few stores that also had the design but sadly no stock. After walking around for hours... well just two actually but still, we finally got a store that could fly in the material the next day. We had lunch, bought some other stuff and then took a taxi back to Guangzhou for more shopping. They have a freaking huge market out there. Like all the branded stuff are like dirt cheap, and they are original too(not all of them though... gotta know how to differenciate). Since the factories are there, they get all the products cheap and sell them cheap. We went into this one store that was run by a really excited man who had a silver front tooth that he just loved showing off. Now he was really passionate about his shoes. He took a pair of shoes, and went to my cousin and started yelling in his ear. Then his wife came on the other side and started yelling too... lol... damn funny lah. Anyway, my cousin went out for a while to talk on the phone... apparently it was too loud inside.
I was in there, looking at shoes and stuff... noise level had reduced, I could finally hear the chinese dude singing(from the radio). The next moment when I turned around, I saw a blinding flash which was actually the light being reflected off the excited man's silver tooth. The dude shoved a pair of nike shoes in my face and all that I could hear was


I swear dude... I almost pissed in my pants right there.

After a long days work, we retired to the hotel, snoozed and watched tv for a bit and then went to this indian restaurant and had indian food(DUH!). It was yummy! Feel like having it again. I made my cousin do the Goodness Gracious Me thing of sticking his finger up in the air and saying "CHECK PLEASE!". The waitress got scared and called the manager out. HAHAHA! He was like
"Yes sir can I help you?" and then my cousin was a little embarrassed and said "err... no I just want the bill"

Anyway, I shall continue with the rest of my trip tomorrow or something. Its getting very long. I hope its the longest post I've written. I really hope it is... What do you think? I think I should go on deliberating whether it is the longest post, because then it will help ensure that it is the longest post. Yes?? No?? Hmmm...

Hehe... goodnight guys. See yall soon.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Hello guys... Exams are finally over and holidays are now here! WOOOHOOOO! Exams were a little disappointing. Especially for my LSM(Legal Systems and Methods). I really wanted to get an A for it, but I kinda screwed up my mindmapping section. I had to mindmap the classification of law. It wasnt as impressive as the others and I didnt do it correctly lah. Grrr!

Anyway, its holidays now!!! woohoo! I'm leaving for Hong Kong on wednesday. Will be back next monday or tuesday. Dont miss me too much alrite? *chuckles*

Im gonna keep this short(or at least try to). To make sense of what Im going to say, Im gonna have to go back a few months. I saw this audition poster on the notice board at the business school walkway. It was for Project Pilot. Project Pilot is a filmmaking competition that is open to professionals, media students and also to the public. The Film and Design third year students had to make a short film. There were five groups competing and only one would be chosen to represent TP. The winning entry would be aired on Arts Central.

So anyway, I decided to audition for it, and got the role of Avid. So I did my filming(It was really cool... I got to work with a green screen and stuff). Yeah... the rest of the filming took about a month. The other actors and the team were really awesome! It was fun working with all of them. Then the day came to present their films. I heard that their lecturers liked it a lot. Yesterday was the official screening at Brian's(one of the team member) house. They had a bbq and stuff and then we all went up to watch it. I brought Amreet and Kay along since I could invite 2 guests. It was really nice. After the screening, they broke the good news. Our movie "FLIMMAKERS" had been chosen to represent TP! Well... Its basically about a bunch of aspiring filmmakers and their aspirations and stuff. Im not gonna reveal anymore to you for two reasons.

1. I dont want to... I want yall to watch me on TV
2. My contract says that I cant reveal it to you guys. :P

Oh well... I shall keep yall updated on when Im gonna be on TV. Watch this space ladies and germs. Im goin to bed. Gdnite!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Times fun when ure having flies.

Shake that thing... Miss. LALALALA... shake that thing. Harlow once again my fine feathered feline friends. here I am blogging when I really should be studying Econs. It is going to be a short post anyway so it wont take long. Funny thing is, whenever I mean for the post to be short it ends up really long. Maybe its because of all these unnecessary statements that dont contribute to the post in any way. Hmmmm....

Today was pretty eventful... I learnt so much today and grew as a person. Ahh crap! Who am I kidding? It was quite uneventful and the only thing I learnt today is that my hamster doesnt like being poked in the stomach when she is sleeping. Oh and that Melvis goes to gay parties. So does Kay... and Priya. I woke up at like 2 something, went online, then got ready and left for school. I had drama at 6. Some dudes from the IPDS(Inter-Poly Drama Society) and Ngee Ann Poly's Drama group came down. We had a lovely time together, talking about stuff. I shall not go into detail because I felt kinda left out since I didn't watch the play they were discussing. That must have been the longest time I have not talked... EVER!

After drama, we all headed to the standard prata shop. I dont know why we always eat at that prata shop. They dont even have cheese prata there. But since Kay wanted it, we all agreed. She is the president after all. We are practising a policy of appeasement towards Kay. Like in WW2 it will blow up in our faces one day and then we shall crush KAY! WOOHOO! Shit lah... Its the guilt of not doing econs talking. I just keep writing to avoid going to study econs! Grr! I will get to the gist of the story.

We all got tables and sat down. Then stood up again and went to order our food. I ordered one plain and one egg. The guy making pratas was wearing formal pants and a lime green shirt and a diamond stud earing, with his hair gelled back. Little did I know more strange happenings were to come. I got prata and went to sit down. Then the drink uncle was at the next table so I went to him and said "Uncle do you have vanilla coke?"
He stared at me for like 5 seconds, his lips quivering and then finally said "HA?!!!"

So I was like "Do u have vanilla coke?"

He said "Yah... How much?"

I was like how much??? shouldnt I be asking you that man?

So I try again. "No... I mean do u have vanilla coke?"

He barked "YAH YAH! HOW MUCH?"

I dearly wanted to say "I dunno... hows free?" I mean that dude was asking me how much I wanted to pay for it? This was the coolest S-11 wanna-be place. I contemplated changing it to a beer or something man. Then I looked at the table and realised that the others didn't have drinks yet. My brain went like... "I think he means how many".
So I said with much disappointment "Just one uncle"

Then he went off and I started attacking my prata. he came back a minute later put the drink on the table and stood there and stared at us. My friend got a little frightened and took the coins I placed on the tables and paid the man. I wonder if he would have said anything if my friend hadnt done that. Maybe he would just stared there and glared at us while we ate. Then glared at us when we left without paying. Then bark at the next person he served. That guy was cool lah... Oh and when we were leaving, this group of 12-14 year old punks who were seated at another table made the Psst sound thinggy u make with ure lips pursed together and yelled to the drink aunty to come serve them. I was kinda disgusted by that so I looked at them and exclaimed loudly "Wah Lao look at those kids man... think they damn cool ah?" or something along those lines... but unfortunately all my friends were engaged in conversations and paid no attention to me so I felt like an idiot.

Okay gonna go do my econs now finally. See ya!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


This post is just a collection of some of my random thoughts and experiences. As you've already guessed, I'm gonna update you on myself first. I know its become a cliché now that I tell yall where I am, what I'm doing and stuff although none of you really care. Im in the school library now. Suppose to be studying my Econs(will go get started in like 20mins). Just had lunch with Kay. Thank god she came with me... I was like looking for my friends but they had either already gone home, had something to attend to or were not answering their phones. So I called Kay and asked her to follow me. I knew she would come since she doesnt have any friends either(Just kidding... or am I??? Hmmm... if only you could read my mind.) inside joke... don’t bother trying to find out.

I remember going for my sister's commencement ceremony at NUS. It was a proud moment for me. Finally my sister was graduating(More pocket money... Woohoo!). Anyway, it was really fun and all... seeing my sister in those wicked robes, shaking hands with the dean or something. He was wearing a funny hat. It was a bit comical because all the head lecturers(I dont know what they are called but you get the point) of the various departments were seated on stage in their robes. Their robes all differed in colour and style and they had really weird caps... or headdresses or hats or whatever u call em. It looked like a scene from Harry Potter.

Now after her graduation, I helped take photos of her and her friends and stuff which dragged on for quite a while. Then we waited for someone else to arrive so that we could all go fer dinner together. Now this photo taking and person waiting dragged on for a while so by the time we were ready to leave, the commencement ceremony for the law students of NUS was already starting. I felt very insignificant for a while when I saw them coming outta the robing room. I wondered if that might be me one day. Anyway, after that sudden........ WAIT A MINUTE... let me play music again... suddenly this guy beside me is playing the X-Files music... What the hell???!!!! Okay so anyway, after that moment of inspiration and awe, I suddenly looked at the law students from a normal persons point of view.

I thought "My word... all these young promising lawyers, entering the world of law. Stepping into the thick cloud of viciousness, corruption and debauchery." At that point, the image of law students I just saw as young intelligent, elegant swans, suddenly turned into a image of young cockroaches scurrying out of a cockroach nest. Hehehe. It was a funny thought. I snorted and told my sister about what i just envisioned. Needless to say, she broke into peals of laughter. Anyway, I gotta be careful here because I dont wanna get sued for slander. I guess it depends on the type of person and not the profession.

Second thought and event is about Dundun. Yup thats right... Dundun. That was his name. I kinda miss him now. Dundun was my stuffed giraffe. I got him from my cousin Nisha when I was like 3-4. I dont know why or how... but I named him Dundun. He was a little yellow giraffe with two brown horns that I used to bite sometimes. I would always have to have him with me before I slept, and I would always tuck him in before going to sleep. There was something about him that made him my favourite. I used to get him to be 'in-charge' of all the other stuffed toys. He was the wisest of all. A little like Dumbledore. Then there was papa bear as well. This big red bear. He was my second favourite stuffed toy but my grandma threw him away because he became too dirty. I remember my sister woke me up and told me that my grandma just threw away my papa bear. Gosh... I ran after the dustbin man and then my grandma came and grabbed me. It was a little like the Devdas scene where Paro is running outta the palace house place to see her dying lover. Complete with the yelling of his name while running.
I made sure Dundun was well secured after that incident. I remember bringing him to the zoo with me when I was six. I stuffed him in my bag with his head sticking out of the zip so that he could see all the other animals. I brought him to the giraffes' enclosure and took him out and told him that those were his friends. My aunt used to use Dundun to wake me up(That was the only way I would wake up). She used to bring him to my bed and get him to speak to me and ask me to wake up. Then we would have tea together. I brought him to my new house and there he lived with all my other stuffed toys. Then as I grew older, playtime with dundun became less frequent until I stopped taking him out altogether. I used to occasionally come across him and then I would like pet his head a little and stuff. Then I would feel guilty for not playing with him anymore because I was too 'busy' for him and also a little because I knew that I was growing up and shouldn't be playing with stuffed toys anymore. But I still kept him because I still used to look at him once in a while and like dust him and stuff. I wanted to keep him for my kids. I dint want to throw Dundun away because he had always been with me through my tough times. He used to be the one I would cry on when I was little.

I was looking for him last year... just to see how he was doing but couldn't find him. I later learnt from my grandma that she threw him away. I was a little disappointed since I wanted to keep him for my kids. *Sigh* Well then Dundun... Thanks for everything. you've been a great pal.I am gonna stop blogging now although I wanna say a lot more. I gotta go study Econs! It took me one and a half hours to write this entry... wow! See ya soon!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The climax (for the moment)

Hey guys... I know I havent been updating regularly for a very long time now. Its just that I am kinda lazy, and coupled with the fact that ive been really busy these past 2 months. What with my mid term tests, then my CSA project, my drama stuff, my management project, my econs project and the most important of all.... *drum roll*
My Oral Presentation (OP). My OP was on our client who happened to enter the same bar her husband was in with his mistress. After a while, the pyrotechnics equipment dislodged itself from the wall and caused the wall to fall on our clients husband burning him and stuff. She wants to sue the bar for negligence and claim damages for psychiatric injury. We had to refer to a 35 page precedent case from England about some spectator stands collapsing at a football stadium as a result of overcrowding. The plaintiffs in the precedent case were family members of those killed who sued to claim damages for psychiatric injury.

Anyway, today was the big day man! We were really frightened because we were told by other classes that some of them got really grilled while presenting by the assessors, our Legal Comm Skills tutor and our Legal Systems Methods tutor (Especially Mr Ferlin, the Lcom tutor). So we worked on our material, and started rehearsing our speeches 3-4 days before. I suggested doing a short roleplay on the events that transpired at the bar to enhance our presentation. My groupmates initially felt that it would not be relevant and it might somehow backfire. It almost got scrapped, but at the last moment they came around and saw the benefits of doing it.

One day before our presentation, I came home and realised that my part of the presentation isnt very impactful and strong (I was doing the conclusion btw). So I changed my whole speech and worked on it till almost 5am yesterday night, woke up at 7:30am, took damn long to get ready cuz I was falling asleep while standing. Then I finally left and reached school at 10, had pancakes with ashwin then started rehearsing again.

Finally came crunch time! We were all really nervous. We started with a little roleplay on the events that took place at the bar, then Ashwin took over to do his part. He started off well lah... which is good because it already set the momentum. Then vickie took over. She did pretty well too... both of them managed to bring their points across clearly and concisely. Then Leon went up. He did really well, managed to take the questions from the assessors and address them effectively. Amanda was next and she was really smooth and collected. Then came my turn! I was really nervous when I walked up there. I gave my opening statement(A dramatic one), hoping to start things off with a bang. The rest of my presentation went quite well until the conclusion. I made a serious error by saying that our precedent case was distinguishable. I was like bombarded with sharp questions, and I tried clarifying the implications of that statement I made. I felt like Harry Potter duelling with Lord Voldemort and his death eaters in book 4. I think I really did bad there. My concluding statement went something along the lines of we should be taking this case not because there is a case, but because we want to win it for our client, and I concluded with "It's easy to make a buck... It's a lot tougher to make a difference". I swear when I said this, I thought I saw Mr ferlin sneering at me. I was thinking like ohh shit! I screwed up pretty bad!

However, he later said that our group had done a pretty good job and in his 5 years, ours was the best presentation of the case he has seen. He also praised my closing sentence, saying that it was a nice echo to end the presentation. I had to do everything I could, to refrain from jumping up and punching the air at that moment.

To celebrate, Leon, Ashwin, Dominic, Mas and myself went for a beer at this pub near the old national library. Its quite a nice place and they usually have a live band there. Its called Timber i think. I am gonna go sleep now... really shacked to the max. Finally I'm gonna get a good night's rest. Goodnight everyone!

Monday, August 08, 2005


Its really late now and I'm just about to go to bed, but I really wanted to write a short little post so here goes. This post goes out to all the spoilers in the world out there and particularly to those who have spoiled the Harry Potter book for me. Seriously... what the $#@! is wrong with you? So far ive got like at least 10people coming up to me and going "Oh u wanna know who dies?". If I really wanted to know who dies, I wouldnt bother reading the book would I? oh and worse still those who just say "Oh you are reading the 5th book? ------- dies u know." Whenever this happens, I swear at least a dozen swear-words start forming in my head.Two little girls just kinda told me another spoiler, and I was really furious. I know i cant really blame them cuz they are young and they probably thought it was funny, but to all you matured grown up people... go screw ureselves. Dont you guys realise that its really irritating and disappointing when someone comes up to you and reveals the whole plot or important details of a book(or anything else for that matter) that you have been waiting for 5years to read?!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so seriously... next time you guys are itching to spoil something for someone else, stop and put ureselves in that other persons position and ask yourself how would you feel? Not very nice im sure... so DONT DO IT! Gdnite and goodbye!

PS: I realised that some people are gonna deliberately post spoilers on my chatterbox, and I considered shutting it down temporarily, but decided that I just wont visit my blog until im done with the book.

PPS: TP's DramaTec is performing tomz at the Singapore History Museum(Im in it as well. Yipeee) so come on down and watch us at 11am and again at 1pm. Its at clarke quay btw. See ya ladies around!

PPPS: I know none of you are gonna come anyway, since its a little late. I was just being polite. Have a nice day.

PPPPS: If you really wanted to come, please ignore my previous post note. I didnt mean to accuse you guys of being lazy or whatever. I just wanted to say its perfectly fine if none of you turn up since I informed you guys of it so late.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Bye!I thought of being a little different by starting my post with a goodbye and ending it with a Hello. Dont ask why... Im just psycho.

Underwater. Thats how I am feeling right now. I adopted this analogy frm some1, the school term is like swimming a lap. You start off fresh, then u go underwater. The gasps of air you take periodically is like the short holidays in between the school term. Then as you are nearing the end of the lap, you are rather worn out and in need of air, but you keep pushing yourself, knowing that the end is near.

I have like loads of things on my plate right now, these are the things that have been keeping me occupied: Management Project, Econs Project, Lcom&LSM Oral Presentation(Which is on a 35 page case!), Drama rehearsals and drama performance that is coming up, oh and my exams are in a month!

But its a little exciting as well... being under pressure. Anyway, I cant wait for our drama performance. We are gonna be performing at the Singapore History Museum at Clarke Quay on National Day. Try and come on down and watch us if you guys are free. Our theme is the 60s.

Funny things have been happening to me in MRT's lately. Both of them happened while on the way to drama rehearsals. The first funny thing that happened was when we were all going to clarke quay together from bedok. The group kinda got split up when we went into different carriages(or is it cabins? or sections?) of the MRT(I know it really should be MRT train, but just for simplicity sake, i will refer to it as MRT).

Melvis, then went on to "suggest" that we all move to the other end of the train where the president was(so that she will take a liking to him and make him vice-president). So we all had to move, because melvis coated his index finger with his saliva and threatened to prod us with it. We kept on pushing past irritated people, and apologising constantly as we stepped on people's toes(I forgot to mention the train was reaaaaallly packed). Until we reached Anna. Instead of moving so that we could go past her, Anna said "excuse me". Since I was directly in front of her, I responded with a "yes?". Then she went on to say that the train is really packed and instead of pushing past people, we should get off at the next station, and enter at the section we want to enter.

*At this point, we are all feeling really stupid*

Me: Oh............. Erm........ yeah that seems more practical.

Anna: Yes... dont worry, I know sometimes it just doesnt occur to us.

Me: Yeah... it dint occur to us actually. thanks anyway.

Anna: Yes... you see, we all learn new things everyday. Maybe this could be something you learnt today.

Me: Oh yes... definitely(Wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me)

Anna: So which school are you guys from?

Me: *contemplates saying another school's name* errrrrr..... umm... Temasek Poly

Melvyn: Erm... the students at TP are generally not stupid actually.

Anna: Oh.. dont worry... it happens to everyone. Especially on a hot day like this. Your brain doesnt work.

The conversation goes on for a while more... she introduces herself, just as we are about to get off and tells us she is 35 and asks for my name. Then she says goodbye and maybe we will meet again.

Then melvyn and the others accuse me of flirting with her when we are on the platform! Ungrateful dumbasses didnt even appreciate my efforts to salvage what was left of our reputation.

The other incident happened yesterday when I was on my way from tampines to clarke quay. I was nicely sitting down, minding my own business when this young malay guy sat down beside me. He reeked of alcohol. I was a little puzzled cuz it was pretty early to be drunk actually. Anyway, he fell asleep after a while and I felt myself dozing off too. Then some1 sms'd me and the vibration woke me up. Now just at that moment, Mr sleepyhead beside me, kinda felt in need of a headrest. The back of the seat was apparently not good enough for him. So, he rolled his head over and rested it on my shoulder. I was like... Okayyyyy... ive got a drunk guy sleeping on my shoulder. Everyone around me looked at me, wondering what I was going to do. I decided to be nice and let him sleep on my shoulder, praying he didnt drool or puke on me.

Now this went on for about 10mins, until the person sitting beside him got off. There were two other malay guys standing and one of them sat down on the vacant seat and pulled his friends head over and let him sleep on his shoulder instead and apologised to me. I gave him the YOU LET HIM SLEEP ON ME FOR 10 MINUTES! smile and turned then checked my shoulder for any signs of puke or saliva. Thank god it was clean!

Anyway, Im gonna go do my work now. See yall soon! As promised, I shall end this post with a Hello!
Well... Hello then!

Monday, July 25, 2005

My new found love

I really am head over heels abt her man... I mean... I never knew I could or would fall into such deep love. I guess when the amount of time spent together seems to just fly by realllyyy super-duper fast, you will know that youre in love. When you know that if the whole world ends, you would be okay if the two of you remain together. I guess thats when you know that you are really in love.

I know this might come as a bit of a shock to you ladies... I mean me falling in love? Gosh thats so weird isnt it. But I finally have. I mean we have like done everything together. Heck, we have even slept together! Actually I just slept on her lah... but its all good. Now... the moment of truth. Just who am I talking about?

*Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll* *Drum Roll*

The couch on the 4th level of the TP library. Seriously guys... Its just really awesome. It is this long couch that is divided into cubicles. So, you have a cubicle to yourself to curl up in. My friend Dominic introduced me to her... it... whatever. It was one of those hot boring fridays. So we decided to slack at the library(Dominic is a nerd)... anyway, so we went to the couch and got a magazine each and curled up in our respective cubicles, and before we knew it, we fell asleep. I dont know abt Dom, but I slept like a baby(I dont mean I sucked on my thumb and crapped in my pampers). What I mean is, I really had a good sleep. Its like your head is cushioned by the soft padding of the walls of the cubicle, and your body just sinks into the soft spongy cushions.

So what happened today was, I ended school at around 3, had lunch with Dom and Leon, and then went to the library to watch a movie, but then was told that all the dvd players were in use, so I went to use a computer but all the computers at level 4 were either being used or reserved. So I went down to level 2 to read up on Singapore's Legal System by Helena Chan, which was pretty interesting. After reading for about 15mins, I started feeling really sleepy(It was not the book, It was just me). So I went back up to level 4, sat down in one of the couch's cubicles, and went to sleep. It was a really awesome sleep. I mean it! If that is what death feels like, then I am gonna be looking forward to it. ( I dont mean to say I wanna die now though, so God if you are reading this, I am not really being serious, so dont kill me now. Thnx!).

I dreamt of meadows and springs and little bunnies, and tulips, and pink little roses, and midgets on pogo-sticks. Like all stories, there must be a sad part, and this one is no different. And like all stories, there must always be and end, and this one is no different. So if u put the pieces together, you should have realised that there is a sad ending to this story. (If you didn't, please just tell people you did because iit just reflects how dumb you are)

I suddenly woke up. Reality sunk in and I realised that I was late for my drama rehearsal. But it was okay, since those little midgets started late anyway*. Oh well... time to sleep again. Yay! Goodnight Everyone!

The author does not,in any way, share the opinions reflected in this article, whether express or implied, and shall not be held liable for the content of this article.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Birthdays.. Exams and... well... End of Exams??

Its been a long time since I last sat down on my writing chair and blogged. Okay fine! I dont have a writing chair... and I just realised that my opening sentence sounds a little disgusting... ' sat down on my writing chair and blogged'. I mean... to someone who is relatively fluent in English but who has never come across the word 'blog' and its suffixes (blogged, blogging, bloggered, blogened etc...), he will probably think it is something very crude... like takin a dump or something.

Anyway... to bring you guys... and ladies( Btw this is not an afterthought, so all you feminist bloggers out there please do not slam me for being a MCP) up to speed with the latest developments of my life. Okay please dont stop reading here... I promise there is a tinge of interesting stuff in there... erm... okay maybe not promise... more towards like... "would-like-to-believe".

Okay so finally... I am 18!!!!!!!! *Applause* *Cheering* *females running to get a piece of me*. Unfortunately, thats where the celebrations and joys end. I think that this is by far, the worst birthday I've ever had. Well... excluding the one when my sister sat on my birthday cake.. oh and the other one which i spent pretty much alone... waiting for all my friends and family to burst in through the room door and yell surprise... sigh!

First to kick things off, I was sick. I was down with a flu, so instead of blowing candles, I was blowing my freakin nose. Oh and that day was the first day of my exams which lasted until today(Friday). Oh and my first paper HAD to be Micro Econs! Which I think I screwed up! Then, Murphy's law kicks in. Just when I thought nothing else could possible go wrong, The stupid morons at Satruhb(Im not saying who) terminate my hp line just because my bill was a month overdue of $50. Oh and to top things off... Im walking towards the business block in my school, near the overhead bridge where there are many people... and I take a sip of water from my water bottle and start choking on it! Then this really hot chick I was eyeing started staring at me... she was trying to decide if my life was worth her time... she finally reached the predicted decision, turned and walked away.
Then I choke on water again... while having lunch with Dominic and the other weird guy in my class (Leon).

Oh sweet mother... talk about a blessed and rewarding birthday.

My exams went okay I think... and hope... and pray. Well... end of exams and Im stuck at home... no friends to go out with. All of them are either sick, out fishing, out cycling, studyin for tests, or already out somewhere else! Oh well... I'll just sit in front of the TV and eat again. Gdnite!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Im in tutorial right now

Hello people... You guys might be wondering why Im writing this during tutorial right? Well... I like the thrill. Dont judge me! I mean... some people like stealing, some people like having sex in the cinema... I just like blogging during my CSA(Computer Systems Applications) lab session...


Oops sorry... my tutor was asking me about broadband connections. Anyway, Im kinda bored man... half my class has already switched off. My friend Dominic is surfing some Taliban website. Jeez man that guy is a bit cracked in the head. I realised I havent wrote about my new school yet, so here is a little insight.

First of all, classes are pretty interesting, except for MicroEcons. The subject is like super dry man... and all those weird curves and stuff are killing me. To top it all off, my tutor adopts a rather unconventional way of teaching. Heres what happened during my first tutorial with him.

Him: So... little boy(looking at me)... lets take sand for example. Is it scarce?
Me: Well... it depends lah...(cuts me off)
Him: No! try again... Is it scarce or not?
Me: Well I dont think so... we dont really.......................
Him: NooOooOOooOOOoooOoooOOOOOoooo!(glares at me)
Me: Oh ok... im sorry
Him: NO! its ok to make mistakes... you dont have to apologise.(continues glaring at me)

Jeez man... that was a really scary experience. I almost shat myself... Uh oh... gotta go work on my project now... I shall see yall when I see yall. Adioz.

Phrase of the day: If a blind man could see... he wouldnt be blind would he?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I am so extremely pissed off right now. I was in IRC, trying to download some music from those servers. I was in #teens, because I had to be in at least one channel the server was on. So I was nicely minding my own business, looking at the song list of the server, when suddenly I got kicked and banned from that channel by some moron called Ikuko(Apparently, he really is a kuku). At first I thought maybe it was a mistake. Maybe he meant to kick someone else whose nick was similar to mine, so I msgd him and asked him what was going on. Then he pasted part of a conversation(which I never had) with some B**** (who I dont even know). Apparently, I asked her if she wanted to have sex with me. He kicked and banned me because of that. When I saw that, I got really pissed off. Not because I was kicked and banned, but because he blindly accepted whatever she said as the truth. and completely disregarded what I said in my defence. I mean, what a complete idiot that guy is, allowing himself to be manipulated like that. I was also very pissed off with him, because it painted a false picture, illustrating the intelligence of men. Anyway, I bet he probably is trying to get himself into her good books by u know sucking up to her by doing whatever she says and he is probably the one with ulterior motives. Stupid sucker.

I remembered the last time I got this upset. It was during my Law orientation abt 2 weeks ago. We were playing whacko to break the 'ice' and the rule was that if someone becomes the person who has to whack people 3 times, they will have to do a forfeit. So the game went on for a while, until this girl had to do the forfeit. It was a really simple forfeit also lah just do some chicken dance or smthin... anyway, she was like really shy and refused to do it. So, to get her to do the forfeit, the seniors said "Ok lah... since u are so shy, we will let u choose someone to do the forfeit with you." She chose this guy sitting beside me. I already felt a little irritated, because that guy didnt deserve to do the forfeit, so I asked them why should he have to do it, when it isnt his forfeit. It doesnt make sense does it? Then they were like aiyah... its not you so why u defending him. At that point I wasnt very disturbed yet... the guy was pretty willing to do it anyway. It was after the whole thing was over and I was going to Changi Village, that I began thinking about it. I mean, why did he have to do it? She was supposed to do it, because she crossed the limit. It wasnt his fault that she had to do the forfeit. Oh and what about that guy? He just decided to accept the forfeit imposed upon him.

This is really scary, because it happens in all levels in Singapore. From the government, right down to the grassroots. We dont believe in defending ones rights, and letting them have a say. Whats the point of a democracy, when you cannot even fight for your own rights? When you are considered guilty until proven innocent? I used to think that it was just a differenciation in the ideologies of the generation and that it would change as a newer generation emerges. I thought that perhaps there would be an evolution in the mindsets of us Singaporeans. Perhaps there is... but perhaps we are just too afraid of taking action.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The same old,brand new me

Hey Guys... I was checking out all my previous posts and realised that I had one draft that I had not completed and published yet. I wrote it a long time back. Sometime in February I think. Anyway, here it is.

Hello morons! Shit! I meant audience! Really sorry it came out all wrong, and I have already typed too much to backspace :P hehehe. Anywayz How have you guys been doing? *waits for response*

Gdgd! nice to hear. Anyway, back to my post. I have been feeling down the past few days, because of my job. I feel I always get stuck in a crappy job. What is God trying to tell me? Don't work? Or perhaps to find myself a sugarmom. Hmm that would be interesting. Actually I wanna go into the entertainment sector. I wanna be like an actor, or a comedian, or a clown, or a DJ or some shit like that, where I have fun at what I do. I dont wanna be some1 mediocre like all of you. I dont wanna be "Normal". I wasnt born normal(Seriously I wasnt) and I shouldn't remain normal. Im not saying its bad to be normal. I was actually thinking of being a stand-up comedian like Kumar, or Hossan Leong. I mean after all Kumar is leaving the business. However, I remembered that I wasn't funny. That realisation brought my dreams to a crashing... crash. :What an expression to use eh! I hope my ex-English teacher isnt reading. She probably isnt but you never know... many teachers lead double lives.

Well, what else do I say? Valentines day is coming. I hate that day. Stupid crappy shitty day. Stupid couples wasting their stupid money on each-stupid-other. Then millions of poor helpless roses and other flowers are KILLED, just for some stupid morons to show their "love" for each other. After a few days the plants wither away. Thats not very convincing, if it is used to express ones love for another. Its like saying. "To show how much I love you, Im giving you a dead plant, that will decompose in a few days and start stinking up the room." I mean why dont you give her something that will remain with him or her for the rest of her life? Like maybe a scar on the forehead, like Harry Potter's. It was because of his parents love that he received that scar. Perhaps a baby? That would last for a long time too.

Thats an expression of love. Making a baby, or buying one of those unwanted ones. Anyway, back to my woes. As I was saying I wanna be an entertainer. Well, I cant sing, I cant dance, So what else can I do? I can act, I can make people laugh(Well at least I think I can) so it all adds up to one thing. Being a stand-up comedian.

Im supposed to say something funny now, but I really cant think of anything funny at this point of time because Im continuing this post from Feb... its June now. Can you imagine? Time flies so fast. As Kermit the frog says... Time is fun when youre having flies. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Hey that wasnt too bad for starters right? I can just picture you... my audience, laughing hysterically at the joke I just cracked... holding your sides as you double up with uncontrollable laughter that goes on and on... I just remembered something...I have to go read up for my lecture tomorrow.

Bye ladies.

Monday, May 23, 2005

The Dream

Hello ladies... I just had a really weird dream. Well to think abt it, that goes without saying I guess. I mean all dreams are quite weird. Anyway, it went like this. I was suddenly working in a 7-11 store that was strangely enough run by my aunt n uncle. The weird thing is, there was no mashed potato machine in there. I was a bit puzzled by this at first. I mean arent all 7-11's supposed to have mashed potato machines? Suddenly I was left alone in the store. All alone and I didnt even know what to do! So I helped myself to a couple of doughnuts and read the FHM magazines. I was really lucky, cuz nobody came in. Then I grew really bored and decided that I wanna get outta there, so I just finished up my doughnut and walked out of there(Leaving the 7-11 store completely unattended by the way!). I walked down a blue stairway, and realised that I was in my primary school. Weird rite??!!! So I walked around my old school, reflecting on my younger days, and then a bird suddenly appeared and started singing my school song to me. I was a little puzzled, but I figured I should just sing along with the bird, then maybe try to trick it into getting into a sack! HEHE! Then I could sell it off to some circus or smthin and become rich. So we sang together and hugged each other after that. The bird seemed like a nice guy. He told me that he used to fly above us during morning assembly with his friends and occasionally poop on my ex-principles shiny head. Then we went to the canteen/hall together and relived those wonderful days of playing catching with our respective friends. I told him about a really funny incident that happened during reccess a couple of years back.

We were playing soccer with a tennis ball on a badminton court near the canteen, behind the toilets,
(The toilets were fashioned in such a way that there was an opening at the top. There were just walls around the toilets... so one could actually climb in if you had a stool to help you. So the toilets were partitioned with another wall in-between them. The girls toilet and the boys toilet.)
when suddenly my friend kicked the ball up really high by accident and it went into the girls toilet. After staring at each other for a while, not knowing what to do, we went to the entrance of the girls toilet and waited for a girl to walk past so that we could ask her to retrieve our tennis ball. You guys are never gonna guess what happened next! This girl frm my class, her name is Jessica. I think shes a model now. Anyway, she emerged outta the toilet crying and rubbing her head and in her hand was our tennis ball. It was kinda funny lah... I mean what were the odds of that happening right? We started the pointing fingers ritual, managed to get the ball back from her and went back to play soccer. That was really wicked man!

The bird was at that moment wiping his tears with his fingers... feathers... whatever. We were laughing so hard and slapping each others backs.

Before I knew it, I was back in the 7-11 again. This time my aunt n uncle were back there. This dude came in and took some powdery stuff from a bottle and put it into the Mashed Potato Cup® and poured hot water into it and it became Mashed Potato! and then he did the same with the gravy... then he came up to me and asked "How much?"
then I replied "That will be a dollar."
Then he said "I only have 50cents."
then I replied "Why?"
then he said "Because... thats how much I have in my pocket u moron!"
then I said "But it costs a dollar."
then he said "But I dont have a dollar. I have 50cents."
then I said "But... But... It costs a dollar."
then he said "Ok I have 50cents... take it or leave it."
then I said "Oh! Alrite! Ill take ure 50cents!"

He puts his hand in his pocket and takes out two twenty cent coins and places it on the table.
I said "Ermm... thats 40cents sir."
then he says "Errrrrr.... Yeaaah. Thank You!"

Then, like how all nightmares end, I heard a distant voice asking in Sindhi
"What time does your school start?"
I saw black for a few seconds, which was probably the transition from the sub-conscious to conscious mind. I opened my eyes and realised my grandma was asking me what time I had to go to school. To which I replied four o clock. Then I turned over and smiled, thinking of the talking bird... and then suddenly I started getting bombarded with SMS's from various people for various reasons.

PS: Sorry for not blogging for a while... my com has been down. Bye for now!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The adventures of Loser Guy

Ladies and Germs... Heres the much anticipated debut of..... *Drum Roll* Loser Guy!!!


Loser Guy's real name is Ronald Giovani. He is 15 this year and suffers from several mental conditions that arose as a result of his parents sudden death. Hes actualy indian, but both his parents died in some sort of a attack that happened while attending a self defense class in Russia. He was then adopted by an Italian head of a mob expat living in Singapore(They are expanding).

Okay so this is how it all happened. Ronalds real parents had to move to Russia for a year on work basis. They settled down in a little house, the three of them lived merrily for a while, until his parents saw someone get mugged in the street. They became a little uptight and decided to enroll for self-defense classes. Being kenjus(stingy) indians, they enrolled for the cheapest course that was conducted at a run down gymnasium. I just realised I havent introduced his parents to you. Mr Lallumal was a really fat, pudgy man who looked very much like the cross between a giant bull-dog and a fat sloppy turd. His mom was no better. She looked like a overfed penguin which had botox injected into her left nostril. Okay back to the story. Their instructers were really frauds who just had muscular bodies. They walked in the room and introduced themselves. Their names were Skirovsky and Smirnoff.

The transcript has been translated into English for the convenience of you readers.
Excercise One...
Skirovsky: Okay Excercise one will be STRETCHING. Face in same direction and bend your partner over and lean on them from behind and PUSH them... like this

** Skirovsky bends Smirnoff over and pushes against his backside.

Smirnoff: This is called the Doggy bend. You try.

** Everyone tries doing it.

Skirovsky: Come on you moloviterns(Morons) push harder.

Exercise Two

Skirovsky: This is called the Neutralising your Opponent. You invite your opponent to punch you...
** Smirnoff attempts to punch him but Skirovsky grabs his hand

Skirovsky: You punch your opponent in the bridge of his nose,
** He punches Smirnoffs face with all his might

Skirovsky: Then you throw him on the floor and kick his nuts repeatedly
** He does just that.

Exercise Three
Smirnoff: This is called the Dealing with Purse Snatchers. Lets say you are walking...
** walks on the spot

Smirnoff: Then a guy comes up from behind and grabs ure purse
** Skirovsky comes from behind and grabs his shoulder(For demonstrations sake)

Smirnoff: You bend under your legs, grab the thiefs leg, and yank it really hard so that he falls and hits his head on the concrete floor.
** Grabs Skirovsky's leg and yanks it so that he falls with a terrific thud on the floor.

Smirnoff: You turn around and start kicking his stomach.
** Does just that repeatedly, making Skirovsky spit blood out.

Smirnoff: Now ve need the volunteer. You come here you fat ugly man. Show us what you learn.

**Mr Lallumal walks up, his knees trembling slightly. and positions himself and walks on the spot.
** Skirovsky goes up from behind and grabs his shoulder. Mr Lallumal tries reaching under his legs for Skirovsky's leg but ends up splitting his track pants and farting loudly.

Smirnoff: STOP! STAND UP you fat ugly man.

**Mr Lallumal stands straight up and grins embarrasingly.

Smirnoff: You stupid iziot! You think I funny? You think I clown?
**Smirnoff slaps Mr Lallumal repeatedly, yelling vulgarities at him.

Exercise Four
Skirovsky: Excercise three... I mean four. Stupid marijuana make me no concentrate. This called Neutralizing Fat Man.

Skirovsky: Step one, invite fat man to punch you.
**Signals to Mr lallumal to punch him.
**Mr Lallumal throws a soft punch at him, but Skirovsky catches his fist and twists really hard and delivers a really hard kick to Mr lallumals knee cap, bringing him to the floor.

Skirovsky: Now you bring fat ugly man to floor and grab his leg and do the sharpshooter to him.
** Skirovsky goes on to do that while Smirnoff pulls Mr Lallumals hair and slaps him repeatedly.

Skirovsky: Then when fat man piss all over himself, you stand up and step and kick him around.
** Skirovsky and Smirnoff start kicking him in his nuts,face and stomach.

Smirnoff: Okay fat ugly man you can go back now thank you.

** Mr Lallumal manages to get up and walks two paces then drops dead.

Smirnoff: Aiyaiyai What is zis??? HEY FAT UGLY MAN! GET UP!
** Skirovsky kicks him lightly.

Skirovsky: Step five, RUN!
** The duo run out from the gymnasium and head for the car. Mrs Lallumal runs out as well, searching for a payphone to call the ambulance but gets run over by the two while trying to make a getaway.
There you have it. The tragic introduction of LOSER GUY!

** The Russian part of this story was adapted from Whatever Things by MTV. But I changed it to fit my story.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

A tangled web I weaved

Hey guys. Just came home from my Satsang(Prayers). I kinda realised how much I owe to it. I told myself that I would not speak of religion here in my blog because religion is a sensitive issue and I understand that what I believe in may not be shared by other individuals. First of all, this post is not entirely about religion, but rather a look at life. First of all, I would like to say that I dont actually have a religion. Its more towards a philosophy of life perhaps a mission even. One thing we learnt is not to discriminate other religions, or to judge them. Im really thankful for that. This is what I have learnt and as far as I can remember I believe in. Every religion is correct. You cant say that this and this religion is false because it doesnt corroborate with a particular one. Honestly, I cant seem to understand why certain religions claim that they only are correct and that everything else is false. Again, Im not judging or criticising, just trying to understand. Look at it this way. Supposing three divers dived into the ocean. The first goes to the seabed, the second somewhere in the middle and the third just near the surface. After a while they all come back up and submit their reports on what they saw. Obviously they would have seen different things because they looked at different parts of the ocean. Can you say that either one of them is wrong?

In that aspect, religion is like the ocean and its just how you look at it. In what perspective you look at it. Looking at it in a different perspective doesnt make you or another wrong. Its sad to see so much conflicts arising from religion. Differences in religion. All these conflicts arising just because people think that they are right and others are wrong. Intolerance for difference. Why cant we accept the fact that people are entitled to being different. I myself am a victim of this intolerance. I was thinking about a friend of mine who was an atheist and I felt like he was wrong. Thats the problem with us. We want everyone to be just like us. To believe in what we believe in. Well it is very close to impossibility. What is much easier to achieve, is to just accept that different people hold different views and beliefs and respect that.

We have been given the intelect. The ability to question why and that is the first step to answering it. If you cant ask why then you cant answer it in the first place. Now I guess we are all on a journey to answer that question. Why. After all these years when we realise that other people have collected different "materials" to help answer their WHY question, I guess we cant accept it. Perhaps thats the reason. We dont want to feel like we are wrong, or that there is more than one way to answer it because we have already spent a long time developing our formula to solve our equation. However, like in maths, there are several methods to solve an equation.

Anyway, while I was sitting down during my prayers, I began thinking of an article I read recently about a scientist who had always been an atheist all his life until recently. He said that he had come to accept that a supernatural being must have created the beginning. Then I began thinking that he was rather dumb. I mean it took him like fifty years to realise that when other people take five minutes to question it. You just gotta trace back. What created the universe? The Big Bang. What initiated the Big Bang? etc. Then when you cant find any other answers you gotta ask yourself "So what was it?"

I read a book "The Alchemist" it was a beautiful book about a boy who left his home because he wanted to become a shepherd and travel all over and see the world. A few years later he had a recurring dream about finding some treasure. He met someone who convinced him to sell off his herd and go to Egypt to find the treasure. He does that and goes to Egypt an encounters several misfortunes, however when he reaches near his destination, somewhere in the deserts, he meets an Alchemist who teaches him about life and the universe. Now here is the interesting part. He is told that when you truly desire something with all your heart, then the whole world conspires in helping you achieve it. The Alchemist reveals to him that this is possible because everything is connected to each other. It is like a huge network. He calls the connection "The soul of the universe".

In conclusion, to add things up, since we all derived from the same origin, the soul of the world must exist. Its hard to believe, but perhaps that is what is moving the universe. That is what is powering the universe. The soul of the world. Goodnight

Friday, April 15, 2005

The Sleepy Bus

Hello Poopsies. Today was relatively happening. I went to the Airport to see my Grandma and Aunt off. They left for Brunei on invitation by the Sultan dude thinggy. Anyway, they were severely overweight. I mean their luggage so they kena pay $166 dollars. What a waste of money. I went down to Changi V to open the shop. It was kinda boring since I was alone. Time passed by slowly, Sleep teased me by overcoming me to a certain extent so that I was never awake nor asleep for a while. Thank goodness I am a strong-willed person who has been practising techniques to overcome situations like these. Television and cartoons do come in handy after all. Anyway, I managed to fight off sleep twice and almost lost to it the third time when Perfect10 started playing really boring music.Anyway thank god, two stray dogs began humping just outside the shop. That caught my attention! I started cheering for them but then the male got tired and stopped. What a let down! Anyway, the rest of the day was spent pacing around and sitting down and trying to get those dogs to hump again. Sadly, I failed!

Now when I was going back, I happened to get onto two strange buses. I boarded a packed 89, which was really surprising because it was already 9something. I walked up the bus and was met with a sweet-sour smell that tickled the hairs of my nostrils. So naturally I was like "what the...?". After pushing my way towards the centre of the bus, I saw, then realised. I had made a huge mistake. I walked right into their trap. There were like a hundred sweaty, stinky Army boys in there, generously emitting their foul sweet and sour smell. It smelt like Twisties Tomato Flavour and also like my primary school friends P.E t-shirt that I stole in camp to avoid getting punished. At that point, I decided to give the bus service 89 a new name. The Smelly Bus.

I alighted at pasir ris then waited for 53. I love 53 cuz its a long ride home. So I can just go to sleep. Well apparently everyone feels the same way, so when I got on, everyone was asleep and the driver looked like he was gonna fall asleep too. I mean I paid 55cents and the driver just pressed the button to give me my ticket. He dint even ask for my fake student pass. I sat down, and began reading my book but after a while felt myself falling prey to sleep again. I succumbed to it.

Approximately ten minutes later, I woke up with a start. We were moving really fast... suddenly the bus rammed into a tree, causing some to bang their heads on the handlebars and others to be flung out of their seats, banging their heads several times on various hard objects.

"Sorry ah! fell asleep lah!" The bus driver apologised.

Those who had been flung out, grabbed their bleeding heads and grunted and went back to sleep on their chairs. Which left me really scared. I was like... What in gods name have i gotten myself into??? So I named bus number 53 the Sleepy Psycho Bus. Eh btw can make a horror movie outta it. Like the last train thinggy they are showing now.

Just a brief introduction to the third bus I have christened a few weeks ago. Bus number 151. The nerdy bus. Its full of NUS students, writing, mumbling and doing really weird stuff. There was this ratty faced guy who was nibbling on a carrot stick while writing out something. he finished his carrot within like three minutes then began gnawing on the rubber handlebars on the seats. Talk about freaky! Okay then goodnite. im too tired.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Hey guys. Have you noticed how fast paced and challenging Singapore is becoming? Look at the ads on tv. Theres competition between Starhub and Singtel and then M1 got jealous so he joined in the under-belt hitting. Its despicable! Whatever happened to fair play... or fair competition for that matter? An old ad, showed a red(Singtel) timer running, and then stopping at 20seconds of use. The timer then rounds off to one minute. Then the ad says "Other mobile companies round off the usage time to the nearest minute". Then another green(Starhub) timer does the same thing except it stops at 20seconds. "Starhub only charges you for what you use. Unlike other companies like *cough* SINGTEL *cough*"

Singapore is really getting very competitive. Everytime someone comes up with something original, like a new service or a great business plan etc, a hundred others follow suit. Then eventually everyone gets sick and then all of them go bankrupt... INCLUDING the intelligent,brave person who created and initiated the whole idea. I was walking along a row of shops recently, and spotted a 7-11 and a ABC Discount house side-by-side. I was really puzzled so I walked into 7-11 and bought myself a Gulp.

Me: So errr... Eric hows the 7-11 business?
Eric(Cashier): Well not bad. that will be a dollar twenty.
Me: Hmm... arent you guys affected by the ABC discount house beside you? I mean they are selling stuff real cheap!

Eric: Of course not! The very idea that we are affected by them is laughable. erm.. Ha Ha. I mean their concept and strategy and aims are all totally different from ours. Our targets and aims are completely different. For example, They are fighting to be the cheapest store in Singapore. We on the other hand are aiming to become the most expensive store in Singapore. So you see we dont have a conflict in interest.

Speaking of originality... have you heard that the ticket prices for movies are going to be increased? Probably to $9. Hey! Great way to combat movie piracy!!! Make the prices higher, so that people don't want to watch movies anymore! I mean what the hell is the increase for? To pay higher staff wages? Cant be...they cut their staff wages. Im sincerely trying my best here to justify the hike in prices... but for the love of god!!!!!!! I cant think of anything that makes sense. Well unless you count the owner of the Movie Prices Regulation Board having to increase his fat son's allowance. Nah! That aint probable either. I made that department up. I guess its because oil prices are increasing. So all the CEO's and Directors of the movie and cinema companies figured they need more money to cover their petrol expenses.Hmmm that seems more likely.

Edmund told me a funny story about his bus driver recently. Haha! Well he has an Army bus that picks him up everyday to go to office, so he has to pay $50/mth for that service. Anyway he always spends his pay within the first week and then robs old ladies in lifts. I know what you are thinking... my grandma is at risk! Well no! I told him to stay away frm my grandma, unless he wants to get spinach poisoning. Well back to my story. His bus driver is a nice short hobbit looking man whose English vocabulary consists of less than ten words. Anyway, When they reached his camp he went to talk to the driver and said. "Uncle... I no money now... I pay you on the 20th Ke Yi?" (Ke Yi means Is that alright?" He tried using his fingers to express himself as well. The uncle looks at him and nods his head and says "Ke Yi... Ke Yi." So Edmund is overjoyed and walks down the steps but then realises that the driver might not have understood. So he went back up to check. "Uncle I dont pay you at all Ke Yi?" The man nods again and goes "Ke Yi... Ke Yi". So Edmund realises that he did not understand from the beginning. So he goes to slack in his office and asks his Chinese friend to write a note in Chinese asking the driver if he could pay on teh 20th. Now when it is time to head home, He goes up the steps and hands the note to the driver. The driver reads it then stares at Edmund and starts talking to Edmund in Chinese, probably cursing him or somthing. Gosh... the hardest bridge to construct is a brisge between language barriers!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Hello. I'd like to start off by thanking God I'm still alive today. I had a very very very close call with death two nights ago. I was in Phuket apparently alone, enjoying some breakfast in a cafe near the beach when suddenly I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. (My back was facing the sea btw). I sensed a Tsunami approaching, So I turned around and indeed the waves were building up. Everyone started screaming and scrambling around in hysteria. Everything seemed distant as my mind blanked out for a while. The sound of breaking glass and falling tables brought me back to my senses. I half ran and half tripped my way to a public bus. There was no room inside so many others and myself clung on to the sides, trying to get a foothold on window ledges and edges of the advertisement boards. The bus began moving, some people fell off as the sudden inertia caught them offguard. Nobody... absolutely nobody would have, in their wildest imagination, thought this scene possible just ten minutes ago. However, ten minutes later it is definitely happening. Pleasant holidays for some turned into a horrible horrible nightmare. People began praying fervently to different names that they held in belief as their god. They prayed to wake up. They prayed for an end to this nightmare. It was extremely dream-like. Just like how settings change in an instant in dreams, it had done so just a few minutes ago.
The towering waves slammed against the coconut trees on the shore, ripping, and throwing them across a hundred metres mercilessly. I too began praying that my life be spared. The shadow of death was hanging over thousands of people around the beach. We knew it would claim many lives. It was selecting teasingly, taking its own time, looking down upon all the lives that were fighting desperately for survival, sadistically watching on. It could wait. It could definitely wait a while longer to amuse itself with the scenes of desperation and struggle.

The scene changed. I woke up without a shirt, on an island with(strangely enough) a few of my cousins. The sea seemed to have calmed down. We walked around the island untill suddenly we saw huge waves breaking out on other islands nearby. We quickly climbed up a four metre rock and clung on tightly as the gigantic killer waves approached. WHAM! It hit the rocks and almost washed us off. I held on tightly, hugging the rock for all i was worth as another two waves approached. The second wave took the person beside me. Her final few seconds were spent screaming in utter shock and helplessness. I was really petrified now. Would I be the next life it claims? Would my final few moments alive be spent screaming and crying out? Would I be robbed of the essence of life? These thoughts kept me clinging on, hugging the rock harder.

Those scenes suddenly vanished. I opened my eyes and saw sunlight bursting through my windows.I was laying on my bed. Never was I so glad to see sunlight. Those vivid images of death and desperation to live made me appreciate the birds singing outside and the trees swaying slightly in the wind. Life is really beautiful.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Chocolate Flavoured Milk

Disclaimer: This post contains material unsuitable for readers below the age of 18. The author in no way endorses these views. This movie is for private use only. It may not be shown,projected,displayed, played, streamed or photocopied? in public places.

Hello cheezels. yeap thats right, I called you guys cheezels. I mean you people I mean cheezels think that Im wrong to call people cheezels, but what if I was brought up with the idea of cheezels being people? Okay dont shoot me yet. I was kind of hungry so I decided to make myself a cheddar cheese toast and to bring out the taste, I poured myself a glass of 2 year old chocolate milk. The thing is, while I was pouring it, I looked at the milk carton and saw the words "Chocolate Flavoured Milk". Once my brain registered those words, I got the most shocking shock of my shocked up life. Hehehe... I never would have imagined that they actually just flavoured it. I meanits like its just normal white milk thats flavoured with chocolate that probably isnt even real. I always thought they just fed chocolates to cows and hence we get chocolate milk. How else do u explain those brown cows? To think that all of us misinformed consumers actually pay around seventy cents more for normal milk, that has a little chocolate flavour and brown cow fur inside? Gosh! Oh and that reminds me on the topic of cheese.We humans are just backstabbing bastards. I used to think cheese was just made from milk. However, recently to the dismay of many vegetarians and hindus and buddhists and other non-beef eating cheezels, it was revealed that they actually use the rennet from cows as a solidifier-ing thing. Dont you think its disgusting. heres a look.

Farmer: Goodmorning Daisy, Im here to collect your milk, which is actually intended for your baby, that was artificially conceived by poking a stick with sperms into you.

Farmer: Be a good girl and let me squeeze ure udders. Yes thats right moo for me.

Cow:(In cow language) Save me from this perverted farmer

Locked up Bull: Leave my wife alone you sick &%#@! How would you like it if I came to your bedroom every morning and squeezed ure wife's boobs?

Farmer: Okay, you dont have a single drop of milk left for your baby. Actually I feel kind of bad for impregnating you. I'll fix that.

*Farmer takes a spear and stabs her stomach several times and then puts his hand throught the hole.

Farmer: Oh and I'll be needing some of your intestines too. Nice doin business with you.

*Farmer leaves Daisy to die and goes to shave her brown husband for the Chocolate Flavoured Milk.

Hey, I feel kinda bad now for eating the cows intestines. Oh well it tasted great anyway.